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The Bride’s Revenge

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 In a Matter of Seconds

Fortunately, Lucas did not say much, he just picked up the wine glass and sipped the remaining red

wine inside.

When other people drank red wine, it was a careless, thoughtless act. But it was different with Lucas.

If Marion were to express it vividly, it would be a difference between night and day. To put it simply, he

was elegance and nobility embodied.

“Is there something on your mind?” He had poured about half a glass of wine, swirling it lightly and

looking up at her.

Marion quickly placed her phone in front of him, “I just received one hundred million dollars in my


She had almost forgotten the matter!

Lucas’s expression was unreadable. “Is there a problem?”

“Did you transfer it?”

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“Didn’t you want reimbursement?”

Marion felt the need to explain. “Mr. Craig, you know, among friends, especially close ones, there’s

always some teasing that sometimes goes a little too far.”

“Sorry?” Lucas looked at her and snorted. “So, you mean your friend made an inappropriate joke about


Marion thought about it. “Well… you might understand it that way.

Sorry, Cas, I’ll endure it for now!

Lucas looked thoughtfully at the account information on the phone. After a few seconds, he spoke

again, “But your friend is right. As your husband, I should indeed reimburse you. Otherwise-”

He paused for a moment, “Would your friend suspect the authenticity of our marriage?”

Was their marital relationship not quite obvious? A fake marriage with a realistic facade!

“I think it’s better not to let too many people know the true nature of our marital arrangement. I don’t

doubt your friend’s loyalty to you, but I lack confidence in your friend’s acting skills,” Lucas remarked.

Upon hearing Lucas’s words, Marion felt that something was off, but she could not pinpoint what it was.

She pursed her lips and decided to return the money to Lucas.

Even if they were just acting, one hundred million dollars was not something she could accept!

“I’ve shown the message to my friend. I’ll secretly transfer the money back to you. She doesn’t need to

know,” Marion said.

Chapter 106 In a Matter of Seconds


Lucas gave her a sidelong glance, “Is accepting my money causing you discomfort?”

Marion looked embarrassed, “Well, it does feel a bit uncomfortable.”

It was not her hard–earned money, so she did not dare to use it!

Lucas remained silent, and a brief quietness settled in the room. Marion glanced at her phone on the

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table. She wanted to take it back but felt awkward about it. After a few seconds, she was unable to

resist the urge any longer. She reached out an arm and retrieved her phone.

Lucas’s dark eyes flickered and focused squarely on her face. Marion felt her ears burning. She pursed

her lips and stubbornly spoke up, “I better transfer the money back to you. There are too many scams

nowadays. What if I accidentally fall victim to one? What’s your bank account number?”

She held her phone and gazed at him with her big, round eyes. She seemed particularly skilled at the

tactic, as she blinked her long lashes at him.

Lucas considered himself a strong–willed person, but being looked at that way, in a matter of seconds

he relented. “I’ll get my bank card.”

“Okay!,” Marion sighed in relief.

Honestly, if she had received that one hundred million dollars, she would not have the courage to keep

it. She was genuinely afraid of falling victim to a telephone scam!

Chapter 107 Was She Robbing Lucas?


Chapter 107 Was She Robbing Lucas?