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I Am The Luna

Chapter 112
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A Lead or | Am The Luna Chapter 112 By Moonlight Muse


A week has passed, and | feel... empty.

The moment Atticus mentioned it, there were so many emotions that | was left to deal with.

Anger, betrayal, regret, pain, guilt and sadness.

My emotions becan ocean | was drowning in, struggling to stay afloat... but I let go, allowing the emotions

to consme... until | no longer felt anything.

When your emotions are no longer blinding you, things becclearer. Just as | now paid attention to what

Sebastian had said before he left. That he had something to do. If | paid.

enough attention, | would have realised before | overrode security. He had already locked himself out of the pack.

He had warned us too about the rogues, just as Atticus had mentioned. The cryptic remarks, the way he looked

at me, the fear that something would happen it was all valid.

And then, our little Sia, | should have realised he'd do anything for her. | just wish he toldso | would

understand. Did breaking my heart help him?

But | can’t be selfish. My feelings are not important in comparison to our daughter's health. | would do anything

for her and if he succeeds in getting that cure, | will be forever in his debt.

Sebastian’s and my trust have never been perfect and | realise that we are just not compatible. Our relationship

just isn’t at that level where we could not live without one another.

Perhaps | was too stupid, but to Sebastian, this was just a relationship, not his world. | thought this taround |

wasn’t so clingy, but | clearly don’t love right.

Where do | lack?

That is a question I'll always ask myself, but never voice.

For our children, I hope he makes it and that he accomplishes what | have never been able to do. Heal Sia... that

thought bringshope.

Even the moon cannot heal things that are man made. | glance up as a sharp wind blows and observe Dad, who

now turns away from Mom's grave.

Mom's funeral was held a few days ago and seeing Dad's state, the way he’s hiding what he’s truly feeling

breaksa little more.

He was cheated on by Mom... but he still loved her, just as Sebastian has hurt me, yet | can’t help but love him.

But that doesn’t mean | can’t forgive him, it just means | will never be able to accept him back into my life.

But | can relate to Dad in a way. The pain our mates caused us would always remain, despite the love we feel


If we make it out of this alive...

“Dad... come,” | say gently, holding my hand out to him.

He looks atand once again I'm hit with the painful reminder that he looks aged.

| need you, Dad...

I can’t lose him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Do you think burying her here was ideal?” he asks, glancing around the graveyard of The Dark Hollow Falls


“She lived here for syears. | think she'll be fine... besides, she’s closest to the children here ...she wanted

that.” | say quietly.

Not telling him that Mom once told me, she wished to be buried away from The Crystal Shadow Pack. That she

refuses to be buried in a pack where her mate’s mistress is Luna.

I'm not sure what stood any longer, but | couldn't ignore that order of hers from long ago.

Dad nods. “Well, what next?”

I look around, but don’t reply. There is still a way that the Sable are listening in on our conversations. We have

been intercepted twice on trips and I've grown tired of watching my back.

But it's not all a disappointment. Atticus has found something, and | am going to meet him later since neither of

us trusted discussing it.

over the phone.

| hate to admit it, but | barely trust anyone.

“You should rest, and head to the safe house.

Valerie has made a yummy strew. | have swork to attend to.” | say, kissing his cheek.

“You're treatingas if I'm old.” He says.

| smile and shake my head.

“No, just that you need to take care of your mental and physical health.” | remind him,

“And are you doing that?” Dad asks me.

| have no answer to that, and | motion for my guards to take him home.

| have been training with Justin, Jai and Atticus depending on who was available and although | am getting

better, | also know it’s not enough tto beca master of the arts, but every little thing helps.

As for Valerie, finding out that Atticus is her brother made her warm up to him a little more, much to Jai’s dismay.

I still haven't told them about Sebastian, but | also can’t tell anyone openly in case we're being watched, even

inside our homes.

Atticus risked it that day, and | hope Sebastian is alive- no | know he’s alive. He wouldn't die so easily, not when

he had a mission to accomplish. | hope he’s safe and that we havé not given him away.

| get into my car telling my driver to taketo the Toussaint business headquarters as | need to attend to some

business work!

| sit here, talking politely to Harrison. This act of mine is a painful reminder that the world carries on even when

things are rough. For those on the outside, no one knows what one might be going through.

He’s happy with the final draft and wants to give us the go-ahead. Yet again another reminder that | have to

keep my chin up.

| close the file after we have both signed the papers, and he’s ready for the official proposal to go ahead.

