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I Am The Luna

Chapter 470
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Cassian chuckles and raises his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I do apologise. I know things are hard Valerie... but know that I'm not against you or your people." He reaches out placing a hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze, my eyes flash and I grip his wrist, instantly removing his hand from my shoulder "Lighten up Valerie... What is going on?" Standing up I look him in the eye. "Don't tellto lighten up when we are already discriminated against. This is not a light matter," I answer quietly.

"I know, and I'm sorry for being inconsiderate." A strange silence falls between us, and I shake my head. "I'm going to head out on ttoday..." "We have a lot of research to do..." "Hmm, maybe, but I don't think I want to bend over backwards for a species who are treating us so badly." The words leave my mouth before I can even stop them, but to my surprise, he does not even react.

Our eyes meet and a heavy silence falls between us. "You're right, you shouldn't... good night, Valerie." He turns away and I frown. Something about that exchange felt... off.

I can't believe I said what I did, but I just feel angry. Maybe it's the long hours, I just need a break! I grab my things, feeling annoyed as I exit. 'Hey Sexy, you might want to watch the cameras about now, I just had a weird exchange with Cassian,' I say through the mind-link as I meet Damien outside, and we head to the car. There are always several guards around, one of Zade's and then a few men sent by Sebastian. 'Who says I wasn't watching already? I don't like him at all...' Zade's sexy voice comes back. 'Maybe you really are an excellent judge of character.' 'There's no maybe, I am, there's nothing to think about there,' he replies, makingsmile.

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We get in the car and head out.

'He's up to something... he's looking through your desk and papers.' Zade goes quiet and I wait, not wanting him to miss anything. 'He's called someone, but it was short... and he's messaging someone. I think there's definitely more to him than we think...' Zade's serious voice comes.

I'm not surprised... not after what's been going on... I can't trust anyone.

'Wait... he's looking at something on his phone...I'm sending you a screenshot. Does this mean anything to you?' My phone buzzes as a picture comes through and it's zoomed up on Cassian's phone. It looks like an invitation... But it's almost like I've seen it before, but where? 'It does look familiar- wait, letcheck something.' I quickly switch to a web browser and type in the town nand city hall events.

The charity ball.

It was delayed? I didn't know...

'It's the charity ball... remember the one he invitedto?' 'Yeah, I do,' he doesn't sound impressed.

'Well, it was delayed. it's this Friday evening.' 'Interesting...' Why would he be looking at that right after our exchange? Maybe I am being paranoid and it's nothing, but right now we can't afford to brush anything as a meaningless move.

'Tell me, my Sexy Stallion, how do you feel about attending a charity ball?' I ask as Damien drives out of the parking lot. 'A lot of the people of this town will be there. Might be a good chance to scope it out." 'Might be worth attending,' he muses. And the perfect excuse forto actually have a conversation with the Doc and see if there's more to him than meets the eye, cause | definitely feel there is.' 'Yeah, it might just be good for us, and since we're kind of new in town, the perfect excuse to mingle, especially as everyone knows everyone. Maybe we'll learn elsomething new.' I reply, taking out my phone and searching up the event.

Find'I guess we'll do that then. Is there a dress code?' he asks as if an afterthought.

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I can't help but smirk. 'Of course, but I'm sure you'll clean up nicely.' 'Clean up? I'm not one for formal wear.' I can practically hear the disgust in his voice. I chuckle, making Damien glance at me.

'Oh, you might not be, but something tellsyou are going to look drop-dead gorgeous...'

And I mean it, my man is sexy in his leather and hoodies... but there's a part ofthat is suddenly excited ΕΠ about seeing him in formal wear. 'Don't forget the reason we're attending," he reminds me.

'Oh I know, doesn't mean I can't enjoy myself. So, are you ready to go m ve clothes shopping later?' There's silence and I can imagine him silently groaning or cursing.

'No, I'm not. But I don't really own anything that would work, either.' I smile, sitting back. 'Perfect then, so how about we go shopping, then get dinner later?' 'Sure, it's a date then.' My heart skips a beat. 'It sure is.'

Life might not be so good right now, but that is not going to stopfrom enjoying the little things in life. X