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I Am The Luna

Chapter 106
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28. An Hourglass or I Am The Luna Chapter 106 By Moonlight Muse


Night has fallen and I’m sitting in the lounge with Jai, Valerie, and Atticus whilst the children play before

the fire.

“So we don’t really know how much is needed… or exactly how to use it,” Atticus says as he examines

the pouch.

Rain is pouring down outside, and it’s rather windy. Somehow, it reminds me of the day I met Sebastian

again when I first found out Valerie was in a coma…

Oh, how that feels like so long ago. I nod as I sip my coffee, and Sia comes over and climbs into my

lap, hugging me tightly.

“Hey baby, is everything ok?” I ask her. She nods. “I just a little tired,” she says with a cute pout, and I

kiss her forehead gently, caressing her hair.

“Aww, well Mommy will get you to bed soon, ok?”

She nods, placing her hand under her chin as she leans against me. I wrap my arms comfortingly

around her. “I wonder how much is needed.” Jai muses staring at the pouch. We’re speaking French as

the children are here.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think we would need much. I guess it’ll be trial and error. As in, would we need

a name or not? Do we need to do it under a full moon or not?” I muse.

“We will just have to follow our gut feeling,” Atticus says.

“So, what now?” Valerie asks.

I look into the fire as Zion plays with his trucks, lost in his own little world. Times like that are gone once

you are an adult, but I am grateful that through this time they can still be children, despite the fact I am

certain they know when things are up.

“One month. In one month, I want everyone to be ready for war. In that time, I will find the enemy… and

we will attack…” I say quietly.

“That gives us plenty of time to find out how it works… plus I want to try to find father before then…” I

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say quietly.

“Sounds like a plan,” Atticus says.

“I want to train though, if you could help me,” I say, looking over at him. The boys look at me, surprised,

and I raise my eyebrow. “I just want to be at my best for when we do face them.”

“Me too,” Valerie says with determination.

“Well, I think we can train you guys up.

A lot of women have offered to step forward too.” Jai says with a small smile. “Our packs are made of


“Plus, we need to work on our Triquetra. Together, we will obviously be stronger and can call on our

powers.” Atticus adds.

Just like when we first touched. “I just wish we had as much time to prepare as them… but time is

running out,” I say quietly.

“You have no idea what one can achieve in a short amount of time,” Atticus replies, giving me one of

his charming smiles.

I nod, “True…” I smile wryly. “Well, we are not giving them a chance to attack. Everyone needs to be

pushed and we need to reach out to our allies, too.”

“Understood,” Jai says seriously. “And when we find them… what will you do?” Valerie asks hesitantly,

glancing at the children. “Especially when it involves the Black Beast…”

I cock a brow, feeling almost as if she expects me to go easy on him.

“We will give them war, like I said.” Her face drops, and she looks conflicted. “Why? Is it meant to be

different from when I find the other Sable member?” I ask.

All three look at me sharply and I turn my head away, knowing I probably sounded cold. But when you

have been burned so many times, what else am I meant to say?

“Zaia… are you ok?” Jai asks.

My eyes flash as I look at him. “Yes, I am. I have a right to be angry, and I can be. Would you want me

to cry instead?”

Jai sighs and shakes his head. “Zaia, it’s not that. We were just concerned, Se – The Black Beast he…

I don’t know. I feel we need to talk to him-”

“Do not question me. As far as I am concerned, The Black Beast is just another enemy. From this day

forward, I expect you all to remember that. He betrayed us- betrayed me, again… It was my fault to let

him in again, but I did, stupidly. But he showed he wasn’t worth it. I have screamed and screamed that

we need to be honest with one another, that we needed to stick together, but… he didn’t find it


“Zaia, I know you’re hurting-” I cut Valerie off, my eyes flashing, not wanting annoyance to seep into my

voice with the children here.

“No. I don’t want sympathy. I messed up once and I won’t again. Forgive me for not allowing myself to

feel sympathy for him. He will meet the same end as the others. Whatever that may be.” I say, standing

up and forcing myself to smile down at Sia, who is watching me with concern.

“He’s their father,” Jai says quietly, making me pause and I turn back, looking at him.

“And?” I ask challengingly.

“Give him a chance to explain, maybe he had a reason-” Jai begins.

“I said enough! Jai. This is the last time I want this topic brought up. If either of you wish to join his side,

you are welcome to leave.” I say coldly. “Take this as my final warning. Good night.”

Silence follows as I place my mug down and look at Zion.

“Zion, shall we head to bed?” I say, sensing Sia watching me intently.

I look down at her, smiling gently as a wave of guilt rushes through me. The children shouldn’t sense

that something is wrong. I need to do better.

“Come, let’s get you to bed,” I say gently. She nods and I leave the room with my children and, for a

moment, although I’m not alone, I feel it…

Mom was always there, but now I need to step up. I can’t keep relying on Valerie either, since she has

her own life. I was and still am a single parent… Mom managed it, and I will too. I just need to make

sure I survive this war for them…

I shower them, messing around to distract them, making some bubbles from the soap and giving them

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soapy beards. They giggle and laugh and for a few beautiful moments; I forget my troubles, the song of

laughter like a soothing remedy for the pain within me.

“Ok! Let’s grab our pyjamas!” I say after we have brushed our teeth.

“Oh, is Mommy going to sleep with us today?” Zion asks hopefully. I smile. “Do you want me to?” I ask,

crouching down in front of him and towel-drying his hair. He nods vigorously. “Then that is exactly what

we’ll do,” I promise with a firm nod of my own head.

“Yes! Mommy can sleep next to me!” Sia says. “NO! Mommy has to sleep in the middle! Mommy

always sleeps next to Sia!” Zion frowns.

“Hey… you two, no fighting alright. You two are siblings and siblings don’t fight, right?” I say gently, as

Sia looks upset and frowns as Zion looks upset, which is unlike him.

Does he know something isn’t right and is playing up because of it?

“Look…” I pull them both close. “I’ll make sure I am with both of you, and I’ll sleep in the middle,” I say,

trying to calm them both.

“See, I said that. It’s always Sia Sia Sia.” Zion says pointedly, rolling his eyes.

“Zion…” I reprimand gently. He sighs and looks guiltily at his sister. “Sorry Sia…” he mumbles before

he closes the gap between them, giving her a big hug and kissing her cheek as she wipes her tears


“I’m sorry Sia…” He says guiltily.

She shakes her head and smiles up at him.

“I’m sorry too, Zion…”

I can’t help but smile at them both as Zion takes her hand and gently leads her to the bed. “Come on,

let’s get ready for bed then.” He tells her. Mommy Sia’s medicine!” he adds before hurrying towards the

large cabinet against the far wall.

“Mommy will get it. Here, you two put your pyjamas on.”

“Ok, Mommy.” He says as he hurries back to me, and I smile down at him. Always take care of your

sister for me.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!