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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

Hera had a stunned look on her face as she shook her head.

Zakariah heaved a long sigh before walking into the estate.

Hera returned to Skadi huffily.

Skadi hurriedly asked, “How did it go?”

Hera pouted and said, “He called me an idiot…”

“What the f*ck? Why’s he so insensitive?”

“Oh no, I think I like him even more now!”

A twinkle appeared in Skadi’s eyes.

Hera said distractedly, “Do you think we’re in trouble? Even your grandfather and Mr. Zell had to defer

to them. It seems that they’re really powerful!”

She turned toward Skida when she did not get any response from her. She watched as Skida sent a

picture of the masked man into the martial arts association group chat with the message: [@Everyone,

I want to know everything about this man within the next three minutes!]

Inside the estate.

The three-story mansion in the middle.

There was a large, private plaza that was part of the plaza’s grounds.

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High-ranking nobles and dignitaries were gathered in groups of twos and threes to sip wine and chat.

Olivia pushed a wheelchair in front of her as she walked out of the mansion with the rest of the Lee

family members.

The wheelchair was carrying an old man with thinning hair. His eyes and mouth were lopsided, and his

half-raised right hand could not stop trembling. It seemed that he was not in very good health.

Joseph, who seemed disheveled, turned to berate the higher-ups of the Lee family as she strode

outward. “I instructed you to have someone be on standby outside, but you ignored what I said. Do you

think it seems very hospitable of us to only welcome the warden when he’s already inside the estate?”

The members of the Lee family blushed profusely, and no one dared say anything.

Olivia sighed as well.

She had only returned to the country and had forgotten the warden would drop by today because she

was busy caring for her grandfather.

As Joseph led the higher-ups out of the mansion, they saw that the warden and his accompanying

entourage had just arrived at the plaza.

His heart sank as he jogged over to them.

Everyone in the Lee family, regardless of age, also hurried over.

Confused and surprised looks appeared on the faces of those who had already taken their seats.

What sort of guest would require everyone in the Lee family to run over so they could greet them?

They shifted their gazes, and a look of understanding appeared when they realized it was Walter and


At the Lewis family’s table.

Hubert’s face flushed with pride. “Walter is the richest man in Jonford, but no one from the Lee family

arrived in advance to

welcome him. That’s quite snobbish of them!”

His daughter was getting married to a member of the Watson family soon. He, too, felt proud of the

excellent treatment the Watson family was receiving.

Lauren sneered. “The Lee family is a high-ranking family as well. They’re a long-established family and

have a retired major as the head of their family. Walter has no right to want the Lee family to welcome

him, does he? Besides, not even Ms. Olivia, let alone anyone else in the Lee family would so much as

spare the Watson family a glance!”

Rooney laughed. “Don’t kid yourself, Lauren. I know you’re just being sour grapes… Why not ask your

daughter to marry a man like Kai if you’re so capable?”

Lauren picked her glass up and took an elegant sip. “Nash is miles better than Kai is!”


Rooney spluttered, “That country bumpkin doesn’t even have the right to attend the birthday

celebration. What could make him better than Kai?”

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Hera and Skadi arrived at their table while they were still arguing.

Rooney’s smile faded considerably after seeing Skadi.

“Grandpa, Mom, Dad…”

Hera smiled sweetly as she greeted them and sat down.

“Grandpa Lewis, Mr. Harrison, Lauren!”

Skadi did the same, and only exchanged greetings with Herman, Harrison, and Lauren.

The two completely ignored Helena and her family.

Rooney pursed her lips and muttered, “How impudent…”

Herman sighed noiselessly as he watched things unfold.

One of them was a granddaughter marrying into the Watson family.

The Lewis family needed the help of the Watsons to continue surviving.

The other was a granddaughter who had just secured a two-billion-dollar project with Drake Group.

He did not know whose side he should be on now.

Hera leaned against Skadi’s shoulder and glanced at her phone before whispering, “It’s been ten

minutes. Have you gotten anything on him yet?”

Skadi shook her head. “We found nothing. This person is so mysterious!”

Her inbox pinged with an encrypted email after she finished her sentence.

The title of the email was

Information on Masked Man.