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I Am The Luna

Chapter 73
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73. A Memory


VALERIE. “It’s so late.” I massage the back of my neck as I step into my apartment. We had left the

Whispering Mountain Pack after midnight and the journey wasn’t too short.

I yawn, pausing as I stretch when I hear the faint creak of a floorboard, making me freeze. It’s not a

violent stormy night that the wind would cause the apartment to creak.

I tilt my head, but there’s nothing more and I almost smile. Why am I being so paranoid? I walk to the

fridge, grabbing myself a bottle of water; gulp it down and look through some papers. I have work in the


I sit down at the counter, skimming through one of the reports of a big operation we have tomorrow

when I think I hear something again.

Tilting my head, I pause, I really am imagining things. I shake my head. Well, I should shower and get

to bed. I need to get out of this dress too.

I get up and walk to the bedroom. Sighing, I mull over everything with Zaia. I hate how life has done her

dirty. I wish there was more I could do for her.

I’ll keep sending her the antidote, and I’ll keep checking her bloods but it’s just not enough. Fucking

stupid alpha!

That stupid bitch Annalise!

Karma. Karma will bite their ass.

I walk to my bedroom, pausing when I see it standing ajar. Strange, I’m sure I shut the door when I left.

I specifically remember trapping my dress in it and then opening it, pulling out the dress and then

closing it…

I shake my head as I step inside and flip the light switch. Darkness. I groan in annoyance. “Do I even

have a spare bulb?” Tonight is not my night!

I’m about to turn to leave the room when I see a slight movement from the corner of my eye. On reflex,

I turn sharply, my heart dropping when I see the tall, masked man who stands in the corner behind the

door. He’s in baggy clothing with his hood up, his head is lowered and in his gloved hands he’s

holding… a hammer.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We move at the same time, and I instantly grab the small vanity table that stands beside the door, lifting

it up and swinging it at him with all my might. He ducks, and the table goes flying against the far wall.

I turn, knowing I’m no match for him! I need to alert security!

I’m barely two steps out of the bedroom when he grabs my dress, yanking me back into the room and

kicking the door shut. He grabs my hair and throws me to the floor.

“What do you want!” I scream as I hit the floor. Fuck, he’s strong! I’m about to shout for help, but his

gloved hand covers my mouth. “I need to make sure you aren’t a Blood Born.” He hisses.

A what?

I kick him off, scrambling away. “I don’t know what that is! You got the wrong person!” I say as he grabs

me by the arm and violently throws me onto the bed and climbs on top of me.

Fear envelops me as I struggle fruitlessly. “Don’t fight me and let me see if there’s a mark or not. You

might just live,” he snarls. That voice sounds so… familiar…

“If-if I’m not who you’ ‘re looking for, will you let me go?” I ask, my heart thundering, feeling his strong

thighs against my own.

They feel like rock. He’s pure muscle and in a battle of strength, I will lose. His hand wraps around my

throat squeezing tightly. He pauses slightly, and at that moment I’m able to see his blue eyes.

Alpha? My heart plummets as confusion fills me. He was asleep in the car ten minutes ago. “If you

really aren’t, then, of course,’ he says, caressing my cheek. “But one sound and I will kill you.”

The threat is real. My blood runs cold, even though he’s speaking extremely low, it’s him. It’s Sebastian.

But if I tell him I know… he might just kill me… even if he’s wearing that black mask. I remain frozen as

he moves my head sharply and begins searching for something. What is he looking for?

I break out in a cold sweat, sensing his anger rising as he yanks and pulls my hair – until he takes a

long shuddering breath.

What has he found on my head? “Ah… there it is…” he yanks my hair as his attention falls to the

hammer that lies on the bed.

No! I begin struggling as he lifts it, and I manage to throw him back. My eyes blaze and suddenly

everything in the room is enhanced.

My wolf’s eyes! I’m using them! It’s rare for a werewolf to be able to do this, but I guess my emotions

are helping me.

