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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70: Mess with the Bogs

The music got even louder before Grey would get to the dance floor It was like someone did it on

purpose. Maybe to distract everyone.

Caramel uttered something, clearly annoyed and it seemed like the man replied to her because she

shut her mouth. Then flared up again and suddenly hit the man in front of her in the face

The man took her hair forcefully, pulling her head backward so that Caramel could look night at him

Everyone minded their business and acted as if they didn’t see someone was being assaulted

The man raised a hand to hil Caramel bul Grey was last enough to suspend the hand in the air

Grey recognized the man immediately it was Don, the man that harassed Avery the other night He

shouldn’t forget that he works for Hercules, for him

“Who are you?” Don seemed not to remember Grey

“What the fuck did you think you are doing? Grey yelled angnly He was angry but he had to scream

because of the loud music

Don’s facial expression took on something that would have scared ordinary people but not Grey not

Hercules himself

“Get lost, boy Before I change my mind’ He threalened

Now, that was disrespectfull

Grey turned his hand around, careful not to break his bone Don was one of his men after all He kicked

him in the leg and finally let him go as he fell to the darkcelloor

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Grey looked over al Caramel ‘Are you alright?’ He asked worriedly

Caramel was too shocked 10 say a word Grey was protecting her for the second time and it seemed to

make her heart skip a beat

Grey took her hands into his when she didn’t respond, thinking Don might have done something to her

before he showed up

He carefully examined her hands and confirmed that she wasnt indeed in harm He looked up at her

again ‘Are you alright, Caramel?

Caramel slowly nodded and looked past him “Watch outl” She yelled

Grey turned around quickly and got a punch in his stomach It affected him and he found himself

bending over it while trying to shake the pains away

“What have you done to him! Caramel yelled in fear and rushed to Grey “Are you alright? Greyi” She

called worriedly

Don took her by the hair and she let out a yell

By now. The people around have gotten a hint of what was happening Everyone ran off the dance floor

but the music was still playing, though not so loud

Her scream reached Grey’s ears and he forced himself up. It has been so long that Grey has almost

lost all his manpower He would need some more training to get in place but that doesn’t mean he

wouldn’t be able to handle Don and the rest He handled Gregory just fine

“Let her go!” Grey yelled as Don continued to pull Caramel away by her hair, not minding the pain she


There was a smirk on Don’s face as he watched Grey “Come and get me,’ at this statement, some men

came from behind him and stood in between Grey and Don “If you are late, you will lose your girlfriend

to me tonight!

Everyone yelled at the same time, creating a dealening sound The music went off suddenly and

everyone panicked

Why would Don and his men ruin such a beautiful night? 11 would just make people get scared of

coming to Hercules’ club If care isn’t taken, Hercules would lose his position to Giovanni It seemed like

the mafia group wasn’t al all coordinated

Charles failed in business and he still failed in the mafia world But was that the case? Or was he doing

it intentionally? Was he trying to ruin Hercules? Was he lhe spy?

“I’m warning you again, Don. Let her go Grey was slowly running out of patience

Don laughed “Or what?

The men rushed at Grey at once Grey took on one, jabbed him and turned him around I was so last

that others didn’t see if coming

Grey felt so angry now

He threw the man off the floor and dodged a blow coming over to him, only to kick the attacker away As

much as he was angry, he didn’t want to hurt his men It was very frustrating

“What the fuck is happening here? Another voice roared in the air and the men pulled away

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They parted the way for a tall and thick man to walk through The man hesitated and a flicker of emotion

passed through his eyes as he watched Grey

Grey recognized him instantly He was the man he injured and had to pay for his hospital bills He told

him to call Alfred

“What are you doing here?” He stultered as he stared at Grey who was still holding one of the men and

pulling its arm so tight that it almost came out of its socket

Grey pushed the man away “Where’s Don? He went inside now You need to take me to him

“Who’s the man, Richard** One of jhe men asked, with confusion written all over their faces

Richard siched and walked closer to Grey Whal is this all about? What happened between you and

Don this hme?

Grey was still annoyed and his teeth were clenched ‘There’s something I need to tell you right now in

private and you have to hurry because it a single hair on Caramel gets harmed. I’m going to clear your

group off jhe surface of the earth!” He threatened angrily and walked towards the bathroom

Richard doesn’t know what it was all about but he feared Grey because he was skilled in martial arts

He wanted to stop him and let him know that he shouldn’t mess with Hercules’ group but Grey was

already walking away So, he decided to follow quickly Meanwhile, he turned toward one of the men

“Go to Don and lell him I’m begging for him not to louch the lady Tell him I will see him soon'” The man

bowed slightly and hurried oway