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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160: Humiliated “What should we do, Boss? I think you need to speak with Aphrodite.” She

repeated anxiously. Grey thought for a moment, unable to wrap his head around what to do. He knew

that David would try to do something but he didn’t expect he would delete the pictures which were so bad

for him.

“Boss,” Maria called again, softly.

“Tell Aphrodite that we are taking a short break and I would get back to her soon. Meanwhile, gather all

the executives that are present in the next room. You will be having a meeting with me as the Hercules.”

Maria’s eyes went wide with shock.” Are you revealing yourself?” Grey shook his head slightly. “We have

phones, don’t we?” Maria nodded quickly, baffled somehow but she knew that Grey had plans. “Do what

I ask you to. Get the executive in the room and call me on my Hercules lune. Leave the rest to me,” he


Maria nodded briefly.” I will do that now,” she assured before she walked out of the room.

Grey thought for a moment. Would it be considered wickedness if he fired David? Well, he wouldn’t do

that. Instead, he would let him do something much.

It didn’t take long before his phone rang suddenly. It was his second phone, the one that strictly belonged

to Hercules.

When David heard that Hercules would like to speak with the executives, he was a bit anxious.

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It was the first time something like that would happen. In fact, no one knew what Hercules look like.

While some said he was dead, some believed he was out of the company. There was always a lot of

gossip whenever Hercules was concerned.

Even after working at Protos Pubblicita for six months, David had not come across Hercules for once

Everyone was anxious except for Maria actually.

“Do you think the boss is angry about the missing card?” One of the executives asked.

David shook his head quickly. “That’s not it. Why would something like that make him angry? Do you

think Hercules monitors every shot?”

Maria looked at David and sighed.” That’s why he has a secretary. I’m supposed to tell him everything

that happens.”

David huffed.” And you think he has the time for a missing or corrupted memory card? When he has a lot

of companies to coordinate?” He laughed,

The others nodded in agreement

Maria connected the phone to the small speakers and placed the phone on the table.

“Hello,” a thick voice boomed. “This is Hercules,” the voice introduced.

Everyone went into shock quickly except for Maria. Why? It was the first time of hearing Hercuels’ voice.

Though, David knew that Jane did speak with Hercules. She even bragged about it but never for once

did he imagine he might speak with Hercules. Jane and Charles have always been the ones to answer

everything all the while.

“Hi, Boss.” They chorused.

There were a few seconds of silence on the other side of the phone. “David, a step of sit forward. This is

for you.”

David’s head spun. How did Hercules know his name? It was impossible unless someone told him.

Hercules has so many employees and it would be very impossible to remember all their names.

“I heard that something happened with some images at the shoot today. What’s your excuse for it?” Grey

inquired. David went dumb for a few minutes. “I_i don’t really know what happened,” he stuttered. “I think

it’s a virus.”

“Virus?”Grey laughed. “Anyways, I have no time for this. Grey told me everything.”

David’s eyes went wide with shock. His head made a flip. How did Hercules know Grey? He had been

working at the company for six months and he wasn’t even familiar with Hercules even though he was a


“I don’t need to ask again before I know that you tampered with the memory card. Though, you have

some punishment here. If you can’t do it, then you will be fired.” he announced.

David swallowed harder. He couldn’t imagine himself searching for jobs. Though his father was wealthy

and with some assets but the requirement to be made an heir was to work for a year in other companies.

He couldn’t avoid losing the six months and starting all over.” I will do anything you want me to do,” he


“Good. You need to apologize to Aphrodite and Grey.” “But_” David started, only to be cut off by Grey.

“You will not interrupt while I’m talking or it will be the end of your job,” Grey warmly thickly

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David swallowed harder.

“For even tampering with the memory card in the first place, your punishment would be that your salary

for this month would be transferred to VSC.” That actually angered him. It would mean that Grey would

get an upper hand. But what amazed him was the fact that Hercules was fighting for him, Grey. It was

very surprising. “Is that understood?” Grey demanded. David slowly released a sigh. He had no choice

anyways. “Alright, boss.”

“And for the rest of you, you will learn to respect Grey because he’s representing me at Protos

Pubblicita,” he announced.


Maria smiled softly, but the others were shocked. Grey behaved like the most humble of all but he had a

lot. He could have been living a life of luxury but he wasn’t doing so. And it awed her.

“And that will be all,” he finished up and the phone went off. Maria turned to David.” You should do all

that Hercules wants you to do. We can’t afford to miss today’s shoot,” she added before she walked out

of the room. The others regarded David for a moment before they walked out as well. David released

several sighs, as he tried to gather some courage to do everything that Hercules told her to do.

Actually, the words were supposed to make him see sense and change his behaviors but after hearing

what Hercules had to say, David felt more hatred for Grey.

Maybe he was going to run something evil. He was definitely going to do something else as a payback

for the humiliation he just received from Hercules.

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