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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 71
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71. You can Never be too Careful
“We are going to live with grandad forever?” Corrado asked excitedly as he struggled to hold his bags of plushies. Although he
was barely managing and the bags were dragging on the floor, he was content.
“We’ll see... the mansion’s a little outdated for my liking...” Leo replied.
“Oh Daddy, you can fix it then, then we stay with Grandad, because Grandad is all alone there. Right Azura Mommy?” He asked
I smiled, he still deviated between Mommy and Azura Mommy, although it was getting less frequent. Either way, they both made
my heart melt. “Right!” I smiled at him.
“You two are always on the same side, aren’t you?” Leo said as he came up from behind me and kissed my neck, his fingers
brushing my stomach. 2
My heart skipped a beat at his gesture, feeling the baby move. It was still small, and I knew he couldn’t feel it yet, but I had felt it.
I tilted my head up, looking into those icy blue eyes of his incredibly handsome face.
‘Your pup just moved; I think it can sense your touch.‘ I murmured through the link, as his lips pressed against mine.
‘I’m glad it does...‘ He murmured as sparks rushed through me, and only when Corrado giggled, did I move away, trying to calm
my beating heart. The way he wasn’t hiding his emotions from those sexy piercing eyes of his shook me every time.
“Yes Daddy, I be on Mommy’s side now.” He said hurrying over and dragging his bag. He looked up at me,
before looking down at my tummy. “Because Mommy needs to grow our little baby too.” He patted my stomach before placing a
kiss on it, making my heart beat faster, and I gave him a hug. He dropped his bags, and some of the plushies tumbled out as we
enjoyed our hug. Leo grabbed them, stuffing them back in the bags.
“You look cute holding a plushie. Wish I had a camera...” I teased, making Corrado laugh. We both earned a look from the
arrogant Alpha before we continued on our walk to the mansion. The essentials we needed had already been taken earlier. Leo

had told me to order myself more stuff, but I really wasn’t much of a shopper, although the band of my pants were beginning to
feel tight. Besides, I had so many things at home, I was going to have it all sent over to me too.
It was the day after the funerals, and I was going to Kareena’s later, Sera messaged, saying she had stayed in bed all morning,
not speaking or eating. I hoped she would get better soon... She was already weakening with despair...
Reaching the mansion, I raised my eyebrow at the huge pile of parcels that were piled near the front door. From the labels, I
could see they were all clothing brands.
“What are these?” I asked stepping over a few bags carefully, only for Leo to take hold of my elbow, making sure I didn’t slip on
the plastic.
Winona came hurrying over. “Sorry for this mess, I went a bit crazy shopping.” She apologised and gathered up a few bags, but
there was only so much she could carry in her slender arms.
“You do seem to like your shopping.” I replied amused, as Marcel came over and we both helped with the bags.
“At least she bought the stuff I told her to.” Leo said, taking his phone out. “They’re yours.”
My eyes widened in surprise as I looked at the bags and parcels. “I told you I didn’t need anything...”
“Let him spoil you.” Marcel smirked, passing the bags to someone else to take upstairs and taking the ones I and Winona were
carrying from us.
“Thank you.” She said, looking around as if to see what she could do, only to realise the bags were all picked up.
“Were all of these scanned when you picked them up from the depot?” Leo questioned Winona sharply, who nodded.
“Yes, Alpha.”
Seeing my questioning look, he frowned slightly.
‘Just making sure... I don’t trust anything right now.‘
I didn’t blame him, and it’s always a good thing to be cautious. My mood darkened when Judah returned to my mind... .

He was sick.
I wish I could turn back time and never ever have met him... 1
It was a short while later and Corrado was happily in his room with Winona. The bedroom was already made for him as he
visited and stayed over at Marcel’s sometimes, but he had been pretty enthusiastic to set up his new room. We were in Leo’s old
room, and I was looking around, although the place was dust–free it was obvious that nothing had been changed or moved

