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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 111
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Felicia was welcomed warmly by the Ashtons. Leroy, who sat beside her, even poured her a glass of


Leroy said, “You should have a glass of wine, Fel. It's Nic's birthday, after all.”

The treatment surprised Felicia. Uncle Leroy usually treats me like air. I can't believe he's personally

pouring me a glass of wine.

Her brows scrunched slightly in confusion.

Hmm, Mom's here. I guess everyone knows where I went today. Well, they'll be busy flattering me now

that I'm the future Mrs. Lowen!

Felicia began assuming an air of arrogance. Instead of finishing the entire glass of wine, she merely

took a small sip of the liquor whenever someone toasted her. Still, no one dared to call her out on her


On the other side, Gwendolyn busied herself comforting Lucy over text. She remained oblivious to the

happenings at the table.

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Nicolette leaned closer to Gwendolyn and whispered, “What are you doing, Gwen? Look at how

pleased Felicia is with herself. I merely wanted to bankrupt her and dent her wallet. I didn't think the

situation would turn out like this. Ugh, look at how everyone's flattering her. It's disgusting!”

Only then did Gwendolyn raise her head. Everyone was licking Felicia's boots. Some attempted to pry

information out of her about the Lowen family.

Felicia uttered, “I'm sure Patrick would love to meet you all, but he's a stickler for ethics, and I doubt

he'll bend the rules on my behalf.”

Her message was loud and clear; knowing Patrick as a concerned relative was more than welcome,

but business opportunities were out of the question.

Zachary announced coolly, “Don't make things difficult for Fel. She just started seeing him, and all of

you are clamoring for benefits from their association. You'll become the Lowens' relatives once they're

married. What's the rush?”

The ghost of a smile curved his lips but he covered it up by taking a sip of his wine.

“My daughter is an excellent girl. Naturally, she would attract a good match,” he added.

Zachary's gaze strayed to Gwendolyn then. This girl is nothing compared to Fel.

Gwendolyn sensed her father's sneering gaze but opted to ignore it. I came for Nic and Nic alone. I can

swallow my indignity today. I don't plan on seeing these people ever again.

Suddenly, Felicia asked, “Nic, what did Gwen give you? She's raising three kids now, and I doubt she

can afford to give you anything lavish. You must be more understanding.”

Candace and Felicia played tag on bringing up Gwendolyn's children. They loved to reopen old


Nicolette rolled her eyes at Felicia and declared, “As long as it's Gwendolyn's gift, I'll love it!”

“Take it out then! Show us!”

Felicia stretched her hand out, determined to humiliate her half-sister.

Gwendolyn's phone rang just then. Seeing Patrick's name on the screen, she answered the phone, too

scared to reject his call.

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Now that she was his personal secretary, she was practically at his beck and call. He was paying her a

large salary to keep it this way.

Gwendolyn answered the call, “Hello.”

“Where are you?”

Patrick's cold voice drifted through the receiver. Gwendolyn glanced at the table before whispering,

“Did you need something, Mr. Lowen?”

“Where are you?” he repeated.

At that, Gwendolyn frowned. Why can't he answer me instead of stubbornly repeating his question?

“I'm at Amaranthine.”

“Okay. I'll come and get you. I'm craving mulled wine; make some for me tonight. Right. You'll need to

cook and clean my house after work from now on.”

He hung up without awaiting her reply, and Gwendolyn's frown deepened.

Well, I do owe him more than one hundred thousand. I can't avoid the physical labor tonight. Things

were merely relaxing for me because he had been overseas.

In the meantime, Nicolette had raised Gwendolyn's gift and declared, “This is Gwen’s present. I'm

opening it when I get home. I'm not showing it to any of you.”