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I Am The Luna

Chapter 415
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Chapter 0415

Depending on what needs doing, I'm not sure how much she’ll be able to take, considering how weak she is...

“You aren't chipped. How did they know?” Zade asks as | place my medical kit


“I don’t know. That's why | was confident they wouldn't know. | wanted to leave safely, just start afresh,” Adriana


“Right... and what happened today?” Zade asks quietly. | can sense the anger in his voice, even though he’s

keeping his voice as level as possible.

Her heart thuds as | move her shirt fully up and my stomach turns. It’s worse than | thought. | don’t know how

she’s surviving... she’s been shot several times and not one wound is healed the bullets must still be inside...

If it was one bullet, even if | managed to get it out, if bits of the poison from these bullets remained it would heal.

However, she’s not in a state to heal... and there's

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too many...

This is bad.

“I don’t know how they found me... they are all members of the Arkan... | didn’t know you were coming, or |

would have tried to warn you,” Adriana explains. You never answered the message.” She sounds desperate and

guilty now.

| turn to them, trying to calm the worry | feel. “She needs proper medical attention. We need to get her to a

hospital where they have the correct-”

“No, Doctor, that’s not a choice. They know our faces,” Adriana says clutching at her bloody waist as she tries to

sit straight. She herself is going to collapse soon. I'm not even sure how she’s sitting. | guess she’s another

strong woman, the Sable sure were strong...

| glance at Zade. ‘She could die,’ | say through the mind-link.


‘I'm sorry for putting you in this predicament, but you are the only option. She's right, we can’t take her to the

hospital. There’s nowhere safe for us.’ Zade’s quiet voice fills my mind.

| sigh, looking down at the woman on the bed. She must be in her mid-twenties, if that.

“I will do my best then...” | say as | get to work removing the bandages and dressing that is doing nothing to

deter the bleeding. “But this is risky, and | can’t


promise anything.”

“You are the only option we have. | can’t take her to a hospital. They will know she isn’t human with how many

bullets are in her. If you can just do whatever you can... Please.”

“No, of course, I'll try. | just...” I look at Zade. ‘She could die."

We have no choice. If we move her in this state, she’s as good as dead anyway. I'm sorry to drag you into this."

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‘No, it’s ok... I'll do my best,’ | say with determination. | will do my best. She will not die- not on my watch.

“I'm going to search the bodies, see if | can find anything useful. There's a high chance they'll return when they

realise their men have not returned. Do you need anything, baby girl?”

“Yes, can you bandage up Adriana and then please fetchswater and

towels?” | reply, tying my hair back as | get to work, realising just how much our kind need our own hospitals

where we can be treated properly. | need a hospital of my own to treat our people.

My anger at the situation is bubbling strongly inside as | began working on Ada, starting with the bullet wound to

the chest. Someone - possibly Adriana, has

tried to get this bullet out and probably from all of them it’s not as badly infected, which is a good thing, but

there seem to be pieces left inside.

Zade steps back inside, and | look up when he places the bucket of water beside

two towels and sT-shirts.