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Even After Death Novel (Olivia)

Chapter 1640
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Leia had a cold face, but her hands did not stop moving.

Jacqueline said, "You must want to kill me, right? I've played all of you around, but you just can't kill me. Not only that, you have to serve me." "Bang!" Leia pushed Jacqueline into the water fiercely, and Jacqueline's head was pressed down by her.

Jacqueline's two hands took advantage of the edge of the bathtub and tried to struggle out, but Leia didn't give her the chance at all.

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Leia was a typical, ruthless person who didn't talk much. She waited until she was almost done before grabbing Jacqueline's hair and pulling her up.

Jacqueline had just taken a few breaths of fresh air when Leia pressed her down fiercely again.

After repeating this several times, Leia pulled her hair and said word by word, "I can't kill you, but I have plenty of strength and means. Do you want to try them all?" Leia's upper body was already wet. Leia pulled Jacqueline's hair with great force, almost pulling her scalp up. Under the violent pulling, Leia's mouth curled up with a strange smile.

At this moment, Olivia, who had been in a coma, opened her eyes without warning.

Ethan cforward excitedly and said, “Liv, are you okay? You..." Olivia reacted greatly and grabbed the edge of the bed and retched, but she couldn't vomit anything.

She pinched her neck with both hands and seemed to be in great pain.

"Madam Wendy, cand see what happened to Liv!" Ethan saw her painful expression, and he didn't know witchcraft, so he didn't dare to touch Olivia. Wendy cin, stretched out her hand to stop Ethan, and asked, "What did you do to her?" "Liv was like this as soon as she opened her eyes. I didn't do anything." "Something's wrong. It's not hers. It must be Jacqueline." Wendy looked at Ethan with a serious face and said, "You watch Liv carefully and don't let her do anything stupid." "Yes." Ethan stretched out his hand and wanted to hug Olivia in his arms. Olivia was sweating profusely. The room temperature was suitable, but she looked like she was fished out of the water.

After a moment of calming down, Olivia's emotions slowly calmed down.

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Ethan approached her cautiously. "Liv, are you okay?" Olivia grabbed Ethan's hand. She had just sweated, and her hands were full of sweat. Ethan didn't mind. Instead, he held her hands with both hands to give her warmth.

Olivia calmed down for a moment before speaking. "I just felt like I fell V kel m into the water. It's very strange. There is obviously no water, but the feeling of suffocation is too real, as if I experienced it myself." When she spoke, Ethan clearly felt that Olivia's voice was hoarse.

"Water? Where did the water cfrom? Was it a dream?" Seeing that she was feeling better, Ethan sat down beside the bed and hugged her gently.

Olivia still had a panicked look on her face. She waved her hands at Ethan and said, “No, no, that feeling was just like when I fell into the sea m I before, and water poured in from all directions, flowing into my eyes, nose, and ears. But the water seemed to be hot, and it was like someone was holding my head in the water. It didn't seem fake, but rather like something I had really experienced." Olivia's face was filled with fear. “Ethan, what's wrong with me? What happened? Why did I go back to the small village?"

Ethan also vaguely felt that something was wrong and that it was related to the water. Could it be related to Jacqueline? Wasn't she taking a bath? Ethan said, "Liv, you've been poisoned."