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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 32
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Read Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Chapter 32 – Losing It AZURA.

“I meant in a fight.” I muttered.

He raised his eyebrow.

“That‘s what I meant.” He remarked. Wait no he… “Is your mind always in the gutter or do I simply get to


Of course, you do. You dmn annoying Rossi. “Don‘t get so full of yourself.” I scoffed. “Am I wrong?” “If I

want my mind to be in the dmn gutter, I have every right to keep it there. I don‘t need anyone‘s approval.”

I retorted, annoyed when he caged me between the worktop once more. “Even if it involves me?”

“Yes, because it‘s my mind, so whether I imagine you naked, or in a pair of neon pink boxers, that‘s my

mind, my choice.” 4 “Oh? So if I imagine you naked, that‘s totally ok?” “Why, do you?” I challenged. 1 He

didn‘t reply, his eyes trailing over me before they slowly flicked up to meet mine, and I knew I had gotten

my answer. I saw him swallow, his eyes darkening when they skimmed to my lips. My entire body was

reacting to his closeness. Even with the bond that was hanging by only a thread, only in need of a few

words from me to break, I could still feel the intense pull that came with it…

“You broke up with Nikki.” I blurted out.

Wow nice going, Azura. 2 His eyes snapped to mine, and I felt him tense slightly. He suddenly moved

back and turned his back on me.

“That‘s none of your concern.” His voice was hard, and I felt a pang of pain wash through me. So did he

blame me for that? “I came here to apologise and that‘s what I‘ll do.” His voice was low as he turned

back toward me, his gaze falling to my neck. “i’m sorry for marking you, and for rejecting you. I never

should have done either.”

Those words cut like a knife, but I did my best to hide the emotions that were threatening to drown me.

“Both?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

His eyes met mine and he nodded.

“Yeah, both. I was clouded by my anger, and I was fighting myself and so I‘m fking sorry for fking up your

life with what I did. I‘ve already begun working on tracking down this ex of yours and once I have… you

can return home.”

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“Got it.” I felt as if I had been thrown into a pool of icy water. “So, since you regret it all, i guess you regret

fking me too.” I spat feeling my anger rising. “No. Why should I regret that?” His arrogance made my

anger flare. Who the fk did he think he was?

I scoffed, closing the gap between us and shoving him, my heart was thundering and my head was

beginning to squeeze as pressure began building. I was losing control of my anger “Why not? Because

that didn‘t have any fking consequences?” I asked icily, glaring up at him. If only you fcking knew. I

wanted a reaction; I wanted him to lose his sht so I could lose mine. “Calm down.” His icy–calm reply

came. “Don‘t! Don‘t tell me to calm down. Do you know how I felt after being fked, marked, and then

rejected! My wolf is still weakened! I don‘t feel her as strongly as I used to! I was in so much pain that I

fainted and you left me! I gave you everything, yet you were ok to fk me even though you had a woman,

making me feel even worse!” 1 He wasn‘t reacting, not even stopping me from attacking him. I continued

to shove him, wanting to see him stumble. “Do you know how I felt when I had to beg someone to give

me a phone so I could call my brother! Do you know how it felt to see the rage in his eyes and begging

him not to fking find you because of who you were?!” His eyes flashed but he said nothing. “If you really

regret marking me, then go mark someone else so I can have this off me!” I screamed, shoving him. “At

least let me live my fking life without having this scr as a f*****g reminder of you!” Needing a way to

unleash my anger, 1 extracted my claws, ready to plunge them into my own neck and rip off his mark, but

before I could even dig my claws into myself, he had grabbed my hand, closing his large hand over mine

and turning me. Pulling my back against his chest, his other arm tight around my waist as I thrashed

around, my heart thundering. “Hush…” His voice was low, and even as I struggled against him, he

refused to let me go “Don‘t tell me to calm down!” I hissed, trying to elbow him, but unlike Emmet, he was

far stronger. “Listen to me Little She–Wolf… I only meant I didn‘t regret the rest of that night because it

was fking perfect. But marking you… like you said, I ruined your life and I know I did, I fking did… and I

regret the rejection because of the pain I put you through… I‘m sorry, I‘m fking sorry. I want to be a better

person than them, but I fked up too… I‘m no better. This has nothing to do with you.” I stilled in his arms.

You‘re wrong… it has everything to do with me… Nothing could break my spirit, but I was teetering on

the edge of despair… I don‘t know what I wanted… but earlier… when I knew he had broken up with

Nikki, 1 hadi subconsciously held hope… “It has everything to do with me… because of who I am, right?”

I said quietly. His face was so close to mine, pressed against the side of my head, and I felt … broken.

