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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 213
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Chapter 81

As I calm down, I feel the women back away, still staying close by.

I turn slightly in Cora's arms to see what is happening. The beautiful blonde hair woman is standing the

closest, beaming at me. On the surface, the gesture seems genuine but everything else about her

screams of false presences.

'Hello lokaste, I'm Katherine, your oldest sister, and Luna of the Manae. It's a pleasure to meet you

again," she says to me. All I can think of is how odd of a way to introduce yourself to someone. I look

at her carefully. She smiles slightly and reaches out to brush my bangs out of my face. It is meant to

be a caring movement, but instinctively I feel myself flinch.

She seems to ignore my tiny movement, but I can see a minute change in her eyes as she notices. I

don't know what to make of it. It almost feels like she was pleased to see me react that way, but she

doesn't want to let it show.

’Please, call me Kas and it's nice to meet you too," I pull myself from Cora’s arms and collect myself

before shaking Katherine’s hand, trying to be cordial. There is an uncomfortable energy coming from

her as our hands connect.

"Katherine fears you, Kas. Can't you feel it? Don't let her intimate you. Be confident. Pretend you're

me. Maybe we can earn her trust," Lex says quickly. Her words come out so fast, I almost can't catch

them. 2

"Yeah, something is definitely off about her, but she wouldn't try to hurt me here in front of all these

people, would she? We’re in the human world.

Even if we weren't, we have 2 guards and a witch with US."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"No, I don't think she would try anything here. Let's get to know everyone else. That will help US figure

out who we can or can't trust," there is the slightest of snarls in Lex's voice as she becomes more

protective of me.

I feel myself pushing her back, trying my best not to let her influence my feelings toward my newly

found siblings. Katherine steps back and the rest of the women start to introduce themselves. They are

all so warm and inviting and happy to meet me. I notice Cora stands close to me the whole time. It's

almost as if she is just as protective of me as Lex is.

Before I realize it, we are all chit chatting and getting to know each other better. The atmosphere is upbeat and

friendly, but Cora still stands close to me.

Marco mind links me, "Kas, you okay with Persephone hanging that close or you want me to ask her to move


"I'm fine, Marco. She seems like she wants to protect me, but please monitor Katherine. Something's not quite right


"Got it, Luna. I'll let Tyree know. Just give the word if you want US to step in," he confirms. Out of the corner of my

eye, I see him and Tyree adjust their position.

The curator interrupts to let US know there are refreshments set up further in the atrium. Cora takes my hand and

gives it a gentle squeeze before she leads me down the path where the staff has set up chairs and little tables for

us to sit and relax.

I watch as a carefully orchestrated hierarchy unfolds amongst my sisters, with the leaders sitting closer to me and

the younger women sitting further away. Now that we are sitting, I notice how miserable Tessa looks. I look around

at everyone else who doesn’t seem to notice. I internally wrestle with the fact that she kidnapped me and wanting

to help take her pain away. Ultimately, the compassionate side of me wins.

'Tessa, are you alright?" I ask, leaning forward and taking her hand.

She looks at our joined hands, then up at me. Tears fall from her already watery eyes, "l-l can't...l'm sorry...!”

'Tessa, please, let me help you. Let me take some of this pain away. You don't have to suffer like this," I glance at

Amari, who could have easily helped Tessa with whatever the problem is.

"I don't want your damn manipulation, Kas. There's only one way for you to fix this," Tessa growls at me. She

quickly stands and rushes down the path, away from us. She is crying so hard that she can't hide her sobs. Two of

the women with black hair and green eyes stand up and rush after her.

Now I know the difference between her and Lenora. Lenora would never cry or run away.

"I'm sorry, Kas. The death of her mate is still too fresh. She's having a really tough time dealing with it this time,"

Amari shakes her head as she looks down the pathway.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I am also glad she didn’t have to see what happened to him," I confide.

Amari and Katherine nod and sigh in agreement.

"Cora, didn’t your mate die too?" I look at her curiously. She seems much more stoic than Tessa when she has been

through the same thing.

"It is because of the Agrios. Our emotions hide to protect US. You are the same,” she explains cryptically.

"What Cora means to say is, her group is called Agrios. In English, it translates to the Feral," Katherine steps in,

'They live most of their lives as wolves in the wild. They have to hide their emotions to survive. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah, it sure does," I look at Cora and smile slightly. This is an ability that I get from her. It has saved me so many

times throughout my life.

"Tessa’s group is Frouros. The Sentinel. They were a gift to Mother from the God of War, Aries. He gifted mother

their ability of strength and structure to protect US. So, when things don't go according to plan, Tessa kind

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of...well..." Kathrine gestures down the path Tessa ran down, "But I assure you, the only other person I would trust

with my life is my mate Dante." 2

I look down the path, thinking about Tessa’s physical appearance. Why does she look so much like

Lenora and Bronx?

Lex interrupts my thoughts, "Careful Kas, they don't know that you know about the Titan Perses and

the Guardians."

"Oh right. Thanks."

"So, are the Guardians also a gift from the God Aries as well? Because that would be kinda...weird for

Tessa and her mate to have been gifts from the same God."

Amari chuckles, "No, darling. The Titan God Perses provided his services for the Guardians. Aries had

made the Sentinel in the image of Perses as a show of respect. Perses was conceited and made the

Guardians' physical appearance the same as his as well."

"Oh, I see. Why do you think Bronx's sister, Lenora, looks so much like them?" I wonder out loud.

'Who knows? The ways of the Gods are sometimes mysterious. My guess would be some of Perses's

essence was left over after he was born, so it affected Lenora," Katherine says. She rolls her lip with

her fingers as she looks up in contemplation.

I sit for a moment in silence, building the courage to ask what I really want to know.

"I-I have another question,” I say quietly.

"Of course, darling. That’s why we're here," Katherine’s voice is thick with fake sweetness.

I look her straight in the eye, not letting myself waver. I can see her struggling to control her wolf as I

stare her down.

'Why did you kidnap me?”