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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 450
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450 Chapter 449 Nara's eyes widened, glaring venomously at Jackson.

Her eyes were red, and she clenched her fingers tightly.

After a long moment, she exhaled, crossed out the words she had just written, and then wrote, "What service do you need?" 1 Upon seeing these words, Jackson scoffed, “At least have the sense to know that flatteringis the only way you have a future!" you Jackson looked at the fruit plate, "Go wash these fruits for me, and cut them into pieces that are easy forto eat. Also, remove all the orange pith for me. Not even a single thread can be left, I don't like eating that!" 1 Harry immediately said, "But this isn't something us intern doctors should be doing..." Jackson immediately scoffed. "You know you're an intern doctor? Don't you want to remove the 'intern' from your title?" 1/8 450 Chapter 449 The bodyguard beside him said bluntly, "Do you even know who our young master is? He's the heir of the Gill family! This hospital belongs to them, and he can decide your fate with just one phone call! Better shut up quickly!" Harry immediately shut his mouth in panic.

Jackson then pointed at Nara. "Are you going or not?" Nara's eyes reddened, but she still nodded firmly, picked up the fruit plate, and left the room.

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She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and went to the sink to wash the fruits.

While she was washing them, a shocked voice suddenly cfrom beside her. "Nara?" Nara was startled, turned her head, and caught sight of Keira standing right beside her. Her eyes lit up, and she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, ready to write and ask how she cto be there.

It was as if Keira understood what she wanted to say. "I chere for something. Why are you here?" Keira was here, of course, because of Ellis's azoospermia report! 278 <450 Chapter 449 Ellis was perfectly capable of having children, with a high sperm activity level, yet why had all three hospitals issued a diagnosis of azoospermia? Keira had cto the hospital today to consult with the doctors about this matter.

However, she didn't expect that the doctor who had examined Ellis had gone abroad the night before.

She was somewhat disappointed and was about to leave when she unexpectedly saw a familiar figure. Nara wrote on a piece of paper, "I'm doing my internship here." Keira suddenly realized. "Is your major in medical studies?" Nara nodded her head.

1 Keira relaxed, about to say something more, when she suddenly realized they were on the sfloor ast Jackson. She instantly furrowed her brows, asking, “Is Jackson making things difficult for you? Do you needto arrange a transfer for you?" Nara immediately waved her hands.

want to cause any more trouble for Miss 3/8 450 Chapter 449 Olsen. The last tMiss Olsen had helped her retrieve her jade, she was already very grateful.

Because of that piece of jade, she would be able to return to the Gill family...

Thinking of this, her fingers moved to her neck, feeling the jade through her clothing.

Seeing Nara shake her head, Keira was about to insist further when Austin and Lady Gill suddenly arrived. They were talking as they walked.

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Austin was saying, "Mom, my sister hasn't replied to my messages either. Which floor is she on? I had her phone located, it's on this floor, but which room is she actually in?" · While speaking, Austin suddenly caught sight of Keira and Nara, his face instantly darkened, and he asked, "What are you doing here?!" Keira placed Nara behind her and retorted, "Why I'm here is none of your business. Or does this hospital have a sign that says members of the Olsen family aren't allowed to enter?" Austin sneered, "Then I really should put up a sign that 4/8 450 Chapter 449 says that!" Keira furrowed her brow., "You run a hospital, yet you select patients?" "So what if we do? This hospital belongs to our family, and I make the rules!" Keira scoffed. "Then do you dare to say that to the public?" Austin choked, "You...!" Lady Gill gripped his arm, coldly looking at Keira. "Miss Olsen, you wouldn't happen to be carrying skind of recording pen, would you? Did you provoke my son into saying something like that so that you can use it for a public relations stunt to retaliate against us?" Keira was almost rolling her eyes. "I'm not that unreasonable! I'm here to get to the bottom of what exactly happened with my elder brother's azoospermi report!" Austin grew furious. "What could have happened? What are you still pretending for? Isn't it just that your elder brother switched the samples, tested with sperm that had azoospermia, and then schemed against us? hospital's doctors give you a fake report?" 5/8 < 450 Chapter 449 When Keira heard this, she frowned. "Are you suggesting the report given by your hospital's doctor is real?" "Of course, we run a hospital, not something else, how could we possibly hand out random reports to patients?!" Austin glared at her. "You want to mess with our hospital from this angle? Lettell you, no chance!" Keira furrowed her brows again. "Then why did your doctor fly out of the country last night?" Austin was taken aback. “What are you talking about?" "I'm saying, the doctor who made the report for Ellis, suddenly flew out of the country last night! And when I call him, he doesn't answer at all!"

Austin frowned. "It couldn't possibly be another one o your tricks, could it? I get it, you must have bribed then have doctor, and then you're going to pin this whole thing on our family? Claiming our hospital is producing fake reports? Wow, the Olsen family is really ruthless and cunning!" Keira was speechless.

6/8 450 Chapter 449 She twitched the corner of her mouth, "Do you have paranoia?" Austin was dumbfounded.

nstop Keira was almost rolling her eyes again but then she began. "Also, stop acting so self-righteous here. If you were truly fair and just, then how could you have made life difficult for this little friend of mine?" She pulled Nara from behind her and pushed her in front of both of them. "You assigned her an internship on the third-floor just to satify Jackson, didn't you?"

Austin curled his lip. “I don't have tfor such petty things. Who would bother with someone so m insignificant? don't know where this girl cfrom, but you left Jackson in a wreck for her! Even if we did arrange it, so what if we want to get s satisfaction?" Just as Keira was about to say something, Lady Gill interrupted Austin. "Enough, stop this argument. Don't forget the important matter at hand."" "Ah, right, the important matter!" Austin snapped back to reality; he was here to find his 7/8 < 450 Chapter 449 What was he doing talking to Keira! He gave Keira a fierce glare, then scanned over Nara, his gaze meeting hers.

Nara immediately panicked and looked away...

Austin snorted and then took out his phone, once more located that number, and dialed it... 2 X