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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

In the evening, Asher’s Rolls-Royce, with the number plate “9999”, was waiting at the

entrance of the KS World Hotel. As soon as it appeared, it attracted countless envious

gazes from passersby.

At the same time, a black Maybach lurked in an inconspicuous corner.

Justin was sitting in the back seat of the Maybach with his thin lips tightly pressed

together. His hawk eyes were locked on the Rolls-Royce.

Not long after, Bella walked out of the hotel, accompanied by Steven.

Justin thought that Anna’s dress was particularly eye-catching. In the past few times he

saw her, she looked beautiful and fashionable in a fitted pantsuit and stilettos. She also

had bold red lips. Her beauty was a little too aggressive.

At this moment, Justin noticed that Anna only had light makeup on her delicate face, and

her hair was let down over her shoulders. She was wearing a well-tailored light blue silk

dress that accentuated her proportionate body perfectly. Her waist was slender, and the

hem of her dress was flowy, which made her look so ethereal and graceful.

Justin’s eyes darkened with a hint of sadness.

Anna had such a beautiful face and perfect figure that she would look good in the most

luxurious designer clothes. But during the three years she stayed with Justin, she only

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wore simple cotton dresses and white sneakers.

Justin could have given Anna whatever Asher

gave her.

But why did Anna restrain herself to that extent during their three-year marriage?

Anna acted like a pitiful doormat. Was she trying to make others think that he was

incapable of treating his wife well?

Seeing his ex-wife getting into Asher’s car, Justin became tense. He ordered in a low voice,

“Follow that car!”

The Rolls-Royce headed toward Hatchbay.

In the car, Bella lifted her chin and proudly took out the financial report she had prepared

for Wyatt as well as her plans for the subsequent business expansion. She handed them to


“Ash, I won the first battle. My results in the past two months have been gratifying, don’t

you think? Aren’t I awesome?”

Asher was flipping through the pages with his left hand and lovingly stroking his sister’s

hair with his right hand. “Our little princess is extremely talented and intelligent. You

achieved what others would normally take a year to do within two months. You are a

natural businesswoman.”

“I’m not a little princess. I’m a queen who will stop at nothing to expand the Thompson

family’s empire!” Bella smiled arrogantly. “When I become the CEO of KS Group, the entire

Hatchbay will be at my disposal. No, not just Hatchbay, but also Savrow. KS Group will

enter Savrow’s market. Salvador Corporation’s monopoly is coming to an end!”

“Very good. You’re just as formidable as the Russian Empress Catherine II.”

Asher nodded and asked with concern, “If you want to enter Savrow’s market, you will

inevitably have to compete with Justin. Will you be able to do that?”

“Of course, I want that.

Bella clenched her fists. Her eyes were gleaming with competitiveness. “I failed in love,

but I ought to win in business!”

“Okay. If you are so determined, I will definitely support you.” Asher looked so handsome

with his gentle smile.

“Ash, how are you going to support me?” Bella’s eyes

“By praying for you, may the Lord bless you.”


lit up

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with excitement.

Bella was speechless.

Not far behind them, a Maybach tailed the Rolls-Royce.

“Mr. Salvador, I think they’re heading to Hatchbay,” Ian said while driving.

“They are.” Justin’s voice was deep.

“Oh! Is Mr. Thompson bringing the young madam to meet his parents? This is terrible, Mr.

Salvador! Mr. Thompson is going to snatch away the young madam! You have to think of a

way to bring her back!”

“She won’t dare!”

Justin’s veins were bulging on his forehead. He said through gritted teeth, “She hasn’t

finalized the divorce with me yet, so she is still my wife in name. How dare she plan her

next marriage? Does she

think that I’m dead?”

He thought, ‘It has only been a few days since her brother injured me, but she ignored me

and went to meet her new lover’s parents! Anna, are you so impatient to get rid of me?

Are you trying every possible means to humiliate me?!’

“But Mr. Salvador, it’s agreed upon that you and the young madam will finalize the divorce

after Old Master Nigel’s birthday. This day will come sooner or later, and you won’t be able

to control her.” Ian sighed helplessly.

Justin’s long eyelashes trembled, and his chest felt compressed.

For some reason, Justin was flustered.