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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1611
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Bella's arm paused midair, and her gaze narrowed.

Aaron's taunts rubbed Bella off the wrong way, but thanks to her solid relationship with Justin, she had better control over her emotions. She quickly got over the rage.

Though Bella was willing to let things go, Justin was not.

He gripped Bella's hand and pulled her into his arms, his arm firmly around her shoulders. His eyes fixated on Aaron's firmly. "Oh, so this is the value your family adheres to. Here I thought you were cocky and rude." Aaron furrowed his brows. "What did you say?" "Was I wrong?" Justin's authority overwhelmed Aaron. "I don't care how close your families are, but I know Bella is a graceful, intelligent girl with manners. Bella would never turn her back on people unless there was a reason to. You disrespected her, so you're the problem. You're a respectable man who is older than Bella. You're only embarrassing yourself." Bella looked deep into Justin's eyes, her eyes welling up emotionally.

She was tempted to jump on him in public and bombard him with kisses.

"You!" Aaron jolted up from the sofa and glared at Justin.

"Aaron!" Amid the tension, Arnold grimacingly entered the room.

Mila was a few steps behind Arnold.

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She stopped and kept her distance the moment her gaze fell on Aaron.

Upon learning that a member of the Larson family had set foot into the Thompsons' residence, Celeste, Sasha, Amelia, and Steven cout to stop the situation from getting out of hand.

It was uncommon for the Larsons to show up at Yara Park.

Not part of the Thompson family, Justin was unaware of the severity of the matter. However, anxiety gnawed at Bella.

"We can talk outside, Aaron." Arnold approached Aaron with a long face and murmured.

Aaron slipped his hand into the pocket of his pants before slowly turning to face Arnold.

Then ca smack.

The group was lost for words.

Aaron slapped Arnold in front of everyone, and the resounding noise echoed across the room.

"You're an embarrassment! Did you forget what Grandpa and Dad swear on?" Aaron seemed determined to make things difficult for Arnold. Instead of taking their family matters outside, Aaron insisted on causing a scene and picking on Arnold. “Don't think I'm being harsh, especially after you insulted Grandpa and Dad. As your brother, I need to put you place." your Mila's heart went out to Arnold, her favorite nephew, for taking a beating from Aaron.

She called Aaron over, but it never occurred to her that Aaron would be so savage as to hit Arnold at Yara Park.

Unable to hold herself back, Mila went up to defend Arnold.

However, she had taken an oath.

She was no longer a Larson when she left her family to be with Wyatt. The family had nothing to do with her anymore. Arnold clenched his shaking fists and hung his head low.

The confidence and swag he carried were no more.

"Communicate with your words, not fists, Mr. Larson." Bella's eyes were bloodshot from rage. She took a step forward, only to be held back by Justin.

He was not against sticking up for Arnold.

However, Aaron looked like he had lost his mind. Justin was concerned that Aaron might harm Bella.

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"I'm educating my family. Stay out of it." Aaron scoffed and insinuated, "We can't have another shameless and disgraced scum in the family unless Arnold wants to turn his back on the family too. I have the duty to steer him to the right path." The shameless and disgraced scum comment, clearly a reference to Mila, cut her deep. The Thompsons picked up on that.

"Hey! What the hell are you talking labout? Who are you calling shameless and disgraced? I dare you to say that again!" Sasha charged ahead infuriatingly, but Celeste and Amelia held her arms and yanked her back. "I'll crush you. Just try me!" Aaron sneered in disdain.

To him, these women, like Mila, were Wyatt's side chicks. They were not worthy enough to speak to him.

"Stop it, Aaron. You can take your grievance with me." Arnold took a deep breath, his eyes and body strained. "It was my idea. I wanted to be here. I wanted to treat Chairman Thompson. Aunt Mila has nothing to do with any of this. Don't get her involved." "Get out," Aaron reproached sternly.

Arnold did not want to leave.

Nevertheless, his refusal to leave would put Mila and the Thompsons in trouble.

Arnold moved along with heavy footsteps. He quickly turned around and scanned the room.

Asher was not there during Arnold's most difficult moment.

Arnold wondered if Asher would not see him off.

Did Asher not want him anymore? Aaron drew close to Mila with a menacing look.