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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 1490
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Chapter 1490 The Woman in the Purple Room

Joseph thought for a moment and said, "Sure. You can check on her and see if her

condition is suitable for taking ovulation injections."

Olivia nodded.

Joseph said, "Follow me."

Olivia quickly responded.

She didn't expect it would be them going to see the woman. It seemed like Joseph cared a

lot about her.

What kind of woman could she be?

Though she had been a part of the Double Dragon Court for so many years, she had never

heard of Joseph having someone he liked.

With doubts in her mind, she followed Joseph around and arrived outside a room.

He stopped at the door and gently knocked on it, afraid the sound would disturb the

person inside.

"Madison, it's me."

But there was no response from inside the room, as if there was no one there.

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Joseph's face gradually darkened, and he turned to the bodyguard at the door and asked,

"Isn't Maddy inside?"

The bodyguard hurriedly bowed and replied, "Mr. Joseph, Miss Houghton hasn't left the


Upon receiving that answer, Joseph knocked on the door again. "Madison. Maddy, are you

in there? Open the door."

But there was still no response from the room.

Beginning to feel uneasy, Joseph furrowed his brows tightly. Suddenly, he sternly ordered

the bodyguard, "The key."

The bodyguard immediately went to get the key and returned.

After taking the key, Joseph hurriedly tried to open the door with his slightly trembling

fingers. He tried to insert the key into the keyhole several times but failed.

It was clear that he was anxious and panicked.

Olivia's eyes flickered. This is good news!

Joseph Lee also had a weakness.

If she could use it well, perhaps it could help them get out of trouble.

Unfortunately, Joseph's weakness was by his side, and given how much Joseph cared

about her, it might be difficult to approach her alone. They needed to consider their

approach carefully.

While she was lost in thought, the door suddenly swung open.

Joseph anxiously walked in.

However, Olivia stood at the door, looking at the decorations in the room. The

predominant color was a warm purple, and it was on the walls and the bed. There was

even a bouquet of fresh lavender flowers on the table.

The whole room was filled with the fragrance of lavender, which smelled warm and

romantic. Obviously, the owner had put a lot of thought into decorating this room.

Amid all the purple, a girl in a white dress lay on the purple bed with her back to the door.

She didn't react when they entered. It was as if she were asleep or didn't want to turn

around, even if she heard them.


Joseph frowned and went to sit on the bed, seemingly a bit nervous. When he saw the

woman open her eyes, he touched her head.

"Why didn't you respond when you're not asleep?"

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But Madison responded willfully and coquettishly, "I don't want to see you." As she spoke,

she even avoided his hand.

Joseph's hand froze in mid-air, and a violent aura surged through his body.

Both Olivia and Hector, who were in the same room, could clearly feel that.

If this had happened in the past, someone was bound to receive a painful punishment.

Much to their surprise, the man's aura completely converged after he calmed down, and

his voice became even gentler than before.

"Are you still angry? You know I'm worried about you."

Madison remained silent and indifferent.

Joseph asked softly again, "Have you eaten?"

She didn't respond, still motionless.

Joseph continued talking to himself, "I guess you haven't. Would you like something to

eat? I have good news to tell you after you've eaten."

He then instructed, "Bring the meal over here."

Madison refused, "I'm not eating."

He coaxed, "How can your body function properly without eating? Be a good girl and eat a


She stubbornly said, "I'm not eating. I want to sleep if you don't have something to say."