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My Alpha’s Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 36
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The Darkness In The World YILEYNA

What do I do? I mean, I needed to help her, but how? Doing a quick scan of the situation, I frowned,

seven men… Two were mages, some werewolves, but most were fae. The fae are the one species who

were immune to the siren’s song. One thing was clear, they were all dangerous … Each one of those

men would kill me without a second thought but I can’t just let them do this.

“Make sure she feels the pain.” An eighth man hissed, making me shudder, there was something odd

about him and I felt as if my entire body recoiled from his voice.

“Of course.” Another added.

How many of them were there? There was no way I’d win in a match against them all… I could count

thirteen now.

This wasn’t Astalion where wolves stuck together… This was a place entirely different, with a mix of

species working together, but I wouldn’t let it fool me, it was only for their own goals. I

almost gasped when I realised the raspy voice belonged to a Naga… My stomach churned.

If they discovered me, I’d be dead within minutes…

Think quick, Yileyna…

Maybe if I somehow caused a distraction I could

Suddenly a hand clamped over my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me off the

ground as I was pulled away. I struggled, my heart was thundering in my ears, panic flaring inside of me.

Did they see me?! “Calm down.” My captive whispered, his warm breath on my ear, making my stomach

flip. I relaxed, relief flooding me. I slumped against his chest, my heart pounding hard. Oh, thank the

goddess. “What the hell are you doing here?” He asked ever so quietly. I turned my head, looking up at

him, trying not to focus on how good his body felt against mine.

Focus Yileyna! Why did he make my body go crazy like this? I tried to pull free from his hold, but he

didn’t let go, only removing his hand from my mouth. His other hand still gripping my waist tightly. “I heart

a girl cry for help, you saw them, they’re torturing her.” I whispered quietly, knowing even though he had

moved us away we might still be overheard. His amber eyes narrowed calculatingly and he loosened his

hold on me. Although I was unable to pull away, I was able to turn in his arms and look up at him, my

chest crushed against his. “You do know that she’s a siren?” He murmured; his voice so quiet I could just

about hear him.

36 The Darkness In The World

“A young one, she doesn’t deserve this.” I countered.

“She will grow to become a killer.”

“I know, but they are torturing her.”

“Don’t tell me you were about to go in there to protect one of the very monsters that have tried to kill our

kind countless times?” He asked coldly.

“I… No, its…”

Yes, I was going to because I didn’t think, all I saw was a young girl being tortured.

“She’s not even in water, her body wouldn’t become foam if they had just killed her first… So why are

they doing this?”

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“Because monsters deserve to be punished.” He replied coldly, his eyes seemed to darken with hatred.

“Theon, she’s a child.” I whispered, glancing down the alley where I knew exactly what was happening

“Who will become one soon enough.”

“Innocent until proven guilty. She has done nothing.” “Yet.”

“And until she has… we can’t call her a monster. They are causing her so much pain.” “What do you plan

to do, Yileyna? We are only passing through; we can’t afford to put the rest of the pack or crew in

danger.” He whispered coldly. We were so close. I don’t know when his hands went to my waist, or when

he had drawn my lower body entirely against his, our face only inches apart and the urge to kiss him

made my core knot. The only thing keeping me sane was the concern for the young girl not far from


“I know, but they are torturing her.” I felt torn. “Please Theon, let’s do something, she’s just a defenceless

child being killed by monsters.”

Something flickered in his eyes, and he looked away, for a moment I actually thought he was considering


“Stay here.” He commanded, his eyes simmering gold. “Theon, where.”

He placed a finger on my lips. “Don’t move. I’ll be back.” His gaze raked over my lips and breasts before

he turned and walked back down the alley.

The urge to follow him was tempting, but I also didn’t want to piss him off. Was Theon actually going to

help her? Maybe we could toss her back into the ocean…

Shouting ensued and then Theon was back. Alone.

“Run.” He said quietly, taking my hand as he pulled me down the street. Taking a sharp left, he pulled me

through an archway, until we were in a narrow, neglected, small garden. “Theon, where are we going?”

He didn’t respond to me, pulling me in through the open

broken door of a small abandoned building. “Theon where’s the girl?” He looked down at me, his face

emotionless as he uttered a single word that felt like a harsh slap across the face.


How do you respond to that?

I felt as if the breath had been knocked out of me, a flashback of him telling me that my parents were

dead hit me full force and I backed away from him.


“I killed her so that she wouldn’t feel any more pain.” He said, his voice cold and normal, as if he had just

told me the weather.

I stared at him, unable to believe what he was saying.

He killed her…

No wonder there wasn’t an uproar, he had just killed her, they were free to rob her of her scales

“She was a child.” I whispered, feeling my chest squeeze. “Yileyna…” He closed the gap between us,

and I backed away. I wasn’t able to understand how killing children made us any different to those sirens.

I had asked him to save her, not kill her…

“Stay away from me.” I heard myself say. Like always, he didn’t listen. He gripped the back of my neck

with both hands, his thumbs brushing my cheeks as he cupped my face.

