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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Chapter 488
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Chapter 488- A Powerful Gift


Cora wipes at her face with the palms of her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I just…I kind of flipped out.”

“The vision wasn’t bad,” I say, “I promise it wasn’t. And we get it – if you came out of the baptism ceremony looking

like you’d jumped into the pool? I’d have freaked out too!”

“Yeah, well,” she murmurs, glancing down at my stomach, “maybe I’ll just do that out of spite in six months, see

how you like it.”

I laugh then, the noise surprising me, and Cora’s face breaks into a tentative smile.

“There’s my girl,” Roger murmurs, lifting a hand to wipe at the last of her tears.

“I think we need to hear all of it,” Cora says, nodding to Sinclair and then to me. “Please. Just…maybe just for this

baby, our first.”

“Okay,” I whisper, nodding. And then Sinclair and I tell her all of it – of all the wonderful things we saw for Rafe as

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he grows up, and his happiness with his cousins. And then we tell of the darkness we saw, and the incredible way he

moved through it – of the challenge clearly laid out for him in his future.

“Wow,” Roger says, a little baffled as he looks down at his baby. “I have…I have no way of really comprehending

what any of that means,” he murmurs.

“It was difficult to know what we were seeing,” Sinclair replies, looking down at me for confirmation. I nod. “Then,

Ella got really pissed. That’s when she jumped into the pool.”

“What?!” Cora gasps.

I give a shrug. “I wasn’t going to let her end the vision there. So…we kind of got into a fight, and then she gave me

the last image – of Jesse old and happy, so that I’d go away.”

Cora bursts into laughter then, looking down at her little baby. “We chose the right godmother for you, baby,” she

sighs. “Always getting her money’s worth.”

“Damn straight,” I say looking up at Sinclair with a very clear told-you-so expression on my face. “Only the full

baptism experience for my baby nephew.”

“So, what do you think it means?” Roger asks, looking between us.

“I don’t know,” I reply, resting my hand on my chin and gazing at the baby, wondering about his very strange and

very interesting future. “He’s going to be very close with Rafe and with the new baby girl. And the way he handled a

dagger, and the way he was dressed – I think he’s going to be a warrior.”

“That fits,” Cora sighs, looking up at me with a little guilt in her eyes. “We saw Rafe was going to be a warrior too.

So, at least they’ll have each other.”

A little anxiety turns in me at that, but I just nod, tucking the information away. I mean, considering who his dad is? I

can’t say that I’m surprised. But I can think about how I feel about it another day.

“I think it’s more than that, though,” I murmur. “Something mom said

“Wait, what?” Sinclair says, breaking in and stepping away from me a little, looking down at me. “She spoke?”

“Oh yeah,” I say, giving a little apologetic laugh and a shrug. “I forgot you didn’t hear her. My bad.”

“Your bad!?” he says, appalled.

“Yes, my bad!” I return, rolling my eyes and brushing a hand through the air at him, dismissive. I turn my eyes back

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to Cora. “Mom said that Jesse’s mission will be his own and that she doesn’t know the outcome. But honestly, Cora,

he seemed…very capable. And very powerful.”

I look up at Sinclair, wondering if he felt the same. He sighs as he looks at me and then turns to nod to his brother

and my sister. “That was the impression that I got too. That whatever gift the Goddess gave to him… it’s a powerful


Cora and Roger are quiet for a long moment, shifting their gaze to their little boy. Sinclair and I sit quietly, letting

them process their thoughts.

“You know,” Roger says quietly, thoughtful. “If you’d asked me before he was born if I wanted him to have a weird,

cool, powerful gift, I’d have said hell yeah. But now that he’s here? And he’s so…tiny?” Roger takes a deep breath

that breaks my heart a little bit, shaking his head as he stares at his son. “I wish his gift was something stupid, like…

being really, really good at bowling. Or just being magically kickass at Scrabble.”

“He’s going to get that from me anyway,” Cora murmurs, smirking a little, and I bite my lip to see the humor

returning to these two. Because if they’re joking about it…I think it means that they’re strong enough to get

through it.

“The last thing mom said to me,” I say quietly, and Cora’s eyes flash up to me with a little bit of dread in them – like

she doesn’t want any more information tonight –