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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 74
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73. A Little bit of Kinky Fun
My mind was suddenly blank as I stared at her walking past me, her ass had that sexy bounce to it, and the way she was struttin
g it across the kitchen fucking messed with me...
Her long legs, which I’ve always fucking loved, looked so fucking sizzling hot in those fishnets that I was already hard. She didn’t
even spare me a glance as she murmured something I didn’t even hear.
She reached for the cabinet handle, her ass sticking out sexily, and it was obvious she fucking knew what she was doing to
A growl escaped my lips as I closed the
gap between us, grabbing her elbow, I spun her around to face me, making her
The moment those sexy
eyes met mine, I tangled my hand into her lush locks, yanking her head back and claiming her lips in a bruising kiss. She instantl
y locked her arms around my neck, kissing me back with equal passion.
Our lips were moulded together, as I ravished her mouth, never were these lips ever fucking enough. One fucking taste and you j
ust wanted more...
Oh yeah...
Fuck she tasted so good...
She moaned, and the scent of her arousal reached my nose, making me groan.
With one hand still in her hair, I ran the other one down her back, massaging her thigh. Slipping my hand under her tiny dress
I squeezed her ass and moved back to admire her. She smirked, resting her elbows on the counter as she looked at me with her .

eyes full of lust.
“I guess you like my outfit.” She whispered, parting her legs sensually.
“I fucking love how the woman in it looks, “I growled, turning her and pushing her down as she gripped hold of the worktop.
My eyes blazed when I saw the tiny thong under that mini dress, if you could even call it that. I squeezed her
ass, wanting to fuck her right now, a tiny part of me told me we were in an open kitchen with two entrances, but it was only a tiny
part in comparison to the haze of lust and
hunger I felt for her.
“Fuck, Leo.” She moaned the moment I massaged her pussy. She responded to my touch like a good little girl,
wriggling her ass as she moaned softly. I
grabbed the fishnet and tore a hole in them that looked even fucking hotter. “Wait what are you-”
“Giving you a punishment for teasing me.
I growled, grabbing her neck as I pulled
her up and claimed her lips in a bruising kiss. My other hand made quick work of my zipper, pushing aside my boxers, I pulled m
y dick out and rubbed it against
her ass.
Oh fuck.
Pleasure rushed through me, and I could feel her panic and excitement through the bond, panic that we were in
the kitchen and excitement that we were doing this in a semi–public place.
“You’re my dirty little girl.” I growled, rubbing my cock against her pussy.
“Then fuck your dirty little girl now.” She moaned breathlessly rubbing her ass against my cock. I pushed her thongs aside and sl
ammed into her with one rough thrust, making her cry out. She gripped the counter tighter, and I grabbed hold of her hips, No
matter how hard I wanted to fuck her, I had to be careful of our baby.
“Better keep it down Baby girl, unless you want the entire fucking mansion to hear.” I whispered huskily as I fucked her. She whi
mpered an incoherent reply, as she

tried to muffle her sexy moans. My eyes
were fixed on her ass, watching my dick slide in and out of that pussy, the way her
skin slapped against me.
Suddenly the kitchen door opened, my eyes flashed as Azura screamed, and although she tried to move, I refused to
let her go.
“Out!” I growled, knowing that I was covering her, and nothing could be seen, but it was pretty fucking obvious what we
were doing.

A yelp and a slamming door were heard,
and Azura turned and stared at me over
her shoulder, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Not a sight you see often.
“Oh my goddess, Leo we- Aah!” She gasped when I began pounding her again,
she clutched the counter, and it didn’t take long for her to no longer care about who walked in on us as pleasure
consumed her once more.
We continued fucking, and soon she was on the brink of release, I sped up, finding my own release at the same time as hers. Sh
e let out a loud moan of pleasure as I kissed her neck to muffle my own groan –
pulling her shaky body up against me. Our hearts were racing as we caught our breath, the smell of sex hung in the air, and that
satisfaction after a good fuck
made me smirk.
She was fucking perfect...
I flicked her ear, kissing her just below it sensually. After a few
moments of catching our breath back, I reached for the dish towel on the counter and wiped
between her legs as I pulled out. 2

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She whimpered, holding onto my arm
with one hand as she reached down,
taking the towel from me and wiping
herself. I peppered soft kisses along her
neck, enjoying the feel of her skin
beneath my lips.
Beyond heavenly...
I inhaled her scent deeply, satisfied at the fact that my scent lingered on her.
“Who came in?” She whispered, scanning the floor just in case
there was anything on the floor. Although I think the smell of sex in here would be enough to tell anyone what we did in here.
I shrugged, slipping my dick back into my pants. “I think it was Winona.” I replied as she went to the sink and dampened a corner
of the towel while wiping her legs.
“Oh flip, the poor woman!” She exclaimed, tossing the tea towel in the bin.
I smirked, “Don’t worry she didn’t see anything. It’s her fault for coming in.”
A devilish smirk crossed her lips, and she
locked her arms around my neck. “Mmm, maybe she just got all hot and bothered and needs to find a man because
that was absolutely fucking hot.” She whispered seductively, reaching up and nibbling on the lobe of my ear, sending a ripple of p
leasure through me before she pulled away. “Shall we go clean up?”
“Sounds like a fucking plan.” I replied, kissing her lips once more. “Shame I ruined the tights...”
“Oh I have another pair upstairs and I plan to buy many more.” She replied with a toss of her hair as she led the way to the door.
I followed, appreciating the view, my thumb to my lips as I admired her sexy derriere.
Was there anything this girl was lacking?

