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I Am The Luna

Chapter 440
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Chapter 0440 “Do you have an issue with my pack members that are under this roof? If us being here makes you uncomfortable, we can go elsewhere.” | say quietly, watching Atticus intently. He tenses, his heartbeat quickening for a second before it returns to normal.

Quickly, but not quick enough... That was enough to tellI'm onto something though.

“I have no issue with them,” he says quietly as Sebastian looks up, observing us intently.1 “Really? Your attitude says otherwise and don’t lie toPayne... | know how to read people,” | say quietly.

Atticus frowns slightly. “It’s really nothing and | do apologise if it coff like that... you, Valerie and your pack members are welchere and will be treated with the utmost importance,” he answers quietly.

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“Mm. Were you in Adriana’s room last night?” | ask, ignoring Sebastian's intense gaze.

“No! Why would | go to her room?” Atticus growls, but the slight change in his heart rate doesn’t go unnoticed.


| glance at Sebastian, and even he’s watching Atticus intently.

“You're lying. Why were you there?” | ask.

“I wasn't.” Lie again.

I walk over to him, shoving my hands into my pockets, keeping my gaze locked with his. ” Hm. Sure. But letgive you a warning. This might be your house, but don’t overstep your boundaries... Adriana is under my care, | don’t and | won't tolerate anything...” He clenches his jaw, his eyes blazing. “Don’t threatenin my own house,” he snarls.

| raise an eyebrow, “Why would you feel threatened unless there's something to be afraid of?” Sebastian stands up. “Well well well, someone who can get under your skin. As much as this is enjoyable, Zaia’s had an exhausting day, and | don’t need her to have to deal with even more crap from both of you. So quit it,” he growls, smart enough only to push Atticus and not touch me. “Try to get along even if it’s just for the women's sake.” +15 BONUS Atticus clenches his jaw, but it's Sebastian's eyes that are filled with hostility now. | stare back, holding his gaze with my own cold one. Neither of us blinks, and the moment | feel his aura flare, | match it with my owlIL.

“How can you show your face with such confidence when you killed my best friend?” he asksquietly.t 1 look up at him, remembering Gaultier; he was younger than | was, but ever since he was put into the straining as me, | had been like a brother to him, the one | considered a friend... only with every passing season, he becmore unhinged. Losing his sanity to the torture that was our training “You killed mine.” | counter emotionally.

Sebastian cocks a brow, smirking humourlessly. “I never knew you had one. You are a killing machine, not sure what | can say about you now.

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“Yeah, | was, still am. Doesn't mean | didn’t have anyone | considered a friend. Gaultier King. He was the only one who could understand what | went through as he went through the same.” Sure, by the the was killed, we were almost like strangers to one another... his hatred had pulled him deeper into the darkness. His desire to becbetter thanoutweighed our bond, and soon he wanted to do nothing but prove he could lead.

When he had gone after Valerie, to see if she was a Sublime, | knew | had lost the one | considered a friend. He had been so power-hungry so willing to do it. To show Gerard and Lawrence that he was better than me. The anger at that thought makes my eyes flash.

When Sebastian was named the head of our triquetra, it never bothered me, but it bothered Gaultier...

“He was mad,” Sebastian says icily.

“Driven mad. Yeah. Doesn't mean he wasn’t once a friend.” “You do know he’s the one who almost killed Valerie?” Sebastian asks.

“Yeah, and | hate him for it, still doesn’t change the fact you killed him and many comrades... we both did what we had to on that battlefield. I'm growing bored of having to of my hear it on repeat. Got an issue? Well, | don’t really care. | don’t fucking want to hear it.”