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Luca’s Inferno by Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 24
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24 Going On Vacation. Luca. I could not believe we had only four more months to go. I wish I could pause time for eternity, but I knew

it would be impossible. I had only four months to go. Four months to love her and create more memories

with her that would keep me for the rest of my life. Saying she would move far away and cut off after this

got to me, but I knew it was for the best too. I can never love anyone else the way I love Emma. I hated

my life. I wished it was a lot simpler and wasn’t at the top. I would have kept her in my life permanently

without regret. I had started working from home to make every second count. I hoped she wouldn’t forget

about me and if there was another life that we would meet, fall in love and build a life together. Emma

was an angel, and she had no place in hell.

Emma was excited about the vacation, and I wanted to give her a good time. She deserved it. I was glad

I got her involved with my business because she did it diligently with all her heart. She was honest, and

she wanted to protect me and my assets. I wouldn’t have been able to find anyone more devoted than

she was. I knew I was in love with her already. Everyone could see it, but I hoped she didn’t because I

was hell-bent on letting her go. If I keep her, people will know she owns my heart, and her life will be in

danger. I did not want to save her, only to kill her.

Telling my mother the truth about Roberto was wrong. Because of that, she refused to eat; when she did,

it was negligible. I also suspected it was a ploy to stop me from taking the trip with Emma, but my mind

was made up. Her broken heart was her husband’s to mend. I knew she would be shocked when I left,

and I did not care.

My mother was counting down the days. She did not care to see how mentioning it hurt me. She coldly

begged me to let Emma go when the contract was over. It was as if they were all tolerating this because

they knew it would be short-lived. How could she be too selfish to see that my heart belonged to Emma?

That letting her go will break me in irreparable ways. How could she not know that I dreaded the day our

contract would be over? Instead, she was busy talking about her feelings and what she wanted. She was

a selfish woman, and I could now understand why my father acted toward her in specific ways. He wasn’t

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right, but she did not make it easy either.

To shut her up, I had threatened to make Emma’s contract duration indefinite, but I knew I wouldn’t do

that. My mother took the threat seriously and did not speak ill of Emma again, but I knew I would not

extend the contract. For Emma’s sake, I could not do it. I will be happy knowing she is safe somewhere

instead of having my heart in my mouth that she might get killed because of me. Emma had not spent a

dime from the account I set up for her. I expected her to move some of the funds and create a private

account somewhere, saving for when the contract was over, but it remained untouched. I offered to pay

her for her work, and she refused; I still did not get it. I intended to bring up her finances with her when

we leave for the holiday. I left my office and walked to my room. I had gotten up at three in the morning to

take care of some paperwork. Now it was six thirty, and we should be out by eight in the morning. Emma

was already up when I entered our bedroom, and looking at her, I noticed she had showered. Miranda

had packed our bags for us, but Emma was going through hers to ensure it was

satisfactory, which made me laugh. I did not have to go through mine because Miranda packed my back

always. If Emma would be in my life permanently, I would have loved her to pack my bags.

She opened my bag, and I wondered what she was looking for. She went through the contents and then

looked at me, frowning. Was the content not satisfactory?

“I know you have security, Luca, but we can’t travel light. Only the goddess knows what we will find there.

With all the attacks and hate going on, you can’t put your life in your men’s hands. No offence; It is none

of my business, and I am just passing through, but I do not want anything to happen to you, Luca.” She

said, and I wondered why she was speaking like this. Did she know something?

“We need silver bullets, bracelets, a gun and protective vests. We also need a small first aid kit. “She

said, and I widened my eyes at her. “We are going to have fun and spend some time together, not attack

people,” I said, laughing. She nodded with a serious expression on her face.

“I know, Luca. I know, but trouble always finds you. You are the boss. If no one is planning shit, you

should worry that a big one is coming. What better time to attack than when you will be relaxed?” She

said, and I knew she was a bit right, but I knew it was unnecessary. Still, I wanted to oblige her, so I

called Gerald to make the items available. “Tell him to bring them. We will be wearing the vests.” She

said, and I shook my head. “No, we won’t. Taking you won’t be fun with it on your body. The vest will be

in the way,” I said, and she blushed. Her pale skin had some tan, thanks to her skin regimen. Her dark

hair looked even more beautiful and full than it used to. It had its natural curls, which made her. look very

young. Emma was a beauty. The colour of her eyes was unusual but beautiful. We got ready and headed

out. Gerald had brought what I had requested. I had a surprise waiting for Emma. I did not know how she

would react to it, but I looked forwards to it.

My mother met us at the foot of the stairs on our way out.

“I can’t believe you will still travel with me in the state,” she said in tears. She had lost a lot of weight. My

father hadn’t been home for a week, and I did not like the fact that he had left his wife. He should have

carried her with him.

“Leave Luca alone, mother. He is not your husband. Call father if you need a shoulder or someone to

hold you,” Catalina told her. I did not know my baby sister was in the living room. I was glad she told our

mother the truth. My mother did not say a word. She just looked at me, hoping I would change my mind.

“It won’t work, mother; Goodbye,” I said, and she cried. “Who will protect us while you are away?” She

asked, and that was an easy question. I turned to look at her and smiled.

“Father,” I said, and she frowned.

“You know..” She began, and I stopped her from speaking.

“I do not know anything, mother. He did a good job. That is why we are all here. You’re his responsibility

and not mine.” I said, walking out the front door, and before she could utter a word, I closed the door and

Emma and I rushed into the car. We both sat in the backseat

laughing at what had happened with my mother. Emma always looked amazing whenever she laughed. I

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was grateful for her smile. I will forever keep it in my memory.

Emma leaned on me at the back, and I held her taking in her scent. Her neck was visible, and I was

tempted to sink my teeth in and make her mine, but I did not want to do that. She deserved to be

surrounded by good people and peace. The mafia wasn’t a life for her. She was pure and innocent, so

even though my teeth elongated every time I was close to her neck, I would control myself and force

them back. One day someone worthy of her would sink his teeth in and love her for the rest of her life.

Trying to distract myself from my longing and pain, I decided to discuss the money issue with her.

“Emma,” I said to her. She giggled and playfully answered. “Yes, Luca,” she said, smiling at me. Her hair

was in a ponytail.

“Why are you not spending the money I gave you?” I asked, and she smiled. “I do not need to. You have

got me everything I need, and besides, there is no point living a false life knowing I will be out of your

hair soon,” she said playfully, but it broke my heart because she was telling the truth. “At least spend

some of it. See it as payment for your work for me right now.” I said, and she shook her head and sat up.

“I can never ask you to pay for anything, Luca,” she said, looking serious. “I can never repay your

kindness towards my family and me. This is me showing appreciation. Besides, all I need from you is a

good recommendation when I leave so I can get a job where I move to.” She said, and I was surprised

she was planning on going to work after this. Emma was a gem and an independent woman. Something

inside me said I should forget about the danger in my life and marry Emma properly. Another part of me

knew what was best for her. I pulled her close and held her. I did not utter a word until we got to the

airport. The moment we got there, we were led to where we would enter the transport that would take us

to the hanger where my private jet was.

. Emma was surprised to see the people waiting for us at the hangar. She squealed when she saw

her best friend Heather and her younger brother, Kyle. She was in tears, hugging them. I was glad to see

she liked her surprise. She looked at me and smiled, thanking me for inviting them, knowing this was a

gift to her. It was my pleasure. I had never met a woman that was easy to please like Emma. Aldo joined

us. It was going to be a fun-filled vacation, and I could not wait to experience every moment with Emma.