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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2879
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Chapter 2879 “Yeah, | couldn't get through to my dad before, but I've been giving it my all, haven't 1?” Regina thought.

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She even said she'd pay back all the money her dad owed him by herself. Wasn't that enough? What more did Nolan want from her?” The moment Dahlia saw Nolan approach, she couldn't stop herself from stepping back.

“So, you ditchedfor her? Really? You threw away all our years together, our memories, our love, Nolan. Wow, you've really got snerve.” Nolan retorted, “I've never seen anyone play the victim as well as you do. You know perfectly well why | chose someone else. You just refuse to admit it. Years have passed; it’s high tyou faced the fact that we can’t go back. You made your choice. Are you seriously thinking of backing, out now?” “Yes!” Dahlia surged forward and grabbed Nolan's arm. “Yes, | want to take it all back. | never should have left you to study abroad. Then | wouldn't have cback to find sother woman by your side.

you fall | should've been Mrs. Harris, not her. | was your childhood sweetheart. How could for someone you've only known for a few months? Have you forgotten what she’s done to you?” Tears streamed down Dahlia’s face as the onlookers began to whisper, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like another guy who's changed his tune. They're all the same, aren't they? No good, any of them.” “Maybe most guys are no good, but Mr. Harris here is loaded; he doesn’t need to pull a stunt like this.” “Ever heard the saying ‘with money comes mischief’? And Nolan is filthy rich. Who knows how many hearts he’s played with? Just look at those two beauties, all heartbroken over him. If | were a guy, I'd be living it up too.” A coworker sneered at the man’s comment. “Sounds like you're just bitter because you're not the one with the cash. If you were as rich, you'd probably break more women’s hearts than Nolan! Now you have the nerve to speculate about Nolan's love life? Maybe you've just lived too long.” “You! You women think of nothing but looks and money. Can't you talk about anything else?” “As if you men don’t care about a pretty face and a reputation! Who are you trying to fool?” Regina listened quietly from the side, surprised by all the history between Nolan and Dahlia. But if they hadn’t gotten together after all these years, didn’t that just prove they weren't meant to be? If there was mutual interest, why weren't they together? With this in mind, Regina stepped forward, hoping to calm Dahlia down. There was no need to make a scene in public. After all, Regina was a public figure, and this spectacle wasn’t good for her reputation.

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However, Dahlia insulted, “Oh, cut the act. You're probably thrilled that | got dumped and want the world to know, right? You might even be usingto publicize your marriage to Nolan. As a woman, | know exactly what you're up to.” Regina nearly laughed at the absurdity. If Dahlia hadn't shown up at her company like a madwoman, how would anyone have found out? Was Dahlia suggesting that her barging in was part of her master plan?

“If you can't accept the truth, then let spell it out for you again. Nolan and | are marrjed . Legally rightfully we are husband and wife.I'd

Regina, now heated, didn't care about holding back. She took Nolan's arm firmly standing by him as his wife, and demanded Dahlia leave.

Looking pitifully at Nolan, Dahlia pleaded, “Nolan, are you just going to let her treat me this way? can you really stand by and watchrun away in front of all these people?”