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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2889
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Chapter 2889 But even if it was debt, Francis found it unbearable. Why should their hard-earned Tanner family money go to Nolan? Regina simply wouldn't ask for help; once she’d decided to repay the debt, she wouldn't let her father interfere with her plans.

Just then, Imogen, with her baby bump showing, made her way downstairs. “What's this about? Your daughter finally comes hfor a visit, and you're driving her away? Can’t a family sit down and have a proper conversation?” At the sight of Imogen, Regina nearly rolled her eyes so hard they might've spun right out of her head.

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But she had questions for her sister, so she bit her tongue for the moment.

Francis turned away in disgust. “Do you know what she’s saying? She wants to pay back the Harris family! Can you believe it? My daughter, has she lost her mind? As if the Harris family needs the cash. The loose change they drop would feed the Tanners for a week.

Regina, can’t you think about someone other than yourself for once? Think about the little brother in Imogen’s belly. How can you be so selfish?” Francis shoved Regina hard, and she stumbled before regaining her balance.

All she wanted was to stand before Nolan with her dignity intact, but to her father, this act was sheer selfishness.

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Imogen, ever the gentle soul, cto Francis’s side and soothingly rubbed his chest. “She's young, she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t know how much you've done for this family.

Regina, your father has been worried sick, and you know he’s gone grey just planning your wedding. Now that you're the lady of the manor at the Harris place, you can’t forget who got you there.

Con, apologize to your father, and let's put all this behind us. We're family, after all. What can’t we get through together?” After her spiel, she turned to Francis. “Really, you too. She's hfor once, and before you've even heard her out, you lay into her. Who'll want to chafter that?” “Hmph! As if | need her to chome!” Imogen laughed helplessly, “Who was it that kept wondering if Regina was alright out there, if she was being mistreated by her in-laws? Now your daughter's right here, and you can’t wait to push her away with harsh words? “Don’t sweet-talk me. | was never worried about her.” 1/2 Chapter 2889 Francis’ voice was as chilly as ever. Regina didn’t know if Imogen spoke true or false; had her father ever cared for her while she was away? Or was it just about the money he could wring from the Harris family since she married fo