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I Am The Luna

Chapter 404
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Chapter 0404

She stands up, pulling her hood up and picking up her laptop before she walks past me, not waiting for an

answer. Her small frdisappears, and | frown, her words hanging in the air.

Matt... he died helping me... Adriana and Ada are in trouble. Who knows who else.

Should | band a team together? Is the Alpha ineven capable of protecting a pack? My eyes flash, my wolf

surging forward.

Yeah, | fucking am.

Frowning, | leave the abandoned flat and walk back to my bike.

Even if | don’t want to, | know that, but the truth is, someone has to step up..

It's raining by the t| get back to the city. I've had someone watch the hospital to make sure Valerie's ok.

Even though | know it’s a risk letting her work, in a crowded hospital she'll be ok. Besides, this is Valerie. She'll

go crazy sitting at home.

I'm already checking through the staff and will have the information | need by tomorrow of all personnel who

work in that hospital.

I look at my phone, cocking a brow at Damien's message.

DAMIEN: There are two werewolves who have been watching the hospital since morning, and I think they're

watching her too.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

ZADE: Ignore them, her brother sent them, but find out from them and quote the code | gave you earlier.

DAMIEN: Understood.

Atticus had toldthis morning that he’ll also be posting sguards and when it comes to her safety, I'm not

taking any risks.

I slip my phone into my pocket, thinking | promised her the night... Maybe | should get her something. I've never

brought a gift in my life. What do you get someone whose worth is far more than anything can equate to?

| drive towards the town centre. Maybe I'll see something that catches my attention. Getting off my bike, | shove

my hands into my pockets as | glance up at the cloudy sky.

What does Valerie like?

| window shop, hating the look of the crowded store window displays and pause. outside a gift shop, spotting

something in the corner of the window display...

| glance towards the entrance, hesitating. Would it be weird?

Fuck it.

| walk inside, ignoring the looks I'm getting and find what I'm looking for. Once I've paid, | step out with the small

bag and continue looking around. Shopping is fucking hard, especially when it’s for things like this.

I glance at the ton my watch, but it hasn't actually been as long as it feels. | still have plenty of time... |

cto a sudden stop staring at the display of yet another shop and stare at an item, knowing what I'm getting


We're soaked by the twe're home, but neither of us minds, it’s nothing a shower won't fix. She wraps her

arm tighter aroundas | park up, placing my hand over hers that are holdingtightly.

“You alright?”

“Mhmm, you're warm,” she murmurs. Leaning back, | remove my helmet, looking at her over my shoulder.

“Long day at work, huh?”

She nods, removing hers and she jumps off the bike, her hair instantly getting soaked. | get off too, wanting to

get her inside quickly.

| grab the bag from the bike and kiss her lips softly. I'm about to lead her inside. when she grips my face tighter,

kissingharder. Awakening the desire within

1. me.


| grab her waist, deepening the kiss, my free hand tangling in her hair as | kiss her harder, slipping my tongue

into her mouth as | ravish every inch.

She moans into my lips, and | can’t help but smirk a little, throbbing hard. She wantsand I'm ready to make

her squirt...

“Fuck.” She breathes, feelingagainst her stomach. I pull back as I unlock the door and we step inside. A

quick assessment of the area tellsthings are safe and | lock the door after us.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She takes her jacket off, brushing her hair back. “I'm going to go take a shower. See you soon, handsome,” she

says, kissing my cheek before she pulls away and


walks into the bedroom.

| watch her ass until she disappears from sight and look down at the bag I'm holding.

The urge to simply put it out of sight almost overtakes me, but instead, | enter the bedroom and take out the

fr| bought her, to replace the one that broke...

| place the other two boxes beside the fron the bedside table. She'll see them when she comes out and I'll

be in the bathroom and don’t have to face her when

she does.

This is awkward as fuck. 1

| glance around the bedroom before looking towards the open door.

This is it... she’s mine...

Sex is sex... but with her, it’s not going to be just sex... it's going to be far more... I'll be baring my soul to her...

that’s something I've not done with anyone... but no matter how fucking terrifying that sounds, she’s my

destination, she’s my home, and I'm ready for it.

Moonlight Muse
