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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112: The plan Pon laughed. "Why do I feel like it’s very impossible? I’m not trying to be

pessimistic but we couldn’t even get your identity, how are wesupposed to get Giovanni's son?" He

questioned, bewildered.

” Yes, Boss.

He’s right.

There's no way we will be able to find him.

We don't even have a hint of what he looks like, ” Richard chimed in.

Grey smiled.

"Who said I was going to find out?" Don stared, shocked.

“But you just did,” he pointed out.

Grey chuckled." Don, you are very funny when you do that.

Well, I didn’t mean it like that.

What I was trying to say was that we will make Giovanni’s son come out onhis own." Don blinked once,

confused." What do you mean?" "When Richard thought I was getting into trouble with Audrey, he

revealed my identity.

His son is going to do the same," he expressed.

“How? We don’t even know him,” Richard stressed.

Grey nodded once." We might not know him but we know where to find him.

If Giovanni's son is really in town, he would in no doubt visit his father’s club.

Don't you think so, Don?" Don regarded him for a moment and suddenly smiled.” And if he was really

like his father, hewouldn't be able to stop visiting the club.

Even though he's hiding, he would still come around claiming to be one of the customers,” he


Grey nodded." If we can stick around, we will eventually know who Giovanni’s son is.

That was why I asked if he chose after Giovanni's.

Let's just hope he does, it's our only option." "That's actually great.

Though it could take a while but we will fish him out,” Richard admitted, “Yes.

Meanwhile, we are checking the house out.

I need to know the security and Audrey's schedule," Grey ordered.

Don sighed.” That’s actually risky.

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We could be walking into a trap." Grey glanced at him.

He was right, they could be.

Alfred had expressed the same thought.

But for a reason unknown to him, he trusted Lan.

“I won’t be going.

I'm seeing Gregory, he will be the one to do this for me.” Don took in a deep breath, relaxing finally.”

That’s cool then but where are wegoing now?" Grey thought for a moment and picked up his phone.

He dialed Gregory's number and he picked it up immediately.

"I need your help, where are you?" "Text me your location, and I will come,” Gregorysaid instead.

Grey made a quick calculation.

“Alright, I will send the address right now.

Meet me there immediately," he hung up and stretched out the phone to Don.” Send the address of the

location we went to the other time to Gregory,”he ordered.

Don nodded once, took the phone, and sent the text.

“Are we seeing Elder Gregory?” Richard asked suddenly.

Grey looked at him through the front mirror.

“Yes, we are.

I need to settle this with him.

I need to move ahead of Audrey," he informed." I'm dropping you off, Richard.

I and Don will handle the rest." Richard nodded, "Thanks, I’m feeling sleepy all of a sudden,” he tried to

cracka joke.

Grey soon pulled over.

Surprisingly, a car pulled off in front of them.

The door opened and Gregory walked out in designer wear.

He was fit even at sixty.

“I will take my leave now,” Richard excused himself.

Don turned to Grey.

"I will leave you two to talk then," he excused himself as well, bowing slightly when Gregory walked


Gregory opened the door and got in.

"Hercules, what a pleasant surprise!" "Were you close by? You were so fast.” Gregory smiled softly.”As

amatter of fact, I was.

Though I was having a little business.

But anything for Hercules.

What do you want me to do for you?" He went straight to business.


Grey loved his type.

Well, being the elder of a mafia group comes in handy.

“I have a business to settle with Audrey.

He held some people hostage and I would like to get them out.

I heard the basement at his house was actually a hideout,” he explained.

Gregory watched him for a while." What transpired between you two?” “Long story Greg, but he’s trying

to sell me to Giovanni.” “What!” Gregory’s eyes shot outin anger." He knows you are Hercules? Is he

threatening you?" Grey shook his head once." He didn't threaten me but my spy told me what he's


I just need to get these people out." Gregory raised skeptical brows.” Why? Who are those?” “My spy’s

family,” he held hisgaze for a moment.

“I gave him my word,” he whispered.

Gregory released a sigh.

“I know, Hercules.

Hercules must keep his word no matter what.

I'm going to infiltrate the base when he's not at home.” “When?” Gregory thought about it for a


It's best to attack when the enemy least expects it," he declared.

Grey smiled, gladness filled his heart.” That’s cool.

Send me a text on the turn of things." Gregory nodded once.

"I will do that but would you be able to come out late at night? Seeing that you are now a husband.” He


Grey laughed.

“I will come.

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This is very important to me.

In fact, I won’t go home yet.

I have a place to be.

I will hang around and await your message," he assured.

Gregory nodded again." Did you tell Alfred about this?" "No, I will do that in the elders meeting.”

Gregory smiled.” Yes, hopefully,we will have one soon when Aphrodite returns," he got down and took

a short bow before he walked back to the car.

Grey watched him drive off and slowly released a sigh.

Don got inside.

"Is everything alright?" Grey looked at him and nodded briefly." Let’s go to Atomic Liquors now,” and he

switched on the ignition.

“Let’s have fun while we wait for the result.

Are you in for it?" Don laughed." I love fun! So yes!” He said excitedly.

Grey smiled and pulled out of the street.

It didn't take long when they arrived at Atomic liquors.

There were a lot of expensive cars parked everywhere and the place was filled up.

"It seems like Atomic Liquors is ranking one already, right?" Don nodded once.

“With Hercules gone, everything is talling apart.

We are barely keeping the main companies in check.

The other companies are going under,” Don explained.

Grey nodded.

No wonder SU world also had the same issue.

He knew that he had to change it.

“We should walk in separately.

We don't want to give anyone the hint that we are together.

You go in first, I will find a parking place and come in after,” Grey suggested.

Don nodded." That's right," he got down and moved towards the entrance.

Grey drove the car slowly around until he found a parking space in between some cars and he fit


He got down and regarded the huge building for a moment.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, someone hit him suddenly.

The man stopped immediately and regarded Grey for a moment.

At first, Grey couldn’t place the face.