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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 100
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Patrick raised his brows in surprise. He could not care less about the news, but he seemed to have

forgotten Hector.

Why is he watching the news? Didn't he just regain consciousness not long ago?

Thinking of this, he had a feeling that it was Alice who showed Hector the news.

In the past, when Hector's health condition was better, Hector was not interested in entertainment news

at all, let alone accompanying Alice in watching the humdrum gossip.

Now, Hector had no choice but to allow Alice to do anything to him. Thinking of the possibility, Patrick

could not help but let out a smile.

He could imagine Hector's disdainful and helpless expression at the same time.

“Are you there, Pat?” asked Alice, sensing that Patrick was not giving her any response.

Alice's voice pulled Patrick back to reality. “I'll be there tonight, Grandma. See you.”

Looking at the phone, Alice turned to Hector, who was still staring and pointing at the television. He

seemed so agitated that he could fall from his wheelchair at anytime.

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“Calm down, Hector. Pat told me he'll explain to you tonight.”

She sighed for some reason after she finished her sentence. Hector prefers Felicia. However, I think

that Gwen is a suitable candidate too. Although she has given birth to three children, the Lowen family

is not in dire need of money. We definitely can raise her children. After marrying Pat one day, it would

be great if she could bear children for him.

Hector turned to Alice, and his hands trembled as he tried to convey something.

She then noticed that it was an irrational act to get Hector to watch the entertainment news with her.

Alas! Look at him! He has become overemotional now. It will be bad if he experiences cerebral

hemorrhage again.

Then, Alice stood up and pushed Hector's wheelchair out of the building with the help of a


It was a bright and sunny day outside. Walking in the garden, she felt comfortable as warm beams of

sunlight shone on her skin.

“Since you've gained consciousness, you have to get well soon, Hector. Pat can decide on his own.

Why don't you accompany me more? We can't leave him alone in this world.”

Patrick's parents died at a young age due to an accident. Hence, Patrick was the only child left in the

Lowen family.

Alice and Hector cared for and loved Patrick. They were reluctant to leave him alone.

Hector grinned as he heard Alice's words. Although he could not speak and walk, he was still


Recalling that he had scared Alice with his agitated expression, he decided to calm himself down so

that she would not be worried about him.

He raised his hand gingerly and grabbed Alice's hand the next instant. Soon, an air of peacefulness

enveloped him.

Alice smiled upon seeing this and put her other hand on his.

“Does it mean you understand me now? Stop messing around, Hector. Let's wait for Pat tonight.”

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Gwendolyn brought Juliette and Camille to the hospital during the lunch break. She had taken a one-

hour leave. After the IV drip, she sent them back to her house and returned to work.

It was three in the afternoon when she arrived at the office. Then, she pushed open the door of the

CEO's office and said, “I'm here on time, Mr. Lowen. Don't reduce my pay.”

Before leaving, she had informed him that she would be off work for an hour, and he could not deduct

her wage. For this, she had to work overtime that night.

However, she did not see Patrick in the office, but only Felicia, sitting on his chair with her back facing

the table.

Hearing Gwendolyn's voice, Felicia turned around, raised her eyebrows, and flashed a smile at

Gwendolyn before saying, “How's the feeling working for the others, Gwendolyn? What a pity you're

putting in such a great effort in exchange for such a meager earning!”

After that, Felicia raised her hand and admired the luminous diamond on her finger.

She continued, “Ah! I remember that you've got three children who need you! Hmm, you can't lead a

relaxed life at all. Why don't you look for a father for them? The man of yours shouldn't have died yet.

He's around seventy years old, and I believe he's got a generous retirement pension.”