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Guardian-In-Law by Five Generals

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 No Longer Called Gold Tooth

“You knew?”

Agnes looked at Kaze.

“Mom, Ren made a love confession to Darcy yesterday afternoon, but Darcy rejected him. After I

discovered what happened to you later at night, I knew Ren approached you just to get closer to


Kaze felt relieved now that the misunderstanding had been cleared.

“Kaze, you’re so smart!” Darcy praised him.

She felt aggrieved when her mother blamed Kaze for everything. Now that Kaze had done something

commendable, she wanted him to receive the credit. This way, her mother would take her husband

seriously and not dismiss him as a boastful and useless man.

“It’s just quick wit, it’s nothing special.”

Agnes glared at Kaze coldly and said, “Kaze, how could you be such a coward? You knew the truth but

didn’t expose that bastard! You just stood there and watched your wife suffer.”

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Darcy found Agnes’ words to be inappropriate. “Mom, it was you who sided with Ren and made me do

it, Kaze had nothing to do with this.”

Agnes was left embarrassed by her daughter’s retort and continued to argue with unreasonable

excuses. “I was deceived. He knew everything but he kept quiet! I think because I slapped him

yesterday, he wanted to see me embarrass myself, that’s why he didn’t speak up. What a petty


Kaze was speechless. He wanted Agnes to finish the party on a good. note and even satisfy her vanity

in front of her friends, so he chose to resolve the matter after the party. Little did he know that she took




“Don’t just stand there, let’s go home.”

Agues went over to Hector and wheeled him out of the hall. She had to shift the blame onto Kaze

because as his mother-in-law, her pride prevented her from apologizing to him.

“Let’s go Kaze. Don’t mind her, she’s always like that. Come with me to the site, we are not going

home. You’ll have to deal with her if you go back,” Darcy said, feeling slightly ashamed.

Kaze received a text from Snow.

“Mr. Chairman, Jack Joestar called me and wanted to give you Lily Garden Hotel as a token of


Jack was sensible at least.

If he simply assumed that apologizing together with his son would earn him forgiveness, then he would

be full of himself.

“Alright. Put this hotel under an independent account. For my wife and her family.”

At the same time in another hotel near Lily Garden Hotel, a mob of gangster bosses from all over the

city gathered at a banquet hall while being escorted by more than a hundred of their men.

“Gold Tooth, I thought you got the Ocean Hall at Lily Garden, so why change the location at the last

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minute? I had to make a detour.”

The tallest man of them all voiced his displeasure when he saw Gold


His name was Dan Niner, the boss of a new and rising gang in Lilyrose City, and also one of the

strongest among the gang bosses. His status and strength gave him the confidence to disrespect an


“Everyone, I don’t think you should call me Gold Tooth anymore. My teeth are extracted…”

All the other gang bosses were in shock when they saw the gap in his teeth.

They knew the gold teeth were Gold Tooth’s signature.

“Mr. Gold Tooth, you are our senior, who dares to extract your golden teeth? I didn’t hear of any up-

and-rising gangs lately,” one of the bosses asked.

Even Dan, who considered himself the strongest, expressed his awe.” This person is more threatening

than me. Too bad, I should have been the one, but someone beat me to it.”

Gold Tooth grunted. He knew Dan had always been ambitious and wanted to challenge his place.

“I’ll be honest with you guys. It’s Master Lee who made me do it but he’s not a gangster. Don’t

underestimate him. He’s someone even I could not afford to offend.”