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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 48
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Chapter 0048

Susanne was at a loss for words.

What was this man saying? She had not done anything wrong!

“Stop pretending!” Cindy glared at Susanne and examined her from head to toe.

With her dry, wrinkled skin and tattered clothes. Susanne looked like a cleaning lady.

How could someone like that end up with a Centurion card?

“Tell the truth! Where did you steal this card from?” Cindy pointed her finger at Susanne, her voice loud

and furious.

Susanne was utterly shocked, her face filled with humiliation. No matter how tough her life had been,

every penny she had was hard- earned. She could not comprehend why they would associate her with

being a thief.

“Y–You’re talking nonsense!” Susanne stared at the Centurion card, her voice trembling as she

defended herself. “That’s my daughter’s!”

“What a joke! You’ve been caught, yet you still dared to argue? Let’s see if you’re still as brave when

the police arrive!” Cindy sneered, realizing that if this situation was not handled properly, the whole

bank could be in jeopardy. She would be the first to face disciplinary action, too.

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“I can’t believe even the elderly would resort to such tricks!” Cindy’s mocking tone was like a whip

coated with salt, painfully stinging Susanne’s pride.

Susanne could not bear it any longer, and she lunged at Cindy like a madwoman. “Take that back!”

The security guard slapped Susanne and shouted at her, “Do you have a death wish? Behave!”

A bright red handprint instantly appeared on Susanne’s face, adding to the insult already done to her

fragile self–esteem.

Susanne trembled, frightened and desperate. For the first time in her long life, she had been unjustly

accused and humiliated. She no longer wanted to live; she just wanted to take on these bastards in

front of her.

“Let go of me! I’ll fight you!” Susanne frantically struggled and howled, ready to take on the security


However, the security guards were strong. One of them forcefully shoved Susanne back onto the sofa,

and her forehead struck the sharp corner of the coffee table. Soon, blood began to flow from the open


“How dare you! Tie her up!” Jamie slammed his desk, yelling.

The two guards quickly found nylon rope and secured Susanne to the table leg.

Susanne was powerless to resist, and she could not help but wail, “Why are you falsely accusing me?

What’s going on?!”

“Why, you ask?” sneered Cindy, who was filing her nails nearby. She scoffed. “You’ve turned the whole

bank upside down, and now you’re crying foul? Are you even aware of what this card is? It’s a

Centurion card, which needs a minimum of 150 million in savings! How could a poor woman like you

even own something like this? And you even wanted to withdraw all the money? That’s absurd!”

150 million dollars?!

Susanne was completely dumbfounded, her bloodied face filled with shock. Her lips quivered, but she

did not know what to say. She could not believe that Amber’s card had so much money.

How was that even possible?

“Feeling scared now? Well, it’s too late!” Jamie mocked.

Seeing Susanne’s confused state, Jamie was even sure she was a thief. After all, why else would she

be so terrified?

If the card owner discovered that someone had withdrawn money from it, it would be a huge blow to

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the bank’s reputation, and their competitors would seize the opportunity to tarnish their image.

Jamie thought it was lucky he had a keen eye and caught this thief. At this moment, he was pleased

with himself. This incident might bring a surprise, possibly leading to contact with the owner of the card.



If that person spoke on his behalf, Jamie might excel in his career, perhaps even becoming the bank’s


“Do you have anything to say for yourself now, you thief?”

Jamie picked up a newspaper and whipped Susanne’s face. He was convinced she was the culprit,

and all she needed to do was confess

that the card was stolen.

This would be a significant achievement for him.

“I…” croaked Susanne. Pinned to the ground by the security guards, and with her neck being

squeezed, she could hardly speak. “1-1 want to make a phone call to my family!”

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