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I Am The Luna

Chapter 121
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A Beginning


“Mommy... Mommy..."

| frown, groaning slightly as | am pulled from the troubled dreams that were plaguing me. | open my eyes to see

Zion standing there, hovering over my bed.

I almost jump, but the dull pain in my waist stopsfrom doing so.

“Zion... my darling, what are you doing here? Are you ok?” | ask, concern floodingas | force myself up to sit

up and cup his face as he sits there kneeling on the bed beside me, staring atintently.

“They're coming Mommy, you need to get up.”

My stomach twists as | try to remain calm.

“Who is coming?” | ask gently.

He looks atintently, “Daddy and the Sable.’ he says solemnly. My breath hitches. Am | dreaming? How does

he know about the Sable? And what does he mean they're coming?

“Zion, how do you know that word?”

He tilts his head. “I always know...” he murmurs, his gaze on my stomach before he reaches out and touches my

stomach. ” Mommy, we have to hurry.”

I nod, as | quickly push the covers back, a hand on my waist as | walk to the window.

Now... They decided to attack when | was injured? This couldn’t get any worse. | pick up my phone and send out

a group call to all squad captains as well as all the higher- positioned warriors.

The moment the first few connect, | speak. They're coming. You know what to do.”


“Understood. We are ready.” Justin says, as Jai curses.

“On my way.”

My breath hitches. Am | dreaming? How does he know about the Sable? And what does he mean they're coming?

“Zion, how do you know that word?”

He tilts his head. “I always know...” he murmurs, his gaze on my stomach before he reaches out and touches my

stomach. ” Mommy, we have to hurry.” 3

I nod, as | quickly push the covers back, a hand on my waist as | walk to the window.

Now... They decided to attack when | was injured? This couldn't get any worse.

| pick up my phone and send out a group call to all squad captains as well as all the higher- positioned warriors.

The moment the first few connect, | speak. They're coming. You know what to do.”


“Understood. We are ready.” Justin says, as Jai curses.

“On my way.”

There’s a knock on the door before it opens and Atticus stands there, clearly having been asleep.

His hair is a tousled mess, and he’s only in a pair of sweatpants.

“It's time, they are coming,” | say, looking at Zion, who has snuggled into the bedding, smiling at me. For

someone who just toldwhat is to come, he is at peace. | want to know how he knows, but there’s no time.

“What? How do you know that?” he asks.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Zion, he just toldthat Sebastian and the Sable are coming.

“What?” he says, looking at Zion, who nods.


“I don’t know either,” | say in French. “I need

to get everything in place. I'll ask him later.”

“You're injured. Zaia, maybe we need to rethink the battle strategy.”

“I'll be fine,” | say, seeing the concern and pain in his eyes. | look away and for a moment, everything that needs

doing spins around me.

The timing is the worst... but there's no stopping what is coming.

“Ok, Zion, you and Sia need to go to the safe place | showed you the other day, ok? You are going to be safe

there and it’s only a little while, but | need you to take care of Sia for me, alright?” | say to him.

“I don’t know Mommy...” he says, pouting as he sits up. “Are you and Daddy going to fight?”

| smile softly at him. “No... we just need to figure this all out. It's going to be ok, my child.

There's a television there, snacks and lots of games. | just need you to be a big boy until Mommy returns, and

Granddad will be with you too.” | explain before | take up the clothes that | planned to wear for this day.

Lifting the bag, | feel a spasm of pain and sigh heavily. Atticus takes it fromand places it on top of the

dresser, unzipping it for me.

“Thanks,” | say.

I'm at such a disadvantage...

| touch my stomach, scared for this child's life. My children need me. Taking the clothes, I go into the adjoining

bathroom, leaving the door open slightly as | begin to change into the clothes.

“But Sia...” Zion says quietly.

“She'll be ok, can you be a good boy and take care of her too, ok?”

“But Mommy... | don’t think Sia is going to be alright.” His voice breaks, makingfreeze. | fasten the button on

my pants before stepping out of the bathroom. My heart thumps as | walk over to him.

“Zion... why do you say that?” | whisper.

“She's sick.” He says, looking at the door before shaking his head and falling silent.

Atticus frowns before his phone rings.

“I'll go get ready too.” He murmurs, castinga worried look before he leaves the room.

“Sia will be ok, Zion.”

“She looks worse today when | woke up,” he says.

My heart thuds as | step back, turning and rushing out of the door. My heart is in my mouth as | run down the

hall and into the children’s room. | see Sia sleeping, but despite how normal she looks, her chest is rising and

falling rapidly.

“Sia...” | quickly go over to her, checking her pulse. It's too fast! “Sia, baby?” | touch her forehead. She’s burning


Please, not now... “Valerie!” | call, as | grab her medication.

Valerie comes running just as | am ready to inject her.

“Wait, Zaia... I'm not sure if giving her any more steroids will help...” she says as she checks her over. “She’s

getting worse... goddess Sebastian, where are you?” She whispers.

Fear envelopsas | pull Sia close, my heart clenching,

“No, Goddess, if something happens to her...” | leave my threat hanging as | glare out of the window at the

moon that glows soothingly.

