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My Alpha’s Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 72
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YILEYNA The sound of keys and metal screeching made my eyes snap open; It tooka second to realise | was on the floor in the cell. | turned, my heart thumping when my eyes met Theon’s. “The Alpha wishes to see you.” He said emotionlessly, looking away from me, | nodded as | got to my feet, pulling my dress up from my breasts. | probably looked a mess, but there was little | could do about it. He didn’t even look my way again, something about the coldness oozing from Theon unnerved me. He led the way from the cell and up the stairs at a swift pace, as | followed.

| wanted to know how Raiden was, | don’t think asking Theon would be the smart thing to do. I'd ask the king... | wondered what his verdict was going to be.

Why did the king want to seeanyway? | felt a mess and those who passed us in the halls were looking at me, | wonder what state my face was in.

“I need to pee.” | said suddenly. “Hold it.” “What?” | stopped in my tracks, 1 heard him exhale before he turned and glared at me.

“You're a fucking woman, hold it.” “I held it all night.” | snapped back, was | actually having this conversation with him? He clenched his jaw before he carried on walking, and | followed. He stopped when we rounded the corner, and | was relieved to see the door to the restroom on the opposite wall.

“You got two minutes.” He glared as he lookedover.

Yeah right, it was going to taketwo minutes just to undress to even use the toilet.

Not replying, | quickly rushed to the door, relieved that it was not occupied and shutting the door behind me. | locked the door and began stripping.

Once | had used the toilet, | washed my hands and stared at my reflection. My make-up wasn’t as bad as | had thought it would be. Grabbing the soap, | cleaned the make-up off my face and ran my fingers through my hair before getting my dress back on. I left the bathroom, spotting Theon leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow seeing me, but said nothing By the twe reached the king's office | had thought of a hundred scenarios of why he had summoned me, each one worse than the last. Theon opened the door and stepped aside, allowingto enter. | paused, looking up at him. Even if he was angry at me, | still felt safer with him here than not... Like last night, the king said he wouldn't hurtand only then did Theon leave. | couldn't forget the look of hatred in his eyes before he left though. | pushed my thoughts away, taking a deep breath as | turned my attention to the king, who was standing facing the window.

“Take a seat.” He commanded.

| obeyed as Theon shut the door. | could feel his eyes on me, but | didn’t turn, walting for the king to speak “This may be a lot to take in, however...” The king frowned as he turned and took his seat behind his desk. “10 is obvious that you are part siren, and we all know that. The worst kind of beings on this planet.” My stomach lurched as my heart began racing, fear wrapped aroundlike a blanket, suffocating me. Wasbeing part siren going to be my doom? “Calm down and listen well.” The king commanded.

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I nodded, trying to control my emotions as | tried to give him my full attention...

He seemed to find it hard to speak, looking at Thicon almost as if for assistance, | heard him step forward before he moved the chair that was next to mine a little away, sitting down and stretching his long legs out. “As you know, long ago the king had a one-night relationship with a siren. That story wasn't entirely correct.” Theon began. My heart skipped a beat as | looked into Theon’s amber eyes. | knew the truth, Theon himself had told me. It had been when the queen had found out she was pregnant with Charlene...

which meant...

My stomach sank as | realised where this was going “It was shortly after the queen becpregnant with Charlene. You and the princess are sisters, and the Alpha is your father.” His voice was cold, yet the look of disgust on his face was so similar to the way he looked at Charlene...

1 glanced at the king, who was staring at his hands, trying to contemplate what Theon had just said.

The king was my father? | felt as if someone had just dumped a bucket of cold water over me, my mind spinning a thousand thoughts.

Charlene was my sister? | was the result of the king cheating on his mate? The Luna would be devastated... What would Charlene think? How could | be his daughter? There was not enough proof! 1 “We have to keep this a secret.” | said quietly. The king frowned, looking atsharply.

“Yileyna, as my daughter-" “No, this changes nothing, | am still who | am. The Luna and Charlene don’t deserve this.” | said, | was not going to be the reason behind someone’s family getting ruined. “That is not your choice, besides, there is a strong chance that you are the heart.” The heart? It tooka moment to let those words sink in.

Goddess... no, | shook my head, refusing to believe it. | stood up, backing away from the desk “There is no chance! The mage himself...” He had turned his head in our direction... but he was blind...

These powers... No, it just can’t be.

This was Charlene’s right; she had been so happy to know she held the power to gain the king's approval “Yes, he turned in the direction of both of you. Do you not understand that you are that heart? You hold immense powers, and something tellsthat once the seal is broken that you will be even more powerful. You have always been better at everything than Charlene. You only lack a wolf and a shift. A shift that may or may not happen once the seal is broken, but you are still the heart. Your mother must have had your powers sealed to hide your siren side and blocked off everything.” The king said in his rough voice. “I'm just shocked she didn’t kill you The last sentence was barely audible. | looked up at him, feeling my irritation growing.

