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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 136
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On Saturday, Gwendolyn received a call from Lillian while she was still in bed.

“Gwendolyn, don't forget to gather at the lobby at noon later.”

Gwendolyn knew her class monitor had always been a responsible person. The latter had never

changed since she knew her.

She had to admit that someone like Lillian was born to be a natural leader.

“Got it, Lillian.”

After ending the call, she let out a long sigh. She didn't want to attend the reunion, but it seemed that

she had no choice now.

Struggling to get out of the bed, she picked a more reserved swimming suit and changed into black

sportswear. Before she left the house, she put on a cap and wore it underneath the hood of her jacket.

With that outfit, she looked youthful and dazzling. The three children followed behind her. Juliette


“Gwen, what is a class reunion? I want to go, too!”

Gwendolyn put her bag on the passenger seat in her car and looked at Juliette whose hair was still

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messy. The latter looked adorable in her pajamas with a duckling design.

“It's like you and your classmates gather together many years later when all of you have grown up.”

Juliette nodded. “I see. That's when little Juliette becomes big Juliette!”

Gwendolyn smiled, caressing her daughter's cheek.

“Yes. That's what I mean!”

Justin looked worried. “You don't know how to swim. Remember to ask for a pool float when you go

somewhere deep.”

Julian also raised his brows and chimed in, “Show us your swimming suit. You can't expose too much


Gwendolyn was dumbfounded. Are these two boys worried about me now? She shrugged her

shoulders helplessly.

“Don't worry. I'll take care of myself, and my swimming suit is the most old-fashioned one!”

At that moment, Gwendolyn could already imagine what would happen when Juliette started dating in

the future. Under the strict supervision of her two brothers, Juliette might have a hard time meeting a


She urged her three children to go home. “Stay at home. Camille will send you guys to the training

class in the afternoon.”

Then, she drove off in the direction of Anderson Hot Spring Villa. It was in a county that was famous for

its hot springs.

As soon as she got herself on the highway, her phone rang. She answered it immediately without

looking at the caller ID.


She was wearing Bluetooth earphones, as she was afraid of being caught violating the traffic rules.

“Gwendolyn, don't forget that you still owe me one hundred and nineteen thousand. It's almost noon.

Why aren't you here to make me lunch yet?”

Gwendolyn didn't have to work on the weekend, but Patrick had never asked her over to make meals

during the past weekends. Hence, she assumed she could have a break on the weekends.

His call frustrated her. She wouldn't have agreed to attend the class reunion if she had known she

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could use that as an excuse.

“I'm sorry, Mr. Lowen. I have a class reunion today, so I need to take a day off.”

She was already driving on the highway. It wouldn't be practical to go back now. Moreover, Lillian had

been urging her to attend. It wouldn't be nice to be absent.

On top of that, Lillian had told her that everyone attended the class union every year except for her.

It sounded as though they were looking forward to seeing her.

Patrick frowned upon hearing her. “A class reunion? Didn't you say you have never attended school?”

He remembered she had once told him that.

Gwendolyn couldn't help cursing at him the moment she heard him. D*mn! You've never attended

school yourself! Your family is all an illiterate bunch of fools!

“Mr. Lowen, I attended high school. So, isn't it normal to attend a high school reunion?”


Gwendolyn felt like retorting at him, as the way he treated her was like he was checking up on her.

“Mr. Lowen, this is my personal matter. Can I not talk about this?”

She felt like hanging up on him at that instant. This man is such a pain in the ass!

“Sure. Perhaps I should get Camille to be my personal secretary. Enjoy your class reunion, then!”