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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94: last chance Grey didn’t know if he was supposed to stand and leave quickly but Audrey

was fast approaching Meanwhile, Nora was still pinning him down by the chair and he would need to

pull her away if he wanted to leave. That might also cause a commotion and Audrey might eventually

be able to see him. He didn’t want him to give off who he really was. Audrey knew him as Hercules and

of course, knew what he looked like but he didn’t know that he was Grey fox, the live-in son-in-law of

Robinson. “You didn’t have to do this, Nora and it’s so bad of you,” Grey told her softly. Nora smirked

evilly, a dark side that Grey had never noticed until recently. “A loser doesn’t give advice,” she opined,

with slightly raised shoulders. Seth’s phone rang suddenly and he turned around, towards Audrey. Grey

averted his gaze away from Audrey, and instead tried to look at something


Seth turned to look at Nora, “We need to leave now. We should leave our poor guest till next time,” he

informed and held Nora by the waist. Grey teeth clenched even harder at the action. “Yes,” Nora

laughed. “Let’s go, darling,” she didn’t spare another glance at Grey before she moved closer to Audrey

with Seth.

“Hi, I have a VIP suite awaiting you. I will join you in a jiffy,” Seth announced. Audrey nodded and

turned to walk deeper into the suite while Seth led Nora out of the building. It was at this time that Grey

stood up as well. His phone rang as he walked out of the building. It was an unknown caller. Grey

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looked up just as he saw Seth kissing Nora before he pulled back for the car to pull out into the street.

Then, he turned around, his gaze hovering over Grey for a moment before he smiled and walked


“You know, it was initially surprising that you could come to a place like this, but then I remembered that

your dead father was a friend to Mr. Alfred. And you seemed to want to misuse the opportunity,” he


Grey scoffed.” Actually, I think that advice should be yours. Perhaps, there are



people you should apologize to before it’s too late,” he hinted in a deep voice. Seth regarded him for a

moment as if he was thinking about it. Then, he smiled softly and took a step closer to fill the space

between them. “You? Do you mean I should ask for your forgiveness, dear Grey?” There was a smug

on his face, as he brushed off invisible dirt off Grey’s suit. “You know what? I was planning on letting

you off the hook but I don’t think I will be doing that again.”

Grey giggled.” Off the hook? What do you mean by that?” Seth smiled broadened.” You will soon get

the meaning of it and by that time, I hope you don’t think of committing suicide because I’m really going

to make your life a hell,” he threatened. Grey smiled. ” Nice one, Seth but I don’t think you are in the

best position to say that. Your life is going into ruin, you will soon find out.” Seth held him by the collar,

furious.” What did you just say?” “I meant that you should watch out because I’m sending the police

over tomorrow morning.” Seth raised skeptical brows at him.” Do you think you can threaten me? I will

make you go back to the trenches that you came from, you rag of a thing!” He snapped. Grey smiled.” I

would like to see you try but just have it in mind that I’m coming for you. And I have evidence of your

involvement in the assault. Like I’ve said earlier, you should be watchful.”

Seth felt a quick stab of annoyance and he felt like crushing Grey at that instance. “Shut up! You can’t

threaten me! You are nothing but a live-in son-in-law! You are useless and very poor! A delivery man

that wouldn’t have been able to get past anything good if it wasn’t for Avery.” Grey shook his head

away from his shirt. ” Well said, Seth. You just wait and see who gets the gold medal,” he smiled and

walked past him towards the car. Seth regarded him for a moment in annoyance before his phone rang

suddenly. It was Audrey and it was probably a reminder that he was waiting and he needed to be fast

about it before Hercules got caught on him. The fact that Hercules hasn’t contacted him shows that he

doesn’t know anything just yet. He wouldn’t know what had hit him and before he discovered it, Seth

would have flown out of the city with Nora. Grey entered the car, just in time for the phone to start

ringing again. It was still an unknown caller. But this time, he decided to pick it up.

“Hello, who is this,” Grey inquired immediately.

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There was low breathing on the other side as if the person was contemplating either talking or not.

“Hello,” a deep voice boomed. The speaker cleared his throat meaningfully, “I am Lan, you gave me

your contact.” Grey made a quick calculation and his eyes went wide with surprise. “Audrey’s


There was a long silence. “Yes, this is me. I’ve decided to work for Hercules. He’s the best around here

anyways,” he explained.

Just as Grey was about to say something, a knock sounded on the door, interrupting him for a moment.

He looked up and realized it was Caramel.

His eyes almost went out of their socket. What was Caramel doing at that time of the night?

Grey raised a hand to indicate a wait sign for Caramel. “If you help me, I will grant your wish,” Grey

muttered. “Thank you so much, Hercules. I’m so glad but I don’t want money or anything aside from my

family,” he revealed. “Your family?”

“Yes, Audrey has my family. I don’t know where they are but he threatened to kill them if I betray him.

Please, I will gladly work for you. I’m not going to give you conditions but I would really be happy if you

can save my family. My wife and daughter mean a lot to me,” he expressed and Grey could hear the

strain in his voice and the fact that it looked like he was trying to hold back the tears.

Caramel knocked even harder, as a reminder. She had this bright smile on her face that Grey loved.