There were a lot of books on the shelves, and most were gibberish to me. Programming, analytics, and all that boring stuff. “You
really were a geek weren’t you...” I mused, crouching down as I took out one of the books, only to see so many notes that my
head began hurting.
Whoever said you can’t get a headache from just staring at a textbook, was lying; you really can!
I shoved the book back and scrunched my nose in disdain, making him raise his eyebrow. “Studying hard doesn’t make a person
a geek.” He remarked from where he was flipping through some papers, a sexy frown on his face.
“Kinda does.” I retorted, thinking it was unfair to have such sexy looks, brains, and personality ... “I dislike studying... I mean, I
tried, and did ok but I didn’t enjoy it. Kat’s the smart one out of us, Sky has brains and doesn’t even have to study to get straight
A’s. You damn Rossis.” Leo smirked. “I can smell jealousy.” He mocked me as I stood up and pulled out another book.
“I‘m not jealous, but it is annoying..., especially you... It should be illegal to have looks, brains, and the full works. Although, I‘m
glad you do have a big dick, that puts even my biggest dildo to shame. A girl won‘t complain... and that ladder... Oo wait so you
haven‘t really been in this room for a while. I bet I‘ll find a pile of porn somewhere.” 2
I yelped when he slapped my ass, I didn‘t even realise when he had come over.
“Tell me, does the string of dick compliments mean you want something? Stop wriggling that ass of yours in front of me, before I
decide to fuck you till we pass out.” He growled in my ear, his arms wrapping around me. “As for porn... you won‘t find any
around here... but I could make you my pornstar if you like, I wouldn‘t mind a show.” 1 Smirking, I leaned into him. “Hmm... you
know I can pole dance.” I responded seductively, pressing my ass against him as I grinded against him, feeling him harden. 1
“Oh yeah?” His voice was rough, his hand slipping under my top as he grabbed my breasts making a wanton moan escape my
lips. “When do I get my personal show?”

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Fuck... He kissed my neck sucking hard and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out with the pleasure that consumed
me. “Maybe someday. Depends on how good your behaviour is.” I murmured back, his hand now slipping into the band of my
pants. “Leo...”
I gripped the shelf in front of me as his fingers massaged my pussy, making me whimper as shooting pleasure coursed through
me, only for his phone to ring. He growled. “Ignore it.” I frowned. If he left me now...
His lips pressed against my mark, ‘It‘s probably important... I‘m expecting a few calls. Just make sure you don‘t make a sound...‘
Before I could even answer, he let go of my breast and took his phone out of his pocket. “It‘s Alejandro.” He muttered, I was
about to speak when his finger twirled on my clit making me moan. “Better keep it down baby girl.”
My heart skipped a beat when he actually took the call at the same time, and he plunged his fingers into me... 1
I swore in my head when my finger squeezed into her, she was soaking for me and the way her body was reacting was a total
turn–on. “Yeah?” I said taking the call, her heart was racing as she gripped the shelf in front of her.‘ Take your pants and thong
off now.‘ I commanded, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder. Like a good girl, she obeyed. I watched her slide the
tiny fabric down between her ass, wanting to bend her over and fuck her hard. The moment she had discarded them, I snaked
my arm around her waist and pulled her to the bed, sitting down with her on my lap. ‘Leo... are you really going to – She was cut
off when I began working my fingers inside of her.
“I checked the documents you sent over... I‘m sorry for your losses... In the slowed–down footage that you sent this morning...
Did you see the smoke?” Alejandro asked.
I frowned remembering the video that I had enhanced and slowed. I had seen it too... and
although it had been hard to see them getting killed when I had put it in complete slow motion, I had seen the smoke that
seemed to follow Judah...
“I did.” I replied, pumping my fingers into her as she rested her head back on my shoulder, biting down on her lip as she tried not
to scream out in pleasure. It was a fucking mission to focus on the conversation, my mind a mix between the anger and hatred
for the bastard, and the woman who was wrapped around my fingers like the dirty little girl she was. “Any ideas what he is?”
He sighed in frustration, “No, I’ve sent it over to the coven and Delsanra to see if they can come up with anything. The reason I
called... I wanted you to speak to the council yourself.”

