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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152: Decision Grey looked at Charles and slowly released a sigh. “I can’t tell you who it was,”

he turned to look at Alfred while Charles released the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Though,

he wondered why Grey didn’t tell the truth.

Grey doesn’t like the fact that he had to keep it a secret but he knew what the repercussions would be

if he told the truth. The elders would split.

That aside, he still needed to find out more about it before he tendered it.

If Charles collaborated with his father to kill his father, or if he knew he was going to do it but did

nothing to stop it, that was something else.

“Why? Why can’t you say it?” Jayden inquired.

Grey looked at Jayden.” I have my reasons. I just want you to trust me, till whenever I’m ready to tell

you about him,” he declared.

Gregory groaned.” He’s right anyways. We have to trust Hercules. He would let us know when it’s the

right time.” He affirmed.

“It could be Giovanni,” Luciano suggested.

Grey shrugged slightly. “Let’s pend the matter for now. I will let you know when it’s the right time as

Gregory had said. Is there anything else?” Alfred cleared his throat.” Why don’t you tell us what

conspired between you and Audrey and why you had to take such steps without informing the elders.”

“Yes, that’s dangerous. You shouldn’t reveal your identity like that,” Jayden chimed in. Aphrodite looked

lost.” Did something happen in my absence? Tell me all about it,” she laughed. “Nothing much,” Grey

smiled at her. ” Audrey was killed by us and I have some men working for me now that know I am

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Hercules. I also took over Audrey’s men.

“You are very bold!” Aphrodite laughed again. “I have never seen anyone as daring as this new

Hercules,” Gregory remarked and relaxed back to sip his wine.” And I must say that he’s quite

intelligent. Sometimes, he amazes me.” He expressed truthfully. “I have always wondered why you

submitted to him so fast,” Luciano laughed.

Gregory joined in. ” I must say he’s somewhat like his father and maybe a bit of a double.”

glad that I’m not a bastard.”

Everyone laughed. “So, are you really married?” Luciano asked suddenly. “I heard the other lady

mention something like a Live-in son-in-law. Did something happen?” Grey sighed. “A lot has

happened. In fact, life was a living hell for me for those years. Ten years seemed like 100 years,” he

joked, smiling in between. “I’m so grateful I found you earlier, Boss,” Alfred smiled and lifted his wine

cup for a toast.

The rest do the same.

“Long live, Hercules!” Gregory initiated. “Long live, Hercules,” the other chorused. “I’m returning to Italy

this week. And guess what? Hercules has a share in Antonio’s shoe company,” Aphrodite revealed.

“What!” Jayden exclaimed softly. He looked at Alfred. “Do you know about this?” Alfred shook his head

slightly. “Maybe he was planning to tell me before his death,” he shrugged slightly. “One thing I don’t

get is why we are keeping the murderer of the previous Hercules alive,” Gregory started suddenly.”

Why shouldn’t we give revenge on behalf of Hercules? Are you going to disappoint your father? Grey?”

Grey regarded him for another moment before he slowly released a sigh. “I know who he is but I don’t

know his agenda and well,” he hesitated for a moment.” He’s dead.”

“Dead? How?” Gregory inquired the more. Grey smashed his lips in thought. “I don’t know. I will give

you the details when I get them,” he assured. “Alright then,” Gregory finally accepted. The rest of the

meeting was for fun and chatting. Though, Charles’s mind wasn’t with them. He kept giving Grey

meaningful stares that showed he needed to speak with him urgently. Grey noticed this but pretended

not to.

When it was time to leave, Grey decided to stay back, and funnily enough, Charles did the same.

The others didn’t notice anything strange anyways. Well, Charles was the next in command to Grey.

So, it was normal. “You can tell me whenever the production is done, I will be the first to patronize you,”

Luciano said quickly.

Jayden laughed.” I will get a few dozen as well. My family is coming for vacation.

“In one word, all the elders are getting it.”

Aphrodite laughed.” That’s better, isn’t it? We must do all we can to support Hercules. We need to

make the company enter the limelight. And it still has a long way to go.”

“And we have Hattie to smash,” Grey added quickly, with a bright smile as the elders finally walked out,

except for Charles.

Charles took a bottle of champagne and poured himself some wine. Grey watched him for a moment. “I

stayed back because I thought you wanted to tell me something. If you are not interested, I may as well

just leave.” Charles looked at him.” Why didn’t you mention names?” Grey sighed. “I can’t tell them

because I don’t really know what happened. Why would my father’s best friend be the one to kill him?”

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“But that wouldn’t change the fact that he really did kill him. You could have revealed that and the

elders would have proffered a solution to it.”

Grey sat up.” Like what?”

“But you_” “Don’t start, Charles,” he muttered thickly, cutting him off.” I’m not in for it. Like I’ve said, I

would tell them when I’m ready and when I’m sure of what happened that day. Come to think of it,

something was very wrong somewhere. Your dad could have killed me but he only shot me. Why?”

Charles sighed, a hand cupping his face for a moment.” My father doesn’t deserve any kind of mercy

from you. The only reason why I’m not saying it is because I don’t want them to think I’m in this with


“That’s why I’m not saying anything as well.” Grey admitted.

Charles locked his gaze with him for another moment.” My father destroyed

everything. He shot you but you survived miraculously. It wasn’t what he did, what he did was kill you.”

Grey had another flash of images as he remembered the unfortunate day. Leo really shot him. Why

didn’t he find a perfect location to shoot him? He could have shot him in the head or on the chest and

he would have died instantly. There was definitely something about it. Even though he hated Leo so

much now, he would still love to know why he did what he did.

“We will not talk on it until further notice,” Grey decided and got up quickly.” And I will not implicate

you,” he added quickly before he walked out of the room. He stopped suddenly when he saw Avery

and Chris laughing together. What were they doing there? And what was Chris up to again? Grey felt a

rush of adrenaline at the closeness.