He remained silent for a moment. “You regret rejecting me because of the pain… but you still wouldn‘t

accept me, correct?” He stayed silent and I got my answer. I sighed, pulling free from his hold. This time

he let go of me and I turned, looking up at him blankly. “Just leave Leo. Your apology… isn‘t enough.

Give me back my life, take this pain away, and remove this mark from my neck, otherwise, you can fking

go to hell.” My voice was calm, yet it was laced with venom.

He didn‘t speak and I couldn‘t read his emotions. His gaze dipped to my neck for a second. Our eyes

met before he turned away without another word. He left the apartment. The door shut behind him with a

small snap that seemed to ring in the empty apartment. I turned away, gripping the worktop, my heart

thundering as I tried to control my emotions. Regretted marking me… 5


I walked over to the sofa and sat down slowly.

It was my own fault for even allowing myself to lose control of my emotions. I don‘t know how long it took

for me to calm down, but it was dark outside. I stayed sitting there glaring at the table. I unlocked the

phone he had given me, my hand shaking with uncontrollable rage as I found Dante‘s number.

‘I want the necklace,‘ 1

He came online immediately, and I stared at the phone, my heart raging. I saw the message change to

‘read‘ but instead of replying, his call was incoming.

I answered, raising the phone to my ear. “I want the necklace.” I repeated, my voice sounding menacing.

“Okay, my temperamental miracle.” I‘m no fking miracle. “You are. You sure are one of a kind.” He teased

in his deep, husky voice. “Don‘t try to get in my head, Dante. I’m not in the mood.” “I‘m not getting in your

head, I can‘t read minds, I just know what you would say. “I‘m angry, Dante. So angry.” I replied quietly. “I

know.” “Don‘t use that sht on me. I want to rip his mark off my neck, I want to leave from here and I want

to.” “I know but don‘t act on anger. Azura, we often say things that may not be perceived the way we

want them to be. Look deeper.” 1 I closed my eyes. “You understand me right? Dante… It hurts. He

makes me want to fking give up.” I whispered, tucking my legs up under my chin. “Since when can

anyone make the Westwood Devil do anything?”

“Easy for you to say.” I muttered. “You got this, besides he can‘t be so bad if he can get under your skin

like that.” “He‘s irritating and dmn annoying. Arrogant and so… well let‘s just say a typical Rossi.” I was

feeling calmer talking to someone. “Well, we are pretty irresistible.” I rolled my eyes and a pleasant

silence fell between us.

“So still not seeing anything about your future mate?” I asked.

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He let out a throaty chuckle.

“I don‘t know if I have one… you know how my wolf and I are… I don‘t know if the same rules


“I don’t think the Goddess will deprive her demi–god of a mate.” I said softly.

I felt sorry for Dante. He held so much on his shoulders… He often knew things to come, and I wondered

how much pain and sadness he has foreseen…

“Well, as long as she doesn‘t turn out as terrifying as you, I‘m all good.” He teased.

“So funny.” I smiled though. “Thanks for ringing Dante, I needed it.”

“Any time. I‘ll always be there for you.” 1 “Hey, I‘m older ok. You mean to say I‘ll be there for you.”

“Nope, I meant exactly what I said. Now go be a good girl and watch some TV, or have a bubble bath.

Whatever you girls do to calm down.” A bubble bath did sound good… “Yeah, well we aren‘t men who go

hitting things when angry…“. Didn‘t I just do that?

He let out a small knowing chuckle. “Whatever you say.” I thanked him before ending the call and

decided to have a bath and text the girls. I just needed

to calm down…

Two hours later I was so much more relaxed. The tub had a heating system, and the water never went

cold. I had some music on, and I felt so much more at ease. I even had a good chat with Sky and Kat,

sadly Song didn‘t answer, so it was just us three. 3

Wanting to feel good about myself I pulled on a pretty lingerie set. Honestly, I needed to thank whoever

chose this stuff, but the memory that it was paid for by Leo left a sour taste in my mouth, so I pushed the

thought aside.

I was just moisturising my legs when I thought I heard something. I tilted my head, lowering the music.

There I heard it again.

“Leo?” I asked, grabbing the bathrobe that I had tossed on the floor earlier, I put it on, leaving the

bedroom only to see none other than Emmet standing there looking beyond pissed. His aura was

swirling around him, and unmasked rage contorted his face.

“So, you went and fking snitched, and because of your fking misconception, Leo suspended me from my

position as Delta until further notice.” He growled. In a flash, he was in front of me, grabbing my throat‘as

he slammed me against the wall….

“Oh, and guess what? Leo‘s gone with his kid. He won‘t be home for a while. Who are you going to run

to now?“