“And so what? Do you expectto just accept that? This is Charlene’s birth-right | am not going to take anything from her!” “Her birth-right?! She isn’t what | thought she was! You have no choice, you are the heart of Kaeladia! The one thing that will get rid of all the threats that we face! The one thing that can protect this kingdom!” The king growled, clearly not happy with my refusal “By threats, you mean sirens too, correct? Do you forget that | am apparently part siren?!” “Keep your voice down!” The king hissed, glancing at the door.

My heart skipped a beat as | realised that | had spoken loudly.

“That is something that you should really not go around and announce to everyone.” Theon remarked, so calm compared toand the king.

Our eyes met, and my stomach fluttered.

| forced my gaze away, refusing to let him get to me.

“Understood. However, | don’t consider myself your daughter, nor do | consider-" “Do not try me, girl!” The king growled, standing up and slamming his hand on the table. | flinched when a large crack appeared in it.

“All I'm saying is; you have always disliked me. That won't change. | am not the heart, | really can’t be. An Alpha female would be born with abilities, correct? There is no way for a second child to be an Alpha over the first. | may have abilities, but those must only be because of my siren side. Charlene could be the heart, give her a chance.” | reasoned quietly. 2 | didn’t want to anger him any further, but | refused to believe this. | know my reasoning was weak but there was logic. No second child is born an Alpha, surely that rule applied in this case too? The king exchanged looks with Theon, and to my surprise, seemed to actually be considering my words. | resisted a small smile.

Thank the goddess...

“I've seen daughters of Alphas who have powerful auras, something I've never sensed from the princess, whose wolf is nothing impressive either. Is there any chance that Charlene is not your daughter?” Theon asked, tilting his head. For a second, | thought his voice held smockery, but it was fleeting.

The king and | both looked at him, my anger only rising.

“Of course she is!” | snapped, but the king was frowning as he slowly sat down. “You are not going to consider that are you?” | stared at the king in disbelief, but he simply ignored me. “You may be onto something Theon...

When Soleil miscarried twice, | was told that it was... No, that doesn’t add up.” He shook his head, trailing off as he beclost in thought for a moment, before looking up. “However, perhaps it’s t| talked to Soleil... | have never felt her cheat onbut there are ways for that to be overcome.” | shook my head, unable to understand how he could accuse his own mate of cheating on him, not everyone was as lowly as him. Listening to the appalling conversation before me, my opinion of the king was only dropping. | looked at him coldly. “Regardless of anything, Charlene is still your one and only daughter.” | said quietly. “You cannot change your fate, Yileyna. You will be the next Alpha.” The king warnedmenacingly, his eyes blazing as he tried to control his anger.

| shook my head, “No, | will not take away Charlene’s right. Even if | am the heart, | can use that ability from the side-line. She has worked so hard to please you, Alpha. She trains to do her best; she deserves to be the next Alpha.” “She actually doesn’t. She’s not showing any sign of good leadership or strength.” Theon added, only adding to my anger. “Oh, and what does a good Alpha need? Because as far as | know, it’s compassion, strength, and the ability to rule fairly.” | snapped, glaring at him.

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Something both these men lacked.

“Hmm, and she lacks strength.” Theon added.

The king sighed before looking atseriously.

“Well, you have no say. The kingdom will know you are my child from an affair, but we will keep your mother’s truth a secret. Yileyna, you know, by accepting this position, you will be the one to marry Theon.” 1 I scoffed in disbelief.

Did the king actually think I'd betray Charlene for a dumb dick? 6.

“Him? Who said | want him? If I'm ever to be a ruler, | wouldn't pick someone like him to be by my side.” | spat scornfully, not missing Theon'’s face darken and his eyes blazing gold.

“Do not disrespect me, little storm.” He growled, standing up. | stepped back from him, glaring at them both. “I am not disrespecting you; | am stating facts, and if you two can’t see that, then you can carry on. If this is as far as loyalty goes, and all it means to the two of you, then | pity this kingdom. | will have no part of it.” | said coldly.

Not waiting for an answer, | rushed to the door. “Yileyna! Stop!” The king thundered, his alpha command rolled off him, grinding into my bones, but it didn’t have the intended effect on me. My anger outweighed it as | ran down the hall. 3 | needed to talk to Charlene before the king did, or said something that would hurt her. | knew him well enough to know he didn’t care to break the news gently to anyone.

| just needed to | gasped when someone grabbed my arm and slammedup against the wall, makinggroan as pain rushed up my back and head. His familiar seductive scent and the tingles that | felt when he touchedtoldwho it was.


| opened my eyes, glaring at him for manhandlingso roughly. Trying not to focus on how close he was standing. “What do you want?” | spat. “Don’t fucking showattitude or | will bend you over and punish you.” He hissed, anger clear his eyes. Like always, my body betrayed me, that sinful ache in my core returning at his words.

Mustering all my willpower, | pushed him away. “News flash, Theon, you no longer have any right to punish me!” | said coldly, making to walk off when he grabbed my arm, twisting it behind my back as he spuninto his arms. My back hit his chest as he wrapped his free hand around my throat.

My heart pounded at the familiar move that always drovecrazy with desire, and when his lips brushed the lobe of my ear, making my breath hitch, | tensed, hating the effect he had on me.

“News flash, the Alpha just orderedto be your personal fucking bodyguard, and that means | get to do whatever the fuck | want.”