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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111

Violet’s hand froze in mid-air.

Nelson looked at Violet in surprise. “Miss Webb, are you looking for Mr. Hersey?”

Violet felt somewhat uneasy and lowered her hand. She nodded. “Yes, I’ve come to see Mr. Hersey for

some documents.”

Nelson nodded and left the office.

Violet entered the office, but Patrick did not lift his head. He continued to study some documents. He

had indeed told Skyler to let Violet come and get the information for the Azure Ocean Heart Jewelry

Design Competition when she had the time. However, he had just said those hurtful words to Violet last

night, so he had not expected her to actually


Noticing that Patrick was treating her as if she were invisible, and reminded Violet of the events from

last night. She self-deprecatingly tugged at her lips. Indeed, she had thought too highly of herself

before, naively thinking that after spending so much time together, there might be some feelings

between them. But in Patrick’s eyes, she was nothing more than someone he casually helped when he

was in a good mood, and she had taken it too seriously.

Since Patrick remained silent, Violet took the initiative, without being servile. “Mr. Hersey, I’ve come to

request the relevant materials for the Azure Ocean Heart Jewelry Design Competition.”

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Patrick’s face remained calm, but his heart was in turmoil. He looked at Violet, did not respond to her

words, and instead said, “Congratulations o winning first place in The Dawn Jewelry Design

Competition again.”

Violet’s expression remained blank. “Thank you. However, the victory in The Dawn Jewelry Design

Competition is mainly thanks to Mr. Hersey.” Their conversation was polite and formal, and it was

incredibly awkward.


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Chapter 11

Patrick was helpless. He knew that even if he apologized now, Violet might not listen. After all, he had

uttered hurtful words last night.

A trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes as he handed over the materials nearby. “These are the

relevant materials for the Azure Ocean Heart Jewelry Design Competition. I have already had Nelson

print them out for you. Take a look. You still have more than half a month to prepare for it.”

Violet nodded and maintained a polite yet distant demeanor. “I will.”

With the materials in hand, Violet turned to leave.

Just at that moment, Patrick stood up from his office chair. “Violet!”

She turned around, her expression cold. “Mr. Hersey, is there anything else?”

Patrick looked at her, cleared his throat, and said, “For the competition this time, do you want me or

Skyler to accompany you? I’m more familiar with the situation there, and Skyler…” He said this to

provide an opportunity for reconciliation between the two.

However, before Patrick could finish his sentence, Violet could not control. herself and interrupted him.

She was clearly influenced by the words from last night, and she rejected him coldly. “Mr. Hersey,

there’s no need to trouble you. Mr. Brown already said he would go with me.

Patrick had not expected that one day he would be the one being given a cold shoulder. But ultimately,

it was his hurtful words from last night that led to this situation. Although he had an unpleasant

expression, he said in a firm tone, “Violet, I drank last night, and I’m sorry.”

Violet maintained her tense expression. “Mr. Hersey, there’s no need apologize. People tend to speak

their minds when they’re drunk. I understand your feelings. You don’t need to worry. I won’t be so

presumptuous in the future.” Having said that, Violet turned and left the office, even considerately

closing the door for Patrick. Patrick’s handsome face turned ashen, and a storm brewed within him.

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Chapter III

Violet wasn’t the type to wallow in self-pity. While Patrick’s attitude had indeed hurt her, she did not

have the right to ask him for help. She needed to find a solution on her own.

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During lunchtime, Megan’s usually cool and composed face showed a rare moment of indecision. “I’ve

noticed that since I joined Foreverie Jewelry, I still haven’t been able to see Skyler. He’s usually in his

office whenever I visit the design department. Violet, what do you think? Should I come and apply for

an assistant position in this department?”

Violet, still racking her brains for a solution, suddenly looked up when she

heard her. “Huh?”

Megan immediately noticed that something was amiss with Violet. “What’s going on with you? You’ve

been absent-minded all noon today!”

Violet pursed her lips and was about to speak.

However, Megan interrupted her directly. “Tell the truth. Whenever you. have that gloomy expression

and purse your lips like this, it means you’re about to make something up!”

Violet sighed in resignation. Megan knew her too well. Either she did not say anything, or Megan would

see right through her lies.

She thought about it and decided to tell the truth. After a moment of contemplation, Violet decided to be

honest. Megan’s brow furrowed deeply as she asked, “So, what’s your plan, then?”

Violet glanced at her and whispered, “I don’t even need to think about Patrick for help anymore.

There’s no way he’ll let Veronica into Foreveri Jewelry. But if this whole plan falls through, my dad will

burn the letter my mom wrote me. So, I’m thinking of taking the letter before the deadline, and then he

won’t have any leverage over me.”

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