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The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2890
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Chapter 2890 Regina took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever drama awaited her upstairs with Madeline. It seemed Imogen had cprepared today, and there was no telling what kind of mood Madeline would be in.

But what's done is done, she thought to herself. There's no use fretting over it.now.

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Knock, knock, knock.

“Madeline, Dad's calling you down for lunch. Mom's getting hungry.” The moment Madeline heard Regina's voice, she becirritable. “Alright, | heard you! Just go downstairs.” Regina didn’t wait to see if Madeline actually followed; after hearing her acknowledgment, she rushed back down the stairs.

Imogen looked surprised to see Regina return alone and took a seat at the dining table. “Regina, | sent you to fetch Madeline. Why hasn’t she cdown?” “I called her, and she said she heard me-that's why | cback down.” “Is that so?” Imogen kept glancing upstairs, but there was no sign of Madeline. Regina also shot a quick look upward.

“Did you slack off and not actually call for Madeline? If she heard you, she would've shown up by now,” Francis suddenly interjected, his voice laced with suspicion.

Regina was exasperated. “Dad, what are you talking about? If | were slacking off, | wouldn't have climbed the stairs in the first place. | told you, | called her. If she isn’t here, that’s on her. Why are you blaming me?” Francis slammed his plate down on the table. “Your temper is getting worse by the day.

Do you think marrying into the Harris family makes you skind of big shot? | ask you one thing, and you talk back three. Is that any way to respect your elders?” Regina gripped her bowl tightly, staying silent.

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“Now go back up there and call her again!” Stubbornly, Regina held her ground for a moment before reluctantly heading back upstairs. As she climbed, she faintly heard Imogen chastising Francis.

“Don’t be so hard on the kid. Constantly berating her will only drive her away, and then you'll be upset.” “I'm not berating her; I'm teaching her not to lie If she can’t be honest in her own home, what will she do out in the world? Right now, she’s riding on our coattails, but let's see how she fares in the future...” 1/2 10:40 Chapter 2890 Regina smirked sarcastically. Ever since Imogen got pregnant, whatever she said was met with Francis’s unwavering support.

It was no surprise Imogen was playing the understanding card now, even though they’d had their fair share of clashes. She could always put on a facade of harmony, something Regina admittedly found impressive. Clearly, it was them stirring the pot, but they managed to act as if nothing had happened-a feat Regina couldn’t pull off herself.

This time, Regina didn’t hold back. She pounded forcefully on Madeline's bedroom door, making sure the commotion was heard downstairs.

“What now? Didn't | tell you | heard you?” Madeline's annoyed voice cthrough the door.

Regina retorted with equal irritation, “I don’t care if you heard or not. Get down to lunch. quickly, or your mom might just starve.” At Regina's bold tone, the door flung open. Madeline eyed her up and down, noting that marriage hadn't changed her much. She was still wearing her old clothes. It seemed Nolan wasn’t overly fond of her, which put Madeline at ease.

“So, marrying into the Harris family hasn't taught you any manners, huh?” 2/2