I manage to throw him off, but not for long as he grabs my arm, yanking me to the ground. I grab the

bed sheets trying to pull myself up but it’s futile and I only manage to drag the bedding right off. I hit

him in the face.

“Bitch!” he snarls, raising his hammer and then intense pain ricochets through my head. I let out a

choked gasp and I grab my head, crying out.

There’s a faint silver glow spreading around me, but the pain is too much. “I’ll destroy it,” He hisses, as

he keeps striking my head, bludgeoning it with the hammer. My ears are ringing and then… I can’t hear

anything but my own laboured breathing. I’m going to die…

Each blow is dragging me into the darkness and that silver light… is beginning to fade.

This is it… I can feel it…

My heart hurts, my head is being split open and the pain- it’s… too much…

There’s a pause, and then the most excruciating pain I’ve felt rips through-


“Valerie!” I gasp as I look around the car, my heart hammering. I’m safe. I’m safe. I clutch my head as I

rock myself, trying to compose my emotions. Goddess…

I can feel the ghostly pain in my head lingering. My head still has the scar…

“I’m fine,” I reply quietly. “And no one would have thought much of the symbol at the hospital,”

Sebastian says quietly.

“Possibly, and the amount of stitches and damage her head had, there’s a possibility it was just hidden

and once her hair began growing, we wouldn’t have noticed it,” Jai says, frowning thoughtfully.

I had just relayed the entire ordeal to them in French, but it was too much, and I am left shaken. Zaia

wraps her arms around me. “It’s ok, no one will hurt you,” she whispers comfortingly in French.

“Could that have been when we knocked?” Jai asks, looking at Sebastian. They were the ones who

apparently found me… but at the same time, it’s obvious they could cook up a story to feed everyone…

They were together; they are best friends…

It was Sebastian! “What did you see when you came?” I ask, wondering what they’ll say. “Someone

peeped through the eyehole, but no one answered the door so Seb broke the door down,” Jai replies.

“Once we brought the door down and found you in your bedroom, I think we might have come just in

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

time,” Sebastian says. Zion’s watching us curiously. For a three-year-old, my gorgeous nephew is very


“Well, he had your eyes…” I say quietly. “It wasn’t Seb, Val, trust me.” Jai’s eyes are soft and full of

concern as he watches me. “He told me to get you to the hospital fast and called ahead to have

everything ready.”

“It doesn’t matter, she’ll learn the truth, there’s no need to force her to believe us,” Sebastian says

quietly. “I initially thought he had jumped but he had locked himself in your bathroom, I chased him from

there, but he got away.”

“Fast as an Alpha,” Zaia says, frowning. Does she trust Sebastian? I look at her, but I don’t know… I

think she does.

“Well, then… either you have a doppelgänger or a twin,” I say quietly. “You aren’t the first to say that,”

Sebastian says quietly, I look up with intrigue, and Zaia sighs.

“Not long ago, a shooter on a bike attacked me, killing countless people and several of my guards. I

managed to get his visor up and although I said to the police, I didn’t see him… his eyes were just like

Bastian’s,” Zaia says.

I stare at her in shock, and she nods. “And you trust him?” I ask quietly. “Yes.” She says with a gentle

smile. “So we need to find out who has eyes like Sebastian’s,” Jai says. He looks at me with concern in

his gorgeous eyes and I look away. I don’t know how to react to him…

Zaia told me how he’s been taking care of me, how my own grandma and Dad had given up, but he

refused to… he’s been the one who has taken care of me.. I’m not sure if I’m more embarrassed or

more confused.

There were moments when I was conscious, and I can’t deny it was his voice that I heard the most…

but I also didn’t know what to say… I owe him more than a thank you… but…..

“Alright look, until this is over, we are all going to live together at my safe house. A place even the

guards and my parents don’t have access to.” Sebastian begins as he sits forward, his eyes on Zaia.

Her heart skips a beat and I guess that answers my question. I can tell from the crazy pull between

them that they want one another badly, and I have no idea where they stand. I mean, I know we’re

coming back, but have they really resolved their issues?

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!