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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 22
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22. Searching For Answers ALEJANDRO I entered the building and followed my nose until I found

Darien and Dusfin , one of my two Delta’s in one of the tech rooms .. Having two Deltas really fucking

helped , knowing that there were more commanders to take control when needed . ” Alpha . ”

Dustin said , lowering his head as Darien looked up from the computer he was working at . ” Right on

time Al , I think we found something . ” He remarked seriously . I cocked my brow . ” Already ? ” ” You

gave us a pack and a name , I don’t think that was information this guy planned on letting out . ” Darien

remarked , pushing his seat out . ” It’s not much , but there’s a pack in Puerto Rico with that 11 exact

name . ” The Caribbean … ” I tilted my head . ” I don’t get what fucking debt I have to pay to someone

from so far fucking out … ” ”

” Yeah , but it could be a century – old debt or something like that . You never know , it doesn’t need to

be directly you . ” Dustin added thoughtfully . ” Hmm , anything on the name ? ” ” The Escarra’s . There’s

a wealthy family who own a shitload of stuff in the states , but they are private people , I’m not sure if it’s

the same , and nothing on an Enrique Ignacio Escarra . ” Darien said scratching his short beard

thoughtfully . ” ” Hmm we’ll relay what we learned to Janaina .

They were from the States , they might know something . There’s also Alpha Kenneth of The Shadow

Wolves Pack . His mate’s from the states , see if you can organise a meeting with them . ” ” That pack …

” Darien raised an eyebrow .. Yeah , ok the guy was a fucking Ken doll and spoke like he was the fucking

king of England with an accent and mannerisms of the royal family . Let’s just say he and I did not go

well at one fucking table . ” Yeah … I’m sure his woman’s from Florida … ” I frowned .

Darien smirked slightly , ” Well , I better get on a call to Buckingham palace then . ” He joked , with a

mock accent . I gave him a small smirk as I turned away , shoving my hands into my pockets as I

pondered on this new information . ” Dustin … Also , there are the old archives of packs from around the

world , I doubt we’ll have them all or even if they are up to date , but if our family have crossed paths with

this fucker’s family then maybe there’s something in the old archives … ”

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” The ones that were originally from the Black Storm pack ? ” ” Yeah , I think some may still be there . Not

all of them were brought here . I’ll contact Rayhan myself . ” I needed to check out how Del was coping

too . I left the room , taking my phone out as I walked to my office , unlocking the door with my fingerprint


The lights came on automatically when I entered and walked over to my desk , dropping to my seat as I

video called Rayhan . Taking out a cigarette 1 lit it as I waited for him to answer . Moments later , he

answered the call , clearly having just stepped out of the shower , wearing nothing but some jeans and a

towel in hand . ” Eager to answer my call ? ” I remarked , taking a drag on my cigarette as he sat down

on his bed , ” You wish , but I did think it may be important . ” He replied , towelling his hair . The fuck did

he keep his hair so fucking long for ? The amount of care that shit needed , made no fucking sense . ”

Hmm . So how’s Spitfire doing ? ” I asked . He looked at the screen , and I didn’t miss the anguish that

flickered in his eyes before he masked it , looking off to the side . ” Handling well … but she’s exhausted .

It’s fucking draining her . ” He replied . I felt fucking guilty , I really needed to sort this shit out as soon as

fucking possible . ” Is she awake ? ”

He nodded and for a moment I was looking at the luxurious ceilings of the Rossi Mansion , or the fucking

palace if you wanted to call it that . ” Kitten … I got you . ” His quiet words came along with a whimper

and a whisper . ” I’m ok . ” The camera was back on them , and I looked at Delsanra , who , like Dante

was covered in those veins . Her skin looked almost as white as her hair , and her blue eyes looked pale

. ” Hey spitfire , still holding up ? ” ” Obviously .

” She replied , giving me a small smile as she leaned against Rayhan’s chest , his arm around her tightly

as he cradled her in his lap . ” Good to fucking hear . We got a pack name and the fucker’s son’s name .

The pack originates from Puerto Rico and it’s called the Fuego De Ceniza pack . The Alpha family are

called the Escarra’s . ” Rayhan frowned , running his fingers through his wet locks . ” Doesn’t sound

familiar .

