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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84: Open Secret Grey regarded her for a moment. “I’m Grey, the husband of your friend.”

Caramel sighed, frustrated. “You didn’t get beaten. I heard you when you were speaking with Don.

There was no way you would have talked down like that to him. And today, why did Smith turn back?”

Grey sighed.” I have no idea what you are talking about. These people drugged you, you could have

been hallucinating. Your ears might be playing tricks on you.

Caramel shook her head once. ” I know what I heard, Grey but you aren’t saying the truth. Who are you


Grey watched her for a moment.” No one, Caramel. There’s nothing to know about me. I’m just a poor

live in son in law that is thriving to live,” he acknowledged.” I mean aside from the fact that Mr. Alfred

seemed to know my father, there’s nothing else.”

Caramel felt like she was slapped. She couldn’t stop thinking about it and she was sure that he was

lying. She only needed to find the right answer. She nodded briefly and pushed the matter to the back

of her head. “Will you take me out tomorrow then?” Grey shook his head slightly. “Not a good idea. I’m

still going to be facing some problems with Lucy. I won’t be able to go anywhere unless it’s all settled.”

“Why are you adamant about Avery anyways? She doesn’t even love you. Or do you love her?” Grey

smiled.” That’s not supposed to be an issue. I will call you at my

convenience, how about that?”

Caramel smiled as well.” Fine,” she opened the door and got down. Grey watched her drive off before

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he took a turn and headed towards Alfred’s restaurant.

Seth has been avoiding Nora and has not been attending any social gatherings like he used to do.

Nora found this weird and decided to go see him at home. Seth spoke with Chris and begged him to

lend him more money but Chris told him that he couldn’t do it.

So, he was at a dead end. There was no one to help him and he had to think about it very well because

his decision might make or mar him. The door opened suddenly and Nora walked in. “Seth,” she called

softly but Seth was lost in thoughts. He only jerked up after she touched him briefly by the shoulder.

“Nora?” He called as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. “What are you doing here?” Nora sat beside him.

“Is something worrying you? It’s Saturday after all. Why are we not partying? You’ve been avoiding me

for days now, what is happening?” Seth regarded her for a moment and slowly shook his head.

“Nothing, everything is fine. I just had some issues with work. But it will be resolved soon. Should we

go to the cinema now? There’s someone I need to meet late at night,” he saw the look on Nora’s face.”

Business related. Maybe by tomorrow, we can go to the club. How about that?”

Nora finally smiled.” This is great! Let me change into something else,” she sat up. Seth raised

confused brows at her. “To your house?” “No, you got me some dresses in case I slept at your place.

Have you forgotten already?”

“Oh, yeah,” Seth nodded quickly and looked away. Nora regarded him for another moment. “Are you

sure everything is alright?” She was indeed worried as Seth was acting very strange. “Everything is

fine,” Seth affirmed, with a fake smile. Surely, nothing was fine and he felt like he was walking on ice


It was very late at night and as Grey walked out of the bar, a car pulled up in front of him.

Grey didn’t ask any questions and instead maneuvered around the car and got

into the passenger’s seat.

Don pulled out of the vicinity. “Are you ok, Boss?” Grey nodded briefly. “Why did you want to see me?”

Don pulled off at a secluded place and turned to look at Grey. “I’m sorry about the other time. I

sincerely didn’t know you were the one that Smith was talking about.”

Chantel 84: Upei Spoet

Grey nodded briefly.” It’s ok. I wasn’t offended. Anything else?” He asked tiredly. He was very tired

already. He couldn’t wait to go home and rest.

Don regarded him for a moment. “Are you really Avery’s husband?” There was a kind of expression on

his face as he asked the question.

Grey found his question weird. “Did something happen?” Don released a sigh.” I think you should

beware of Smith, Boss. If I’m not being too forward, may I ask you how you became the son-in-law?”

Grey squeezed his forehead.” Is there something behind the question? If there is, you should split it

instead of asking me more questions.”

Don nodded briefly,” Smith told me some things about his in-law. He told me how you became the son-

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in-law and the reason why he did it,” he regarded Grey for a moment.” Seth took you from the floor

after you were drunk and made sure you woke up beside Avery. Well, you guys might have had

something together under the influence but Smith used you,” he revealed.

Grey couldn’t believe his ears for a moment.” Are you sure of what you are saying?”

Don nodded once. “I’m very sure. Smith wouldn’t have lied to me concerning this. We had an

agreement. He promised to give me a lot of money if I could help him always. And he told me that he

needed to take over one company and then, he would do me very well,” he explained.

Grey blinked once. He was still shocked at the revelation.” Smith told you that my meeting with Avery

was a setup?”

“Yes, he did this so that Mr. Lucy would withdraw his decision about making Avery the heiress to his


Grey couldn’t believe it. He remembered anyways that he got the beer and settled outside the bar. And

he had tried to think of how he entered the hotel, how he entered Avery’s room but the memories were

very shady.


Who would have imagined it was Smith that actually took him to the room? And even called Lucy that

morning despite Avery’s pleading. It was at this moment that Grey was determined to make sure that

Smith regretted what he did.