I frowned making Azura grip my thigh as I fucked her harder, my eyes on her pussy. Her heart was pounding, and her juices
were trickling out of her, I was taking it slow, knowing if I sped up, the slick sound of her juices would reach Alejandro through the
phone. “I’m not speaking to the council. I still don’t like them and do not plan to be a part of it.”
She sighed as I slipped my fingers out, playing with her clit as her body tensed, she spread her legs wider, her face an image of

pure bliss. Fuck did she look fucking good...
“At least come and see it first–hand... It’s not a dictatorship Leo but a united front to protect our people together. Give them a
chance, with your insight I’m sure we can have a good plan. You’re a smart fucker, plus your future father–in–law will probably
want to see you.”
‘H–he’s not wrong...‘ Azura’s breathless moan came into my head.
Right now I wanted to hear her screams of pleasure... Although there was something fun about watching her struggling to not
make a sound too... I plunged my fingers into her again, exhaling. “Fine, but I’m not leaving the pack to come to yours, we’ll
have a meeting over a video call. Deal?”
“Deal.” Alejandro’s approval was obvious in his tone. “Tomorrow at ten am then.”
“Fine.” I said hanging up and tossing the phone onto the bed. She gasped in relief the moment the phone was switched off, and I
grabbed her breast and began fucking her hard with my fingers.
She moaned loudly as her juices squirted out of her, “Fuck Leo... I’m coming!” She gasped, her back arching as I felt her
tightening around my fingers. The moment I felt her entire body tense, her walls clamping down on me, I sank my canines into
her mark, re–marking her. Pleasure rushed through me and an intense current that felt like a mini orgasm.
A delicious moan left her lips as her release tore through her. I kept fucking her until she had ridden it out before slipping my
fingers out and shoving them into her mouth.
‘Fuck...‘ She moaned as she licked them clean, whimpering as I twisted her nipple. Tugging her head back, I kissed her hard,
tasting her in her mouth as she twisted in my arms, pushing me back onto the bed and climbing on top of me. Reaching down I
yanked her top off over her head, tossing it to the ground just as she pulled my top off, our lips meeting in a hungry kiss
once more...

After that hot sex session, Azura had showered and left to spend some time with Kareena, having gotten back a short while ago.
Night had already fallen, and I could tell she was tired, emotionally. I had spent the day trying to come up with a plan to trap
Judah. I had stopped by
the graveyard too...
I still couldn’t believe they were gone...
I didn’t blame her, spending the day with someone who had lost their mate, seeing their despair...would exhaust anyone. I would
never wish it on anyone.
We had just finished dinner and Winona had gone to put Corrado to bed, the excitement of the day had worn him out.
Sitting here, I was sure this was the first dinner in a long time that there wasn’t tension between me and Dad... no... it definitely
was the first in years...
“Alejandro called a little earlier regarding the meeting tomorrow.”
Picking up my coffee mug I raised an eyebrow. “Do you two like gossip over shit every minute of the fucking day?”
He smirked, “Not every minute but we do stay in touch. He did say you’ll stick to a video conference.”
I nodded. “Yeah, after what happened, I am not leaving this pack unattended unless I absolutely fucking need to.”
“You’re being careful, but it makes sense.” Azura said, resting her head on my shoulder. “The doctor stopped by to see Kareena
earlier... She gave me some vitamins too.”
I frowned. “Vitamins? Have you eaten any?” 2
She raised an eyebrow and looked up at me. “Not yet, but they are just vitamins?”
“I guess it’s hard not to be paranoid.” Dad chuckled as Azura shook her head.
Maybe I was being too paranoid... But you really can’t be too careful... not when the likes of Emmet do exist... “Where are the
vitamins?” I asked, making a tense silence fall over the table.
“I’ll go grab them.” She said, but it was obvious she was thinking I was overdoing it.

“Leo...” I looked up at him sharply, Azura’s footsteps fading away as she left the room. “Are you alright son?”
“I’m not going to lie that I’m not on edge... until he’s caught, I’m not lowering my guard.” I stood up, my anger and hatred toward
Judah only growing.
Dad sighed heavily, “I agree...he is a monster of some sort... he took on so many of our warriors and still escaped...”
“Yeah, and I plan to fucking kill him, once and for all. I don’t even know what she even saw in the bastard.” a
I turned to leave, only to see Azura standing there, an expression of hurt in her eyes as she held a few bottles of multivitamins in
her hands.
She shook her head, holding the bottles out to me as she looked away. But it was the guilt and hurt in them that fucking tore me
Fuck I didn’t mean it like that. 2
“Goodnight Marcel.” She said with a small smile before she turned and walked off.