“What I did was the only option, at least she is no longer in pain. Sometimes death is better than a life of

torture. She would have been kept as a prize, sold to the highest bidder, or even simply held prisoner

until she grew more scales. The cycle would repeat until she died.” His voice was low, yet his eyes bore

intensely into mine. The sounds of the men had faded, clearly not wanting to risk anyone else learning of

their deeds.

My irritation rose and I felt so useless.

“Theon, are you trying to justify what you did?!” I hissed, “Well it’s fucking normal for you, isn’t it? You can

never admit when you are wrong. All you do is believe that you are correct!”

My anger was at boiling point, and it was ready to burst. I slammed my hands against his chest trying to

push him away, but he didn’t even budge. His eyes flashed gold as he let go of my face and wrapped his

arms around me.

“If it was my fucking choice, I would have left her to suffer. I fucking killed her for you. I didn’t give a fuck

what happened to her, but for you, I put her out of her misery.” He growled, one hand tangling into my

hair, making my bun come undone. Anger flashed in his eyes, and it took me a moment to comprehend

what he had just said.

‘For me,’

In his own twisted way, he thought he had done something good. I knew Theon, like most werewolves,

hated sirens. He was right… no one else would have cared… I stopped struggling, fighting back the pain

that threatened to envelop me.

“She was so young.” I whispered looking down at his neck, staring at the tattoo that wrapped around it.

“Her life ended the moment she was captured. Forget about her.”

I won’t ever be able to forget her. The look in her eyes as she begged for help would remain in my mind.

He pulled my head close, pressing my forehead against his chest. I let him, my fists that had been hitting

his chest now became limp.

Was I really the only one who thought like that? If that was the child of a Naga… a Fae… a rogue … I

wouldn’t be able to kill any of them… Maybe everyone is right… I am not worth the Beta title…

Was I the only one with this mentality?

I closed my eyes, a memory from long ago flashing through my mind…


“Dad look! I collected daisies!” I exclaimed.

“Oh my, those are pretty! But not as pretty as my beautiful princess.”

I giggled as I turned away, staring out at the field of grass that reached my knees. The sun shone

brightly, making me squint to look around, the warm weather and pleasant breeze made me feel happy.

“I’ll go collect buttercups now and I will then make flower chains for the girls at the orphanage! We can

give them when we go to donate the food Mommy is making!” I stated, about to run off when Dad caught

me and pulled me into his lap, placing a big slobbery kiss on my cheek.

“That’s my girl.”

“Ewww, yucky!”

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He chuckled, “Shall I tell you what makes me most proud of you, little one?”

“You’re proud of me?” I asked, my heart leaping with happiness as I stared up at him. The corner of his

eyes crinkled, and his laughter lines from smiling so much were prominent on his face.

“I am always proud of you, but what I’m most proud of, is your pure heart.” He said, tapping two fingers

gently on the centre of my chest. “I am proud of how you always think of others. Don’t let that ever


I clambered out of his lap, tilting my head as I bent down, searching for little yellow buttercups.

“How will that change, Dad? You always teach me to be kind to others.”

“Life changes us… Growing up, changes us…” He sighed heavily and I felt confused before he smiled

once more. “Always follow your heart little one, no matter how dark the future looks, I know my little

princess has the purest of hearts out there.”

Hmm, that all sounded so confusing.

“Don’t worry, Daddy, I will always follow my heart.”

“Good, promise me you will always be that light in the darkest of places.”

Daddy doesn’t make any sense…

“I will always help and care for those who have no one, I promise, Ok?!”



Life wasn’t as happy as it seemed long ago… but I promised him to always follow my heart. To bring light

to the dark. Dad had more faith in me than I deserved…

I closed my eyes, listening to the beating of Theon’s heart. Light to darkness… Theon had a darkness in

him, anger that seemed to consume him. Why was I drawn to him? Why did I wish to stay in his arms

forever even though I knew it wasn’t the smartest choice? But the way he was gently massaging the

back of my head, his other hand caressing my back… He had a heart, even if it was hidden away. “Let’s

go back…”I whispered, pulling away. He gave a small nod, and we broke apart, instantly I wished I was

back in his arms. We both looked away and a tense silence fell between us. I led the way out into the

night, when a sudden thought came to me. Pausing, I looked at him sharply. “Theon, what were you

doing out there?” He didn’t reply, brushing past me when I grabbed hold of his arm. “Hey, I asked you a


“And I don’t plan to reply.” He replied mockingly. “Were you following me?” I taunted mockingly. Surely

when I teased him, he’ll spill the truth, but to my surprise, he froze. My eyes flew open in shock. He was

following me. “Why?”

“Because you have a knack for getting into trouble, remember?” He replied icily.

I couldn’t resist the smirk that crossed my lips as I looked up at him.

“Aww, was the mighty heartless Theon worried about me?” I teased, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

He glared at me, but his silence was enough of an answer, my heart skipped a beat as he turned away.

“Let’s go get a fucking drink, you are annoying.” He growled, walking off. 1

I nodded although he couldn’t see me. I followed him, unable to stop the flutter of my heartbeat or the

glimmer of hope that settle into the pit of my stomach. No matter how much he denied it, there was a part

of him that cared.