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My Substitute CEO Bride (Nash Calcraft)

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96

“Did they beat you?”

Hera looked at Nash in panic as tears welled up in her eyes.

Nash smiled faintly. “I’m not injured. It’s their blood, not mine.”

“I don’t believe you. Show me.” Saying that, Hera was about to lift his shirt when he grabbed her

slender wrist.

“Men and women shouldn’t touch each other so freely. You’re playing with fire.”

If Hera were to see his scar, she might tell Lauren about it and he would be completely exposed.

Although Lauren already had her guesses, she still maintained her skepticism.

She still could not be sure that he was the Smiling Grim Reaper.

“Please, you’re my fiance. Don’t I even have the right to see your body?”

Hera put her hands on his hips and rebuked, “I just want to take a look at your upper body. Are you that

shy, big man?”

Nash rubbed his nose. “Am I not human just because I’m a man? Why don’t you show me your upper

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body too, then?” he replied with a smile.

Hera gritted her teeth. “Fine, then look,” she said as she pulled down the zipper of her dress while


She had to confirm whether Nash was injured.

Nash hurriedly responded, “No, no! Let me take a shower first, then I’ll show you.” He quickly ran to the

bathroom after he said that.

Hera picked up her phone and called Skadi to ask her what happened tonight.

Skadi told Hera everything she knew.

“Is he really not hurt?”

Hera still found it hard to believe.

“He’s really fine!”

“That’s good. You should quickly rest!” Hera then ended the call with a puzzled expression on her small


Nash came out of the shower at this moment dressed in a pair of beach shorts. He was also wearing a

pair of flip-flops and had his towel hung around his neck.

It was also obvious then that there was not a single wound on his abdomen that was lined with

muscles. He inhaled sharply as he dried his hair to make the muscles on his abdomen more obvious.

Hera bit her index finger, her face red as an apple.

His figure was amazing!

Nash smiled and said, “See, I wasn’t lying to you. The blood was all from the bad guys.”

She stared at his abdomen intently. She did not look like she heard anything he said.

Seeing this, he shook his head helplessly.

Women liked something like this too, eh?

“Ah… So, you’re not hurt. That’s good then! I-I’m going to take a shower too!”

Hera did not dare continue to look, so she grabbed her pajamas from the closet before making her way

to the bathroom.

Nash also grabbed his pajamas from the closet and put them on. He then took a seat on the sofa,

where he proceeded to dry his hair.

In the bathroom, Hera looked at herself in the mirror. Seeing that she did not have a single scratch on

her face, she could not help but feel a little suspicious.

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She remembered being kicked till she was sent flying. She had also taken a kick to her face. Even if

her skin was not cut, it should well up, no?

Yet, she looked totally fine.

Recalling how Nash had massaged her while he had her in his arms just now, she realized that he

must have healed her


Nash had even treated her grandfather’s cancer using dry needling. Treating light injuries like these

must definitely be a piece of cake for him, then.

After she was done showering, she got dressed in her pajamas and came out.

She smiled when she saw Nash lying down on the sofa obediently. “Do you sleep on the sofa when I’m

not around?”

“Why wouldn’t I sleep on the bed when there’s one? Do you think I’m an idiot?”

Nash crossed his legs and scrolled through the videos on his phone.

Hera smiled secretly. “Then why aren’t you sleeping on the bed tonight?”

Nash put down his phone, then turned to look at Hera. “You want to share the bed with me?”

She wrinkled her nose mischievously. “No. I think you should still sleep on the sofa.”

He clicked his tongue and went back to watching the videos on his phone.

Hera picked up the hairdryer to use on her hair while her mind became filled with the image of Nash’s

solid six-pack abs.