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A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love

Chapter 3180
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She glanced back. Marcus flashed a charming smile.

Blushing, she turned away, joining Matthew. Oblivious to the tension between the adults, Matthew chattered away about the puppy.

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Marcus shut the door and hopped in.

As he buckled up, he suggested softly, “Let's go for a poodle.” But Melissa worried a poodle would be too big once grown.

Marcus showed Matthew a picture of a white, adorable poodle.

“Let's pick a girl. She'll be as lovely as your mom when she’s grown.” Marcus was a smooth talker. Matthew was sold on the picture-perfect poodle.

“I want her” Marcus glanced at Melissa and asked, “What do you think?” Bears Melissa seethed, refusing to engage with Marcus.

His tone softened. “Wouldn't it be nice to have her play with him? Or actually... How about another kid? I've been itching for a daughter” Matthew clung to Melissa, pleading, “I want a sister. Even Evelyn's got one” “Evelyn's got Daniel as her brother.

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“He's cute though” “No matter how cute he is, he's still a boy...

“Oh,” Matthew replied. His eyes shifted downwards, fixating on Melissa's belly, as if hoping a baby would pop out any second.

Melissa wished she'd stayed home instead of tagging along with the father and son.

With a slight grin, Marcus hit the gas and told Matthew, “You'll only get a little sister once your mom and | tie the knot officially.” Matthew was desperate for a sister. “Then hurry up and get married!” The car fell silent.

Melissa glanced out the window, avoiding the tension. Eventual, Marcus spoke softly. “Let's wait until your mom's on board with it” They pulled up at the pet store.