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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

Bella said angrily, “Justin, what on earth do you want before you’re willing to let me go?”

She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. She gritted her teeth and said,

“Do you know how much of a scumbag you are to stalk me like this? I didn’t say that I

wouldn’t take responsibility for your beating. I have asked my secretary to talk to you. So

why are you making a fuss now?!”

“Don’t you want a private settlement? I’ll give you this chance.”

Justin tried hard to calm his breathing. His voice trembled at the end. “If you come out to

see me, I will no longer pursue your brother’s responsibility for assaulting me.”

“You!” Bella gasped in anger.

She thought, ‘Was this pestering and stubborn person over the phone really Justin

Salvador?! I want to dig out his brains!’

“Okay, I’ll come out and see you, but you’d better keep your word and agree to a private


After saying that, she angrily hung up the phone.

As soon as Bella left, Finley called Mila aside and said, “Madam Mila, there is a Maybach

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with the license plate number “A7777″ outside. It has been parked outside our compound

for a long time. Two men in suits have also been standing next to that car this whole time,

staring at our house. Do you think they could be dangerous? Should I activate the security


Mila frowned and said, “Don’t do anything for the time being, and don’t notify the

chairman about this. I’ll handle it.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Finley nodded and left.

Mila hurriedly pulled Celeste and Sasha into the corridor for an emergency meeting.

“Celeste, Sasha, we have a big job to do tonight.”

“A big job?” Celeste blinked her clear eyes and looked confused.

“Mila, tell us what’s going on. Stop beating around the bush!” Sasha asked impatiently.

“That jerkface Justin is here. He’s right outside our gate. He’s probably finding trouble with


Mila lowered her voice. Her eyes were cold.

“What?! That heartless ogre still dares to come here?! I’ll fucking kill him!”

Sasha angrily rolled up her sleeves and turned to leave. Celeste used all her strength to

hold Sasha

back. “Sasha, please don’t be impulsive! If you make a commotion, Wyatt will be alarmed.

Then it

won’t be a secret anymore.”

“But that dirty dog has already come to our door barking. What are we waiting for?! I have

to break his legs!”

Sasha’s eyes turned red with anger. “Bella suffered so much because of him back then.

Now, he abandoned Bella and forced her to get a divorce. How could he trample over our

princess like this? You guys can endure it, but I can’t!”

“We can’t either! But think about it, Sasha. Bella repeatedly asked us not to get involved

in this matter. You’ll only vent your anger temporarily if you beat him up, but it’ll only

cause trouble for Bella. Then Bella will be upset. Bella doesn’t want to be entangled with

him anymore. She wants to have a clean break from him and cut off all ties with the

Salvador family.” Mila grabbed Sasha and spoke anxiously.

“Mila, I don’t think that Justin wants to give up on Bella…”

Celeste pursed her lips and said worriedly, “I’ve inquired about Mr. Salvador and learned

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that he’s quite cold and ruthless. He’s also an ascetic who has never dated anyone aside

from Rosalind Gold. If such a person is willing to drive all the way from Savrow to

Hatchbay just to meet Bella, I feel like there’s something more to it. Do you think he

regrets divorcing Bella?”

“You still call him Mr. Salvador?! He’s an ogre!”

Sasha clenched her fists. “Do you think a heartless man like him will have regrets? Even if

he regrets it, it’s too late! Belated love is worth nothing!”

“I just saw Bella sneaking out. She’s probably going to see Justin.”

Mila was the most thoughtful and careful of the three ladies. She finally thought of

something and smirked.

“Celeste, you stay here to keep an eye on Wyatt and help cover for Bella. Sasha, didn’t

you want to vent your anger on that jerk? I’ll let you draw blood tonight!”

It was the beginning of fall, so the temperature dropped in the past two days. The wind in

Hatchbay was quite strong at night.

Ian shrugged his shoulders in the cold. His boss was standing upright in the cold wind like

a sculpture, looking so aloof and determined to see the young madam. Thus, Ian had no

choice but to stand there with him.

He suddenly thought of an old song that was especially suitable to describe his boss at

this moment.