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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha

Chapter 495
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#Chapter 495 – People’s Princess Ella

The crowds go absolutely wild as we walk into the sunlight and a huge smile bursts onto my face. Honestly, it was a

little touch-and-go for a few months there, with the media continually debating if I was a good or a bad Queen after

the murder on the front steps. But I laid low, and continued doing my best, and things have continually turned

towards the people seeing that I only have their best interests at heart, and that I really do want to fight for the

little guy.

Plus, I don’t think it hurts that I’m the mother of a super adorable little Prince, and that I’ve just given our nation its

first Princess.

The crowd calls her name and I smile out at them, pleased and baffled about how they already know it. I look up at

Sinclair, confused, but he just shrugs and smiles down at me.

Together, my little family and I step forward to the edge of the terrace and I boost the baby a little in my arms so

that the crowd can see her. They go mad the moment their Princess’s face comes into sight, shouting that she’s

beautiful and how glad they are to meet her.

I can’t help but laugh, a few tears coming to my eyes as I see my entire nation feeling precisely the way I do about

my little girl. Just so, so thrilled that she’s finally here.

“And you thought Ariel wasn’t going to get as much as a fuss as Rafe,” Cora murmurs with a smirk, coming to my

side. The crowd shouts when they see Jesse come forward too – the Little Duke is also a favorite.

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“I know,” I laugh, turning to smile at my sister. “Poor Rafe got none of this.”

“But look at him now,” Cora says, leaning forward and pointing to my son. I turn to see my mate smiling down at

Rafe, who is actually waving out at the people. I burst into laughter, because it’s so very Rafe. He loves to wave and

say hello – he just has no idea that he’s saying hello to the thousands of people gathered on the streets.

Sinclair raise his hand and waves too, but I just smile and hold my baby close, peering down into her face. She

scrunches and frowns for a moment before opening her eyes just a little bit, turning towards the noise of her


I laugh in delight, because even though I know she can’t see anything, it looks for all things like she’s trying to look

and catch sight of them as much as they are of her. I hold her a little higher, murmuring into her ear all the things

she could see if her eye were a little bit more developed, but she just gives a little baby sigh and closes her eyes

again, pressing her face against me.

I grin but look up at my husband, because I know baby needs to get inside now. Her Princess duties are done and

she’s hungry and needs some sleep. Sinclair nods to me, leaning forward to kiss me on the forehead, and then we

give one last wave to the people before we turn inside.

“Come on, Roger,” Cora laughs, and I look over my shoulder to see her tugging him inside.

“No, this is fun,” he replies, his voice cheerful. “Give Jesse to me, we’re staying out – ”

“Ridiculous,” she sighs, but I can tell she thinks he’s funny. “Did you not get enough attention as a child?”

“Not nearly,” Roger sighs dramatically, “Dominic took it all from me when he was born it was very traumatic – ”

I grin and look up into Sinclair’s face in time to see him roll his eyes, but he doesn’t retort, and Henry just laughs

behind us.

“You got plenty of attention, Roger,” Henry sighs as we head back to our living quarters. “Your mother couldn’t get

enough of you – thought you were very funny.”

“Just like I can’t get enough of you,” I murmur to our sweet little Ariel, “Or you!” I say, reaching out to ruffle Rafe’s


“What about me?” Sinclair asks as we reach our door, smiling at me as he pushes it open.

“Oh, now that you’ve given me two children, I’m totally done with you,” I say, looking up at him with wide earnest

eyes, but not completely able to keep a straight face.

“Liar,” he laughs, tugging me close to his side with his free hand.

“All right, Ells,” Cora says, coming to my side and pressing a kiss to my cheek. “We’ll be just down the hall, yes? In

case you need me?”

“Thank you, Cora,” I say, stepping away from Sinclair’s side as he says goodnight to his brother and father. While I

don’t anticipate that I’ll need Cora tonight, it’s good to know I’ve got a doctor and a sister nearby.

She gives me an extra squeeze as I call goodbye to the rest of the Sinclairs and step into the room with my mate

and my children. My children. Plural! I laugh in wonder for the joy of it.

“Happy?” Sinclair asks, smiling at me as he presses the door shut.

“Ecstatic,” I sigh, grinning at him before looking to the kids. “But also exhausted. And busy. Do you think you can

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get Rafe down, or at least distracted, while I get ready to feed Ariel?”

My mate smiles at me, taking a step closer and cupping my chin in his hand. “Did you hear that?” he asks.

“What?” I ask, confused.

“You just said the most beautiful sentence in the world,” he laughs, shaking his head down at me. “Asking me to

take care of our son while you got ready to feed our daughter. Our family, Ella – not that it wasn’t before. But it’s

growing – which is what we’ve always wanted.”

“I know,” I coo, pressing closer to him and biting my lip as I look up into his gorgeous face, my eyes shining. ”

You’re right. It’s perfect.”

And my perfect mate smiles at me before dipping down and pressing a kiss to my mouth – so long that I sink into it,

losing myself a little. So long that Rafe squeaks in protest, giving Sinclair’s chest a playful smack because he’s


I burst into laughter again and pull away, murmuring my apologies to Rafe as I snatch the crown off his head. “So

sorry, prince,” I say, wrinkling my nose at him as he giggles and reaches for the little circlet. “But you’re going to

have to get used to sharing mommy and daddy.”

I move into the closet, pulling out a set of newborn pajamas and a sleep sack for Ariel, who I know is going to want

a snooze very soon. She gives a few little fussy cries now, clearly hungry and not yet knowing how to communicate

that desire down the bond.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!