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I Am The Luna

Chapter 114
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36 A Progress Made or | Am The Luna Chapter 114 By Moonlight Muse



One that is an answer louder than any word could possibly be.

| stand up and he looks up at me, pale.

“I said nothing,” He says, his heart thumping. I said nothing!”

“Your silence was enough,” | say quietly as | walk around my desk and open my drawer.

| take out my gun, seeing his face drain.

“Please no! Please, forgive me! Have mercy!”

I ignore him and slide in a fully loaded cartridge, hearing the satisfying click as it locks in place - my heart

clenching as | look at the door.


“Don’t do this! They'll kill me, please!”

“Well, lucky for you, you're going to be placed in a prison cell in isolation. You might just live, even if you don’t

see the light of another day again.” | say coldly as | close the door.

Her smile, her bubbly persona, her concern for the children. | don’t want it to be her, | can’t take any more


| feel like | have the strength to go on, but then something else hitsand | wonder how much more will | be

able to handle.

I'm losing myself, losing control of everything.

“Alpha, please forgive me. | did everything because | had no choice. Please show compassion!”

“Silence,” | command, my voice shaking despite the power it holds as | walk to the door, pulling it open.

Justin and another guard are standing there. ” Keep him drugged and put him in a cell. | swear if he somehow

goes missing, everyone will be held accountable. | have something to do. I'll be back.”

“Understood! Where are you going, Alpha?

Shall | cwith you?”

“No. I'm fine alone.” | answer Justin firmly.

| can’t even trust my own pack. I'm walking on edge, ready to be stabbed in the back at any

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

moment by one of my own.

They asknothing more and | quietly walk out through the pack hall. | can hear the rain pouring down and it

feels as dreary as | go inside.

| push open the entrance door and stare at the downpour. It’s almost dark, and it’s gotten considerably colder


I'm about to step out when my phone rings. | look down at it.


My heart leaps with a little glimmer of hope as | answer it.

“Any leads?” | ask.

“Fuck yes, he- are you alone?” he asks. I look around.


“He cthrough Red. As much as | fucking hate to admit it, he fucking did.” His voice is low, but | can hear the

barely masked

excitement in his voice. “It's a damn clever blueprint of the pack, one that pinpoints dozens of secret cameras

installed around that pack.”


| feel a little lighter and | nod, although he can’t see me. “Perfect, remove them all. Let's show them that we are

not to be underestimated.”


“Yeah, definitely. We've begun on the first set, and we're making our way through the grounds. Jai, your father

and myself are going to handle them just so we know we have gotten each one.”

He replies.

“Excellent, make sure not to mention his name.”

“We won't, rest assured.”

“Alright bye, | have something to handle,” | say quietly, cutting the call.

| stare down at my phone, wondering if Sebastian has healed. Regardless of whether he has or not, it could still

cost him a lot if they learn he’s betraying them.

| hate how you always invoke something inside. of me, Bastien... | hate it.

| step out into the rain, and it drenchesinstantly. A few tears manage to escape as | gaze up at the sky.

Almost as if it’s crying the tears that | wish to cry but cannot...

| grip the door, refusing to let my emotions weakenas | look over the wall that separates the pack hall from

the King’s mansion.

It made sense... to an extent... She must have been the one behind the cameras...

She would have easily been able to access my bank accounts to make that payment from my account since we

never locked our doors.

Why would we, when it was an only family hand a handful of trusted staff?

Ethan... he was always around. Agatha herself toldif | needed to go anywhere, Ethan would take me. Of

course... keep an eye on me...

She pretended to hate Annalise and was so happy when | becher daughter-in-law.


All part of a greater plan, although I don’t understand why she would pretend to likeand then splitfrom

her son.

Was it because she knew I'd choose the sublime? | don’t know...

Setting my phone on record, | slip it back into my pocket, making sure not to cover the speakers.

| enter the gates of the King’s mansion; the guards allowingthrough, and | walk to the front door. I ring the

bell, feeling my stomach twist once again.

Agatha... it’s hard to believe.

| brush my dripping hair back as the door is opened. “Alpha Zaia, welchome.” The butler says, lowering his

head to me.

“Thank you. Is anyone home?” | ask, smiling gracefully.

“Yes ma'am, Madam is home.”

I see.

“Excellent. I'll go wait for her. | better grab a towel first, though.”

He smiles. “Of course, allowto-"

“Oh no, I'll be fine. I'll grab one.” | reassure him before | walk down the hallway as if heading to the laundry

room, but the moment. I'm out of sight, | scan the hall, trying to pick up Agatha’s location.

| can’t hear anyone downstairs... | glance towards the stairs and swiftly make my way upstairs. She always

retreated to her room when she had free time.

The carpet beneath my feet completely silences my footsteps.

Despite Ethan's silent confirmation, I'm still in denial. Trying to wrap my head around the fact that Agatha is

indeed a part of this, despite having enough pointing at her for it to make sense.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| walk down the hall and knock on the closed door of her and Aran’s bedroom. Not waiting for an answer, | open

it and step inside.

Agatha looks startled as she stands at the door.

of her little lounge, shutting the door behind herself a little too quickly. That was the place that she retreated to

for sreading and relaxing time.

“Zaia! You startled me! How are you? Oh my, you are soaking wet. Sit down, I'll fetch you a towel!” But the way

she had been standing there was as if she was expecting-me.

| force a smile on my face. “Thank you,” | say quietly, the words makingsick.

Her eyes widen before they glisten with tears.

“Csit dear,” she says as she walks over totouching my cheek when | don’t move. Our eyes meet and

once again, it feels like it can’t be true.

Did you really poison your own grandchild?

My heart aches at just the thought of that. How can one be so cruel?

She guidesto the bed, and | sit down. “Are you alright, dear?”

“I'm tired. | just wanted to csee you.” | say softly, masking my inner turmoil.

“Oh, child... wait here. I'll go get you a towel before you catch a cold and then we can talk all

about it over shot drinks.”

She's about to go to her bathroom before she slaps her forehead. “I'll be right back. | had them clean the entire

place and they took the towels. Besides, I'll tell them to get stea...” she explains as she leaves the room.

The moment she does, my eyes harden, and | stand up, wondering if she’s clicked. She might know or she might

not... but do | put her under the alpha command?

| glance towards the bedroom door that stands ajar and swiftly cross the room and try to open the door to her

lounge, only for it to not budge.

Automatic lock? Must be since she didn’t lock it with a key.

It’s one room | have never seen, as it was her haven. A place even Aran wasn't allowed, and that makeseven

more curious about it.

Hearing her footsteps, | quickly walk back to the bed and sit down.

“Here we are!” she says as she comes over holding a towel. | take it from her before she can try to help me, not

trusting her in case she’s put something on it. 1

“Thank you,” | say, placing the towel down on the bed. Seeing her glance towards her lounge door | stand up.

She looks surprised as she glances at the towel. ” Are you alright, Zaia? You will catch a cold!”

“A cold is nothing compared to everything I've been put through,” | say quietly, my eyes hardening as I look at

her. “Tell me, how long have you been plotting against me?”