” Yeah , I know . Just check the old archives of packs that we do fucking know off . See if you can bring

them down . ” ” I’ll do that . Mom wanted to speak to you , but she’s been holding off knowing you’re busy

. Could you give her a call when you have a moment ? ” ” I will . ” I gave a curt nod , looking at Del once

more , ” We will get this shit sorted .

How are the pups ? ” ” Both are doing great ; Lola and Rose have taken them for the day . ” Rayhan

replied , kissing Delsanra’s lips , referring to his beta couple . I could tell from the way she could barely

keep her head up that she was suffering more than Dante . ” I think we need to fucking regroup … Can

Lola hold down your pack if you five come down here ? It might just be easier to deal with stuff if we’re

together . ” Fuck those words sounded cheesy as fuck … That annoying smirk of his crossed his lips ,


before he could speak , I spoke up . ” Don’t go getting fucking ideas , but the pups might just be a little

more occupied if they’re together . ” Yeah , Lola and Rose had a pup but still , there were four here … ” I

think that would be nice . ” Delsanra added , smiling gently . I knew Raihana had cast spells around their

pack , but still being in one place may fucking help .

” Well , you can ask Mom what she thinks too . ” 11 I nodded , I knew Scarlett and Elijah would need to

also go back at some point . Liam was working on this case , and although Raven and Damon covered

for him , they had six pups between them . ” I’m going to call her now . ” I said before ending the call and

scrolling to Maria’s number . She answered soon after , seemingly in the kitchen . A place Maria didn’t

often go . ” How the fuck did anyone manage to get you into the kitchen ? ”

She smiled slightly , raising an eyebrow . ” Hello to you too , Alejandro , and no one at all . It’s my

personal choice . I was making Delsanra some of her favourite dishes … There isn’t much I can do for

her . ” She said as she began to slice some peppers . ” Ah makes fucking sense … So that pretty son of

yours said you wanted to call . You know I’d always have time for you . You should call if you want to . ”

She smiled and nodded . ” I know you do , but still ,

I know you are busy … I rang Kiara to ask how you were all doing . ” She looked down at the chopping

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board , and I took a moment to look her over . In her long – sleeved high – neck deep green dress , I

could tell she was as skinny as ever . She was getting fucking thinner every time I saw her … I knew the

signs of someone losing it all once their mate was gone … and she was getting there . Slowly but surely .

I wish I could tell her to take a chosen mate ,

although it fucking hurt to even think of that . I know she was Rafael’s mate , but I also know he wouldn’t

want her to lose herself over him …. ” About that , I was thinking you and the kids should come down for

a bit , think you all could use the change of space and Rayhan’s Beta can hold down the fort there for a

bit . I was thinking to ask Raihana too . I think it would be fucking ideal for everyone . ” I smoked my

cigarette waiting for her answer . She nodded her head slowly . ” That’s going to be a lot of children in

one place . ” She replied with a smile . ” Yeah well , seems like everyone around is fucking having kids .

Besides , they prove for good distraction or entertainment . ” I replied , smirking before I frowned . Maria

was quite smart and had studied abroad for a few years … 11 ” That is true . ” Mari … Ever heard of a

Feugo De Ceniza pack ? ” She frowned , tapping her chin .

” No , not that I recall … Why ? ” ” It’s most likely the pack the fucker behind all this shit is from . ” ” If I

remember anything , I’ll let you know . ” She mused thoughtfully . I nodded and sat up . ” Well , I’ll let you

go , I need to get some shit sorted . I’ll be expecting you and the kids soon . ” She gave me a nod . ” Of

course .

1 I ended the call and sat back , just as Darien mind linked me . ‘ I’ve made an appointment with Alpha

Kenneth , three days from now . Good luck . He’s expecting accommodations . ” ‘ Ever heard of

suggesting a fucking video call ? ‘ ‘ He said sometimes discussions are better in person , and he has

desired to talk to you in person for a while now

‘ I resisted the urge to roll my fucking eyes . He was such a prick . ‘ Did you tell him I desire to fucking

kick him in the fucking balls ? ” Darien’s snicker came through the link , and I ran my hand down my face

. ‘ Yeah , well give them one of the villas , make sure security is in place . Did he say how long he’ll be

around ? ‘ ‘ Two days and nights . ‘ I hope he had fucking answers … or I was just putting up with his

tailored ass for no fucking reason .

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