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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 86
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Chapter 0086

At that moment, Alexander was driving the Porsche.

He deliberately took the highway, avoiding the bustling city area. He was sprinting along the coastal

road toward the rural area along the sea.

After all, someone was following him.

As the Lord of War, he had weathered through numerous battles for years. He was sensitive to even

the direction of a light breeze.

When he was at the safety and security department of the New Chesire Group, he realized someone

was spying on him. When he drove off from the building, the feeling persisted. It became even more

intense instead.

10 minutes later, the Porsche slowly stopped by the side of the road. All he could see was the waves

on his side and the empty barren land on the other side. No one else was in the vicinity.

He opened the door and got out of his car. He looked back at the road and smiled.

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In less than ten seconds, a yellow Lamborghini appeared and stopped right in

front of Alexander.

Two figures-a man and a woman-got out of the car. It was the twins Luke hired, Aspen and Bianca


This time, they brought weapons with them. They each had a short weird-looking dagger, which looked

extremely sharp.

Alexander’s gaze


With just one gaze, he already had a read on their background. They, he deduced, were the scum of

the earth.

“You shouldn’t have messed with the Hudson family, dude. You shouldn’t have attacked Mister Hudson,

too,” Aspen said maliciously. “We’re just following orders. Apologies in advance.”

Bianca put her hair behind her ears and drew her dagger, ready to attack at any time.

Alexander looked at them and said slowly, “Light Saber Special Task Force.”


The siblings looked at each other in disbelief. How could someone in such a small


Who was this Alexander Kane?


“Only a short time has passed, yet that little blade can’t even control his subordinates anymore.”

Alexander looked at them. His tone turned icy. “He’s failed as a captain, and horribly so at that. What

right does he have to continue being a captain? Also, do you two know what you’ve done wrong?”

Aspen and Bianca shuddered, and their minds blanked. Bianca lost her footing and stumbled, almost

falling to the ground. Aspen had to hold her steady.

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Only a handful of people would dare call their captain ‘little blade’. However, only one would dare strip

their captain of his post-the legendary one they called the Lord of War.

Even their captain, Josh Blade, only had the honor of following the Lord of War for a few days. Those

few days of experience were much more precious than all the honorable medals he received on his


“Y-You’re the Lord of War…” Aspen and Bianca looked terrified. Their lips turned pale. They never

would have dreamed that they would meet the Lord of War here, and in such circumstances, too.

Alexander had his hands behind his back, standing authoritatively. Sweat slowly appeared on Aspen

and Bianca’s faces.

Their actions that day had not only offended the invincible Lord of War, but they also embarrassed the

Light Saber Special Task Force.

“Your Lordship, please punish us!” Bianca fearfully knelt on one knee, finally breaking under the


Aspen knelt as well. He did not dare to look at Alexander.

The Lord of War, His Lordship, Alexander Kane was standing before them.

He alone had no equal, and the twins w