Na, nothing.
It was a while later and we were in the
lounge, the house was empty which I was
fucking grateful for, and I was just going through some
old books to try to see if we could figure anything out about what Judah could be.
Alejandro had set a meeting for the evening, but he had been the one to send these books over. Several of us, including the witc
hes and others were also trying to go through other books for answers in the hope that we found out what exactly the
bastard was.
Azura was helping with some tasks I had set her, her legs in my lap, and those tights that she replaced
the torn ones with, were fucking distracting.
I put the second book down, there was nothing so far. Sighing in frustration, I took out a cigarette and lit it. She looked at me whil
e biting on the end of her pen. ” What’s wrong?”
“I just hate when I don’t know shit.” I replied, taking the pen from her and marking a cross on her thigh between the
gaps in her net. She smirked slightly, taking it back and made a circle in the next box and handed the pen back to me.
“We’ll find the answers, there’s plenty of us trying to figure this out.” She said, as I made another cross slowly.
Our eyes met, and I heard her heart race as she slowly took the pen and made a second circle.
“You just...”

The door opened, only for Dad to stop in his tracks and cover his eyes. “Is it safe to enter?” 3
I gave him a cold glare before taking the pen and making the third X before drawing a line through it. “I win.”
“No... I’ve already won.” She whispered, making Dad chuckle.
“Ah the love here... you know I’ve never seen Winona run faster than she did earlier, she didn’t even apologise for

barreling into me.” He smirked, and I
didn’t miss how Azura’s cheeks heated
“That’s why I prefer living alone. You
could have warned her not to enter.” I
responded pointedly.
“Hey, I’m not complaining besides I didn’t realise she was back.” Dad replied,
raising his hand in surrender. “Anyway, I won’t disturb you lot for long. I was thinking about holding the passage of the Alpha title
this coming full moon.”
“That’s literally a week away... we have a
lot of shit going on without having a ceremony to deal with.” I replied.
“I know but we need to do this, Azura can
also take the Luna title and be initiated
into the pack too.‘
Alpha and Luna...
I looked into her blue eyes and seeing no hesitation, I nodded.
“Fine. Are you cool with that baby girl?” I smirked seeing how she reacted to me.
“Sure... That’s going to be one eventful night...” She murmured and I knew she
meant the healing...
‘No pressure even if we don’t get that shit sorted. I won’t die that fast.‘

‘We are going to heal you.‘ She replied firmly before turning to Dad. “Sounds like a plan, if you need me to do anything
I’m happy to help.”
“Thank you Azura, you will make a good Luna.” He said, making her smile before
he left the room.
I knew she had doubts about it, how she
didn’t feel she’ll do a good job, guess she
doesn’t fucking realise she was born to do it and she’ll deliver. Not every Luna is the
same and Azura would be the perfect
Luna for me and this pack.
rest.” I said quietly leaning over and kissing her lips softly, she placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me back before I moved
“I like the slight stubble, you suit it.
I guess I was far too busy to keep on top of shaving, and a lot of shit has been going
“Good.” I replied as she gave me a wink and returned to her file.
I knew what happened between her and Nikki yesterday, Jax had told me earlier but said not to mention it to Azura. She had
handled herself well, but Nikki did deserve a punishment, so I had put her on house arrest with someone watching her constantly.
I didn’t trust her. Not around Azura or
even anywhere near her.
If Emmet could betray me, so could Nikki,
and she didn’t keep her hatred for Azura
a secret.

I was certain she was the one who had spread the fact that Judah was Azura’s ex to the pack, but how did she even fucking find o
That was a question I didn’t know the answer to yet.
As for the vitamins given to Azura, they were perfectly fine, but I had still tossed them out and made Dan go and get some more fo
I traced circles on her thigh, there was something vital I needed to do before then and before this meeting, and that was to make a
It was a short while later when Corrado returned, and after spending a short while with him, I got the chance to leave and head up
to get this shit over with...
I sat on the bed, smoking a cigarette, as I
hit call on a number I had saved not so
long ago. After a few rings, it was
“Hello?” Came the deep voice.
I was actually fucking doing this...
Exhaling silently, I answered; “Elijah. It’s Leo.” 8