You have given us nothing but pain. Don’t be so cruel as to take my angel from me. | hold her close, but even |

know | need to lead this battle.

“I will take care of her, Zaia,” Dad says as he enters the room.

I nod as | look at my sleeping child. “Please make sure she does not take any stress, or that she doesn’t get

scared down there,” | whisper as | stand up, ignoring the pain in my waist as | kiss her on her forehead and her

cheeks, fighting back my tears.

Please, Goddess...

“I promise you, nothing will happen to her,” Dad says, givinga sad smile, one that does. nothing to mask the

fear in his eyes. “Are you sure about this? Do you have to go?”

“I'do,” | say as | hug Zion, who smiles up at me. “Be a good boy, ok?”

| can already hear the faint commotion, hear the murmur of talking through the earpiece. that Atticus is wearing

from outside in the hall.

Zion nods as he cups my face. “I will.”

| cast a final glance at Sia, my heart aching as Dad takes Zion’s hand.

“CZion, let's go,” Dad says quietly.

He pauses as he looks at me. | know he wants to say a thousand things but instead, we just stare at one another

before | turn away and take one of the headpieces that Jai is now holding.

“Lookout has reported there’s definitely movement approaching... and they're coming from all sides,” Jai says as

| put the earpiece on. “Are you sure you will be ok?”

“Yes.” | say, “I'll be there in five.”

My eyes are hard as | return to my room, grab a bandage that would support and protect my stomach a little and

begin wrapping it around myself.

This is it. The night when it will all go down.

After putting the bandage on, | pull on a bulletproof vest and tie my hair up in a high ponytail.

“Counting at least seven hundred approaching.

We will not be able to hide this from the humans

This is the kind of threat that they fear would happen,” someone murmurs.

“It doesn’t matter, we are focusing on what we need to do. The aftermath is something I'll deal with when the

tcomes. Alright everyone, let's do this,” | say as | leave my room, as Valeria and Jai fall in step with me.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Beta Justin is handling the south side, and Beta Jai is leading the east side.” | need to give them words of

assurance, but how do | do that knowing Sia is not well... knowing that | we have to face our previous Alpha...

“My Beta and Delta will be taking the north and west. You know your team leaders. Follow their

commands, and remember, we are three packs. here tonight. United as one, protect one another as you would

your brother or friend. Tonight, we do this together.” Atticus says, and | smile slightly.

His words are met with determination, and I can sense their confidence.

“Well said,” | say softly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Alpha Zaia... A word of encouragement from yourself?” he says.

“Yes, Alpha,” Jai says, his arm around Valerie. She’s gripping his shirt tightly.

| can understand that feeling.

A part ofis tired, wanting this all over with...

“I know this is something we never expected to happen,” | begin softly, knowing they needed to

hear the words of comfort from both their leaders, no matter how hard it is. “But everyone has worked hard,

trained hard, and we are doing this not just for ourselves, but for our loved ones, for a chance at a life that we

deserve | step out into the cold as someone passesa gun and belt full of ammunition that Valerie helps me

put on. | don’t plan to use my gun unless needed, but something tellsI will need it.

“Tonight, we fight for a second chance, to prove that everyone deserves to live their lives, regardless of the

choices of our past. We are werewolves, and in the last few weeks and months, | have seen more and more of us

cinto touch with that side.”

I look at sof the men who are outside, ready to take their positions around the house.

“The Sable wishes to cleanse the world of all of us, but that will not happen, not today, not tomorrow. We may

have grown up looking down on those who were in touch with their

wolf as if it was wrong, but we know better now and we will embrace that.”

| walk silently towards the gates. | can hear the breathing of sof those on the other side, but they are all

listening intently to what | am saying.

“The Goddess is merciful, and she has given us a second chance... In the nof the moon and our Goddess,

we will cout victorious. No matter what, the night is ours.”

“The night is ours.” A murmur of everyone repeating my final words passes through the wind.

Jai and Valerie have stopped bidding one another an emotional goodbye. | smile softly as they kiss passionately,

and | look ahead as Atticus comes into view.

He's already suited up as his eyes meet mine, and he reaches over, turning my mic off and doing the sto his


“What are you doing?” | ask, only for him to caress my cheek. The leather of his fingerless glove cools against

my cheek.

“Just wanted to say a word to you...” he says.


His finger presses against my lips, and | see the emotions in his.

“You are the strongest woman I've met Red, after tonight this will be over, and you can live in peace.”

Our eyes meet and | nod. | know | need to be strong, but even then, he sees past it.

“Thank you, Atticus, for everything,” | say quietly. Suddenly it feels like this is it...

“Hey, this isn’t goodbye.” He replies with one of his gorgeous smirks, wrapping his arms. aroundand pulling

| close my eyes, and deep down, | wish that he was the man | loved. He has always been there for me, no matter

what. Wouldn't things have been easier if he were mine?

But love is more painful than that...

| take a deep, shuddering breath, enjoying the comfort of his embrace and inhaling his scent before | move back.

“The sgoes for you. I'll protect you too.” | smile in a weak attempt to lighten the tension

I'm rewarded with a smirk before he leans down and kisses my forehead.

Just then a loud explosion goes off somewhere

far ahead, illuminating the night with flames that reach into the sky.