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My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict

Chapter 4424
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Chapter 4424: I Am Very Happy Three years flew by in the blink of an eye. During this time, Calvert continued his career as a model and actor. Meanwhile, he also started designing clothes and even launched his own fashion brand.

This was also when Harley discovered his talent in fashion design, so he encouraged him to create.

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The clothes he designs, although still niche, have gathered quite a following and received praise from many in the fashion industry. Given time, his brand is bound to flourish even more.

Tonight, Harley sat at the award ceremony, watching Calvert walk onto the stage.

After three years of hard work, he earned the honor of Best Supporting Actor.

This award is a recognition of his efforts. She knows how much hard work it took for him to get from nothing to where he is today! On stage, Calvert was giving his acceptance speech. After routinely thanking the crew of the film, his agent, friends who had helped him, and his supportive fans, he said, "The person I want to thank the most, and the love of my life, is someone who helpedwhen I had nothing, gavehope when I was in despair, and stood bywhen I was in pain. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today!" The camera naturally shifted to Harley.

Even though Calvert didn't nnames, who didn't know he was talking about her! After all, for the past three years, they've been famously known as the model couple in their circle.

Those who originally thought Calvert wasn't good enough for Harley gradually changed their tune, especially after Harley made her feelings clear and Calvert consistently worked hard to prove himself.

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In contrast, Calvert's fans strangely all hope that their idol can end up with Harley, and they've even spontaneously formed a fan group shipping the two of them together! Harley's image appeared on the big screen on the stage, contrasting with Calvert's figure, creating a strangely captivating visual sensation.

"After three years, I... I want to ask you, does your promise from back then still stand?" Calvert asked.

Harley chuckled, clearly understanding what he meant, and nodded with a smile.

Calvert's eyes lit up as he proposed in front of everyone, "Harley, will you marry me?" Her smile brightened even more as she stood up and replied loudly, "I do!" She never imagined he would boldly propose to her in public, but why not? Over the years, she had beccertain that this man was the one she would spend he life with. This proposal has been the talk of the town.

Years later, Calvert himself said that it was the boldest thing he had ever done in his life! "If I had said it didn't count back then, what would you have done to wrap things up?" Harley asked.

"So, I'll propose again in the future, over and over, until you say yes," Calvert replied. "Harley, I can't let you go because I can't imagine what my life would be like without you anymore!" Harley leaned into Calvert's arms, "Are you happy now, Calvert?" Happiness?! Calvert watched the three children playing nearby--two daughters and a son. They truly gave him a sensa family! swho of It made him feel that the world was no longer a lonely place.

"I'm very happy..." Yeah, he's really happy, and what's more, he's going to keep being happy with her forever! -The end-