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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 82
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Chapter 0082

“H-How dare you hit me!”

Edith was baffled by the slap.

She clutched her face and wailed loudly, “You’re all dead! My son-in-law is Luke Hudson of the Hudson

family in Province Town! Everyone knows the Hudson family! Messing with me means you’re messing

with the Hudson family! I’ll kill you all!”

The Hudson family?

“They’re just a family of ants.” Alexander did not even look at Edith. He carried Olivia to the Porsche.

“Mom, let’s go home.”

Susanne felt a thrill after having released all her fury.

She quickly got in the back passenger seat of the car and looked at Alexander driving in front

approvingly. She was a very traditional woman who always minded her manners. She rarely had

conflicts with anyone in public.

Never in her life would she have dreamt that hitting someone could be so exhilarating. That slap

relieved her of her anger.

She had her son-in-law to thank, of course.

When they returned to Belmont Hills, Susanne quickly started making dinner for


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At about 7 p.m., Olivia fell asleep in Susanne’s arms. Meanwhile, Amber and Patrick returned home

after a whole day of being busy in the office.

“Amber, relax.” In the bedroom, Alexander looked at Olivia, resting in Susanne’s arms, and said with a

suppressed tone, “It’s only a scratch on her forehead. There won’t be any scarring. Let her rest for a

few days at home. I’ll deal with the kindergarten.”

Amber had tears in her eyes. She felt extremely sorry.

“You two, be quiet. Olivia is asleep.” Susanne gently hushed them. “Don’t eat at home. Go out and

have something to eat. Your father and I will be here to look after Olivia. Don’t worry.”

Alexander nodded. He held Amber’s hand and led her to the Porsche.

“I-I don’t have an appetite.” Amber was teary-eyed at the thought of how her daughter had suffered

such huge indignation, yet she only found out about it



“You’re not a machine. You still have to eat something.” Alexander gently patted the back of her hand

and said gently, “This time, we’ll go to one of our

establishments, La Perle,”

Then, he drove off to La Perle.

La Perle used to be under Severn Group. After the handover, it belonged to New Chesire Group. To

maintain its popularity, it did not change its name.

“Mister Hudson, this is Ol’ Mare’s most famous restaurant, La Perle. They have many signature dishes,

and it has to be booked many days in advance. I’m sure you’ll like it,” Jerome said fawningly. He was

introducing the restaurant to other rich young brats from Province Town. Each of them was dressed in

expensive clothing.

“Give me the best private room!” Jerome yelled at the reception. He was afraid that the others would

not see how sincere he was. He placed a card on the counter and said smugly, “Get it done quickly. We

have money!”

The receptionist looked at the information on her computer and asked politely, ” Jerome Chesire? Sir?

Are you Jerome Chesire of the old Chesire family?”

“What do you mean, old Chesire family? There is only one Chesire family!” Jerome was furious.

The receptionist needed to mind her tongue. If the other rich heirs found out that there was a New

Chesire Group other than Chesire Group in Ol’ Mare, they would


He would be utterly embarrassed!

‘Amber Chesire, you bitch! I’ll get them to deal with you, you’ll see!’ Jerome mused to himself, looking

angry and vicious.

“My apologies, sir,” spoke the receptionist with a professional smile. “The old Chesire family aren’t

welcomed in this establishment.”

“I dare you to say that again!” Jerome’s face turned blue. The receptionist was messing with him. The

people next to him were the rich heirs from Province Town. She was trying to humiliate him, surely!

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“Jerome, you’re killing me! Didn’t you say that your family is really influential in Ol’ Mare? You can’t

even deal with a receptionist!”

“That’s right, you’re just wasting our time! You’re really funny!”



As the rich brats laughed out loud, Jerome’s expression contorted uglily. He slammed the counter and

barked through gritted teeth, “Damn it! I’ve already said I want the best private room! Do you hear


“You’re the one who’s not listening!” a voice suddenly rang out from behind. “La Perle has stated that

they don’t welcome anyone from the old Chesire family!”

Jerome was so infuriated that he shuddered. “You… Alexander Kane!”

He was going mad.

This must have been Alexander’s doing. He must have meddled in this to humiliate him in front of all

the rich heirs from Province Town! It was all Alexander’s fault!

“I’ll kill you!” Jerome yelled maniacally and pounced on Alexander.

“Alexander, watch out!” Amber looked terrified. She subconsciously hid behind Alexander.

“Hmph!” Alexander sneered. He raised his leg and kicked Jerome’s shoulder causing Jerome to be

sent flying.

Alexander glared at Jerome on the floor and said coldly, “If you dare move again, you’ll die!”