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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 92
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Chapter 0092

Did Luke just threaten him with the Hudson family’s supposed ‘wrath’?

Alexander laughed.

With Olivia still in his arms, he raised his hand and slapped Luke so strongly that he fell to the floor.

He stepped on Luke’s back as if he was a tiny ant. He said coldly, “You had ill intentions toward Amber

and tried putting sanctions on New Chesire Group. As if that’s not bad enough, you kidnapped my

daughter. Luke Hudson, you sure are gutsy!”

He continued, “Listen up: everything you’re doing is just some parlor trick. I can easily crush the

Hudson family like everyone is just mere ants.”

Luke was on the floor. His back felt like it was going to break. “Let me go! I am Luke Hudson of the

Hudson family!” he wailed. “How dare you do this to me? I-


He stopped short as Alexander harrumphed coldly and stepped on Luke harder.

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Crack! Crack!

The sounds of bones cracking were mixed with a squelching sound as Alexander crushed Luke’s legs

and his private parts.

“Gahh!” Luke shuddered and screamed. His eyes rolled backward, and he passed out immediately.

The hotel staff who just entered were bewildered. They could not help but tremble.

Was this Miss Chesire’s husband? Alexander Kane, the Head of Security in New Chesire Group? How

ruthless yet…impressive altogether!

The security guards of the hotel looked at Alexander with adoration and admiration.

Alexander was the epitome of a real man!

“Since you’re here, I won’t do it myself.” With Olivia in his arms, Alexander scanned the others and

instructed coldly, “Throw them all into the trash now.”

No one would dare defy his orders. Luke was the perfect example.

“Go, go, go!” The staff did not dare to slack. They quickly rushed forward and grabbed Jerome, Luke,

and the others by the ankles out of the room.



The presidential suite was finally quiet.

“Olivia!” The frantic Amber rushed over to Alexander and hugged Olivia tightly. She sobbed, “Olivia, I’m

so sorry! I came late! You’re alright! We’re here! No one will bully you anymore!”

Olivia was sobbing so hard that she could barely breathe. Her voice was almost hoarse.

She was only a five-year-old. She could barely stand after what happened to her that night. She

sobbed for a long time in Amber’s arms, finally falling asleep due to exhaustion.

“Alex…” Amber finally collected herself, and Alexander helped her to the couch. She said with a catch

in her throat. “The Hudsons will go mad now that you’ve crippled Luke Hudson. The company’s tight

with cash right now. Although Mister Sawyer agreed to give us a loan, but…”

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“Money isn’t the problem.” Alexander looked at Olivia in Amber’s arms. He smiled and took out a black

card which he passed to Amber. “Take this.”

Amber shuddered. She has seen this card more than once. It was a limited-edition

card, and in it was a minimum amount of 150 million dollars. Was Alexander… actually giving her such

a valuable item?

“Just take it. I’m not short of cash.”

Alexander took another card out of his pocket grinningly. “I have many of them. Whether it’s for the

company or for your personal use, you can just use this card. You’re my wife, and you deserve it.”

Amber was dumbfounded.

Who was this man? He was a complete mystery. Every time she felt like she finally got to know him,

she realized he had more secrets.

She was his husband, nonetheless. That was enough.

“Alex…” Amber kept the card while hugging Olivia tightly. She suddenly thought of something. “Oh, no.

Mom and Dad are probably still worried and think Olivia is still with Luke. Let’s quickly head home!”

Alexander nodded. He took over Olivia from Amber, and they headed to the elevator.

They then headed home.