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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101: Surreal

Grey decided to show up at KK corporation before going to the office. Well, there was really nothing to

go to the company for. Everyone has been pulling back, thanks to Chris.

He has made some decisions but he needs to settle everything accordingly. He needed to settle

everything before meeting with the investors. And he sure has something up his sleeve with the other

companies. But what did he meet? Nora. He actually hoped he would be able to keep Nora in the

company since it was how she pays her tuition fee. But Nora was displaying unforgivable behavior.

Grey stared down at his wet shirt, then he raised skeptical brows at Nora, a smile curved at the tip of

his lips. “Longest time, Nora.” There was a blank expression on Nora’s face. “Longest time? We met

yesterday night, you dummy! Are you suffering from dementia?” Grey nodded once, looking away as if

he was really thinking about something. “I remembered vividly. You spilled on me just as you did right


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Nora huffed. “I’m going to pour on you something much worse than that, Grey! If you don’t get your

stupid ass out of the company!” She yelled angrily.

She wondered where Seth was anyways. If Seth was there, he would have placed him in his place.

Somehow, she felt the strangeness in the air.

“The idiot might be here to beg Mr. Seth,” Tracy moved to stand beside Nora. There was this look of

pride on her face. “Perhaps, he’s jobless and wants Mr. Seth to employ him as his driver.” The workers

were all watching them now, unable to say a word. Somehow, the tenses in the air could be cut with a


Grey got to KK corporation earlier and informed them that he was the new CEO.

And since Nora and Tracy were already used to getting late to work, they missed the announcement.

Grey chuckled lightly. “May I ask the position you held here?”

“She’s Mr. Seth’s secretary,” one of the workers responded. Grey regarded Nora for a moment.” No

wonder you have the mouth to talk. You are nothing but a secretary.”

Nora felt a surge of anger. She rushed to Grey and raised her hand to slap Grey but he caught her

easily. “Not so fast, princess. The world has changed overnight,” there was a smile on his face as he let

go of Nora.” New shirt,” he ordered. One of the workers dashed out, then back again with a Louis

Vuitton shirt. “This is the quick one I can lay my hand on, sir.”

Nora looked at the worker, with raised brows.” What the fuck are you saying? Why are you respecting

him so much? He’s just a delivery boy!” She explained with frustration.

“Water,” Grey requested and stretched out his left hand in the air.

Another worker rushed over and soon came back with a bottle of water.

Grey drank from the water, his gaze still over Nora.

By now, Nora didn’t understand what was really happening. The first worker had respected Grey and

even though she saw that as a mistake. What should she call what the second worker had just done?

“What is really happening here?” She stammered as she stared at the workers.” Why are you standing

here when you should be at your table doing something reasonable? Do you think Mr. Seth would take

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it easy with you all?” She tried to sound bold.

“Yes! Move it!” Tracy chimed in.

Unfortunately for them, the workers stood still as if they didn’t hear what they had just said.

Some men walked closer to them.

“So, Mr. Grey, we will be delivering the furniture soon.” one of the men said.

Grey turned to them.”Good, I don’t want anything that would remind me of Seth.

“What are you doing? Changing furniture? Or what?” With drawn brows, Nora asked.

The leading man nodded.” I will see you later then,” and he left, ignoring Nora’s remark.

Nora started feeling uneasy. “What is happening? And what do you mean by ‘the world has changed

overnight?” Her voice quivered and she didn’t want to think about what could have gone wrong.

And there was no way Grey would rise to fame suddenly.

what was really happening? Why the fuck would Seth leave her?