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A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love

Chapter 3166
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Initially, Melissa pondered questioning Marcus about where he was taking them.

On second thought, she deemed it unnecessary.

Observing Matthew nestled against Marcus like a trusting kitten, Melissa's heart softened. She found herself mimicking Marcus’ tender gesture toward the child.

Handing her the car keys, Marcus asked, “Are you able to drive now?” Melissa nodded confidently, affirming, “I'l be fine!”

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Their eyes met fleetingly, and Melissa felt a flutter in her heart.

It was an emotion stronger than any physical touch. For the first time, she found herself yearning to lean on this man.

Time seemed to stop as Melissa fell in a trance.

Lost in thought, Melissa was roused only by Marcus’ gentle pat on her shoulder and his slightly hoarse voice. “Let's get going!” With Matthew in his arms, Marcus and Melissa walked side by side into the tranquil night.

Meanwhile, Thomas remained silent, watching the couple and the adorable boy walk away, his emotions mixed with a tinge of envy.

Recalling Marcus’ defense of Melissa, Thomas regretted not having fought for someone he loved in the past. Back then, he had underestimated her significance. Now, he realized he had probably made a big mistake.

As Thomas searched for a cigarette in his pocket, he remembered his promise to his wife to quit smoking. With a bitter smile, he ambled toward the car.

On the other side, Marcus settled into the backseat, holding Matthew in his arms.

It was the same Bentley.

As Melissa assumed the driver's seat, she glanced back at Matthew, now nestled contentedly in Marcus’ embrace. Seeing that the boy was growing calm, Melissa felt a wave of relief wash over her.

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Simultaneously, Marcus fixed his gaze on her.

“Let's head to the apartment near my company,” he suggested.

Without hesitation, Melissa nodded and started the engine.

Twenty minutes later, she parked in front of the building. Exiting the car, Melissa followed Marcus in silence. Matthew played with the water gun in Marcus’ arms, but his exhaustion was evident.

Melissa gently stroked his face.

Sensing her touch, Matthew stirred and softly called out to her. Melissa removed her coat and draped it over him, whispering, “Good night, little pumpkin”