“I am happy that | gave this project to you, Ms Toussaint, and | will look forward to the work getting underway.”

“Thank you, Mr Harrison. | do appreciate it. We will not disappoint.” | reply gracefully, as we both stand up.

“Well, this now is what I call the hard part. Bringing the project to life.”

“Oh no, now that we have all the details finalised, I think this part will be fairly smooth and if there are any blips,

then that is my job to handle,” | say as | walk him to the door.

He chuckles. “I do like your confidence! Ah, before | forget, the files... Here.” He rummages in his briefcase and

takes out a brown envelope.

Files? He didn’t need to giveany files...

“Well, have a good day Ms Toussaint!” He fastens the button of his suit jacket and slips out of the room before |

can ask him, leavingwith the brown envelope.

| glance around the empty office. I'm in the Toussaint building, but we all agreed it would be the safest place for

a meeting considering all that has happened before, like the shooting.

Closing the door, | walk back to the desk and open the file, scanning it swiftly.

It's... Sebastian’s old proposal for this project. Why would he givethis?

Feeling uneasy, | flip through it.

How strange...

| stare down at the file, thinking there has to be more to it. Did someone put him up to this and why?

Is there poison on the paper?

| sniff it but there’s nothing.

Is it a warning?

Just then, there's a knock on the door.

“Enter!” | say, looking up to see the door open to reveal Atticus standing there, briefcase in hand. “Ah, perfect.”

My secretary knew to let him in.

From the confident, smug expression on his face, | am certain that the briefcase he is carrying contains some


“Afternoon Ms Toussaint.”

“Afternoon Mr Payne,” | reply as | sit back.

“I like it when you callthat.” He says, sauntering over to my desk as the door slowly thuds shut behind him.

“Keep at that and people will think we are together.”

“That's not a bad thing.” He winks at me.

| shake my head as | stand up. “Mr Harrsion gavethese and | don’t know what to make of them. It's

Sebastian's plan for Mr Harrison’s project. Why would Mr Harrison give it to me?”

“Unless someone told him to give it to you... have you handled these with bare hands?”


He frowns. “Go wash your hands and | need sgloves. It could be poisoned...”

| nod, quickly doing as he says before | retrieve slatex gloves from the first aid box, and pass them to him.

“So, did you find anything?” | ask as he begins examining the file.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Yes, and | think we might know who it was that Annalise met in my pack.” He answers, his

brows furrowed as he examines the file.

“Who?” | ask, my heart skipping a beat.

“Check it out.”

He motions at his briefcase, and | pick it up, opening it quickly as he continues examining the paper.

There's a laptop inside and | flip it open and instantly recognise the lavender-themed décor from that New Year's


My heart is racing as | watch intently,

“The man in the dark brown,” Atticus says. ”

Keep observing him.”

| notice him after a few seconds. He blends in well and | don’t know why, but his posture feels familiar...

Almost like an itch, you can’t quite reach....

| watch as he disappears through those doors and then the camera switches to that very corridor, where | had

heard Annalise talking to someone in one of the rooms. It’s dark and you can’t see his face as he walks swiftly

down the hall.

“| feel like | recognise him...” | murmur.

“We couldn't get it any clearer, but when he leaves, there's a clearer shot, and | think I've seen him around

here.” He says, now leaning overas he speeds it up a little.

“It’s like he knows where the cameras are. He hides away well.” | say, not once is his face at a clear angle.

“I think it's on purpose because in the shot that I'm talking about, he seems a little startled and it’s like he

looked up on reflex,” he replies.

| watch as the man disappears into a room, and then | see myself coming down the hallway.

“Still as beautiful as you were back then.” He murmurs.

I look up at him, but it's a mistake as our eyes meet and he’s a little too close. His gaze dips to my lips before |

quickly turn away and look back at the screen.

He chuckles lightly, brushing it off, but | know him better than that.

| hate that I'm hurting him too...


He speeds up the video a little before he stops.

“Around here...” he says, and that’s when | suddenly sit forward, my heart thundering as the man turns his head

sharply and at that moment | catch a glimpse of none other than- “Ethan...” 1

“You know who it is?” Atticus asks sharply as we both stare at the now frozen image of the man on the screen.

| nod. There's no doubt about it... now that | recognise him, I'm all the more confident it’s him.

“Yes! That's Ethan. He was and still is one of the most loyal drivers for the Kings.”

Our eyes meet, both of our hearts racing knowing that we have just found a new lead and maybe just maybe the
